
Cleveland Clinic Twinsburg Family Health & Surgery Center is committed to serving the healthcare needs of the community through advanced specialty care, primary care, and surgical services at its state-of-the-art facility. Equipped with the latest technologies, this family health and surgery center allows our experienced physicians and medical staff to provide you with world class care.
Twinsburg Family Health & Surgery Center's Emergency Department 24-hour emergency department with a helipad for critical care transport. This full service ED is staffed and designed to provide quick and easy access for adults and children.
Contacting Twinsburg Family Health & Surgery Center Medical Direction Staff
Communication is a vital part of any EMS Medical Direction System. Knowing whom to contact when you need medical direction/issues is vitally important and can be aggravating at times. Listed below are the various Medical Direction facilities as well as the Medical Directors and EMS Coordinators responsible for medical direction.
Please feel free to contact the appropriate EMS Coordinators if you have questions related to your scope of practice, protocols or any other operational issues.
Twinsburg Family Health & Surgery Center EMS Coordinator
Joe Sisak, EMT-P, EMS-I
EMS Coordinator
Joe has been involved in Fire and EMS for the last 28 years both in the public and private sectors. In the public sector Joe worked for Auburn Volunteer Fire Department, Willoughby and Mentor Fire Departments (part-time) and full time at the Bedford Fire Department for the last 17 plus years. He is a community outreach CPR and 1st Aid instructor, and State of Ohio Continuing Education Instructor for the Bedford Fire Department.
He has worked for the Cleveland Clinic for more than 20 years. He spent some of his last 20 years working in emergency rooms at Euclid, South Pointe and Marymount Hospitals, and was part of the initial team that opened the Clinic Decision unit at South Point Hospital. His most recent position, prior to coming the Emergency Service Institute, he was a lead instructor for the Cleveland Clinic in the American Heart Association department.
Joe has an Associates in Fire Science from Lakeland Community College. He is an American Heart Association Instructor in Heartsaver CPR, First Aid, BLS, ACLS and PALS, and a State of Ohio Fire and Continuing Education Instructor.
He is humbled and grateful for the opportunity to work with and learn from you and the amazing staff assembled. He is a true believer, that what we think, we become, what we feel, we attract and what we imagine, we create. He looks forward to representing the Cleveland Clinic for all that it is and all that it could be, in providing world class care and supporting those that support us and ultimately improving patient care.
Continuing Education
EMS Continuing Education classes are scheduled and conducted at the respective Fire Departments listed under our Medical Direction.
All Pre-hospital personnel are welcome, please call the respective department prior to coming, to make sure the class has not been changed. Any other questions can be directed to Joe Sisak, EMS Coordinator/Educator, at 330.888.4509.
Cleveland Clinic is always available for special lectures concerning cardiac and neuro diseases and disorders. To arrange a Con Ed session at your department, please contact Joe Sisak at 330.888.4509.