Annual Golf Outing Tees it Up for Pediatric Care

Sunny skies, a fluffy dog and a child who’s thriving after life-saving surgery … it couldn’t have been a better time for the golfers who came together to raise funds to support Cleveland Clinic Children’s.
The daylong outing took place Aug. 28 at Canterbury Golf Club in Beachwood, Ohio, where 36 foursomes teed off, raising more than $280,000. Thanks to the generosity of event sponsors, including Eagle sponsor Gebauer Company, 100% of the proceeds raised will benefit patient care programs and pediatric research for Cleveland Clinic’s youngest patients.
Five-year old Brooks Campbell served as the outing’s unofficial ambassador and successfully made the ceremonial first putt, sponsored by Canon, to kick off the event. When Brooks was 17 months old, he received a life-saving liver transplant from his uncle, thanks to surgeons at Cleveland Clinic Children’s.
This year’s Cleveland Clinic Children's Golf Outing was chaired by Kendra and Mike Howley. “We've supported it for many years and enjoyed becoming more involved – especially because 100% of the proceeds go directly to pediatric care and research,” says Kendra.
Before teeing off, participants enjoyed brunch and met with Kid, one of the specially trained facility dogs at Cleveland Clinic Children’s who was on hand to welcome golfers. After completing their rounds, players were invited to “Putt to Win” by trying to hit bottles of wine and spirits positioned on the green. The 19th hole concluded the festivities with delicious food stations, signature drinks, raffles and contests.
“While golf outings are always popular events, we're grateful for the enthusiastic support from the sponsors and foursomes, which contributed to the special feeling of the day,” says Mike. “It's an honor to continue the family tradition of helping to make a difference in our community.”
The Power of Music in Medicine

A patient at Cleveland Clinic Martin Health had not spoken a word in more than a month due to a debilitating illness. Family members asked Chaplain Rev. David Reeves Jr., if he could play “Amazing Grace”on his wooden Native American flute. He had just started to play when the patient began singing along, to the surprise of everyone.
“I will never forget the look on the faces of the family,” says Chaplain Reeves.
Since joining the Spiritual Care team at Martin Health in 2013, Chaplain Reeves has been fortunate to witness several such moving experiences.
Unique Role of Spiritual Care in Healthcare
During times of poor of uncertain health, death or other heavy moments, patients, visitors and caregivers may seek out spiritual care.
The Spiritual Care team’s support may include prayer, meditation, spiritual or religious readings, relaxation techniques, healing touch, guided imagery or music. Their compassionate care reflects the needs and beliefs of each person. These offerings can be helpful to patients, regardless of their religious beliefs.
As a supervisor, Chaplain Reeves handles the program’s daily coordination and management, as well as doing regular rounds in the hospitals and facilitating a grief recovery class.
He plays more than ten instruments and often incorporates music in his spiritual care at the hospitals, believing that music has an important role in the healing process.
Uncovering Healing Hidden Within
When someone is in need, Chaplain Reeves is there to listen.
“I listen to figure out what someone is wrestling with,” Chaplain Reeves says. “Most people have the answer to how to overcome struggles within, they just need to find it.”
He encourages them and asks them how they overcame challenges in the past. “Did they find comfort and healing from family? Faith? Music?” says Chaplain Reeves. “I help them draw upon their strength to find what may help them through this struggle.”
Gifts of Gratitude
The Center for Spiritual Care at Martin Health provides for the spiritual and holistic care needs of patients, families and Cleveland Clinic caregivers. These services, provided by chaplains, healing service providers and family liaisons, are offered to patients and families free of charge by the support of generous donations.
To provide rapid response holistic care services, the Healing Services and Spiritual Care teams created Code Lavender. This program provides personalized emotional and spiritual support as well as grief counseling within 30 minutes of a healthcare team, patient or family needing additional well-being support. Supportive services are offered for 72 hours after the Code Lavender is called.
Through Code Lavender, a wide range of holistic care services are available to create a personalized experience, including aromatherapy scent sticks; healing stones; yoga; meditation and stress relief education; snacks and beverages; Employee Assistance Program (EAP); and a confidential safe space for staff to distress.
The Cleveland Clinic Florida Spiritual Care Department and Office of Patient Experience hope to expand Code Lavender by incorporating therapies and tools to relieve caregiver stress, assist with preventing burn out and provide comfort and relief to those experiencing compassion fatigue. Some of these therapies include music therapy, art therapy, pet therapy, reiki, meditation and massage therapy.