Home Care
Skilled home healthcare is provided in the comfort and privacy of a patient's own home. A wide range of services are provided by skilled nurses, home health aides, licensed social workers and physical, occupational and speech therapists. The patient may need care such as dressing changes, instructions on new medications, assessment of a medical condition or therapeutic exercises. The nurse or therapist may come several times a week to assess and instruct the patient in his or her care.
There are many benefits of home care. Most people are more comfortable recuperating in the comfort of their own home. They are less likely to get sick from others and they can often get more rest. Home care can also help manage the patient’s overall health and provide teaching resources to patients and caregivers that allow them to remain safely in their own homes. Our team also helps coordinate additional needs, such as durable medical equipment or supplies.
Specialized home care programs
There are several programs that have been developed for patients who have certain conditions. In some cases, specialized nurses and therapists provide care and consultation for patients. Some of our specialized home care programs include:
- Post open heart surgery.
- Heart failure.
- Stroke.
- Post joint replacement.
- Wound care.
- Ostomy care.
- Pain and symptom management.
Additionally, we work closely with the Center for Connected Care to provide home infusion and respiratory therapies.
For more information about home care services, please call 330.745.1601.
Hospice Care
Hospice is a unique program for terminally ill patients and their families. The focus of hospice care is to help the patient and family with end-of- life decision-making, meeting life's goals, enhancing family relationships and promoting comfort.
Cleveland Clinic Hospice provides care for patients wherever they live. Although home is the primary setting, care can be provided to patients in retirement communities, independence and assisted-living residences, nursing facilities and other settings.
Inpatient hospice services are also available at the Cleveland Clinic Justin T. Rogers Hospice Care Center.
For more information on Cleveland Clinic Hospice, please call 216.444.9819.
Home Respiratory Therapy
Cleveland Clinic's Center for Connected Care provides home respiratory therapy services so you can manage your respiratory conditions where it’s most comfortable and convenient — at home. Cleveland Clinic’s licensed respiratory therapists can bring advanced technology and high quality care to you, wherever you live within our Northeast Ohio service area.
For more information, please call 216.444.4663.
Home Infusion Therapy
Cleveland Clinic's Center for Connected Care provides home infusion services throughout Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland Clinic’s home infusion pharmacy team brings advanced technology and high quality care to you, wherever you live in our seven-state service area. It’s a safe, effective and convenient alternative to inpatient care.
Post-Acute Care
Many patients require short-term nursing and/or rehabilitation care after a hospital stay, especially after recovering from a complex surgery or illness. If a skilled nursing or rehab facility is your first stop before returning home, you want to be prepared on how to decide where to go.
Cleveland Clinic Akron General’s Care Management Department is designed to help patients with their post-hospital needs. Our post-acute care program, through Cleveland Clinic Connected Care, will provide you with a list of available local facilities. Ultimately, though, you have the freedom to choose any facility or provider you would like.
Contact Us
We are proud to serve Summit, Stark, Portage, Medina and Wayne counties.
Visiting Nurse Service
#1 Home Care Place, Akron 44320
Hospice Care
3358 Ridgewood Road, Akron 44333
Additional resources
Since 1982, hundreds of dedicated volunteers have used their talents and compassion to enhance the lives of hospice patients and their families by providing them with companionship and support. These patients depend upon our volunteers to help them maintain their independence and provide them with physical and emotional comfort. We need both patient contact and non-patient contact volunteers.
After completing orientation, training classes and mentoring with a seasoned volunteer, our patient- contact volunteers visit with hospice patients at home, in nursing facilities and in the Justin T. Rogers Hospice Care Center, providing patients with pleasant company while offering caregivers an opportunity to enjoy time for themselves. At the Hospice Care Center they may assist on the nursing unit with reception duties or in the kitchen helping to prepare meals, with meal tray delivery and also with the feeding of patients. In addition, volunteers help families cope with grief and bereavement issues.
Volunteers are needed to assist in all aspects of fundraising, assisting with the planning and executing of special events, memorial services and in addition are in demand to speak to corporate and community groups about our services through our Speaker's Bureau.
We also have a need for volunteers to help with the Hospice Care Center gardens, with maintenance duties and even feeding the birds.
Our volunteers are a dynamic, compassionate group who are dedicated to helping make a difference in the quality of life of others. We invite you to join us.
If you have any questions, please call the Volunteer office at 330.668.4650.