Neurological Institute Outcomes
Neuromodulatory Therapy With Responsive Neural Stimulation
Seizure Outcomes in Patients Undergoing RNS Placement at Cleveland Clinic (N = 45)
2021 Responsive Neurostimulation for Epilepsy Outcomes
The graph shows percent seizure reduction (most recent 3-month patient-reported seizure frequency compared with the preresponsive neural stimulation (RNS) baseline seizure frequency) of 45 patients who were implanted with the responsive neurostimulation device at Cleveland Clinic and had > 6 months of accurate seizure reporting.
Two out of 3 (66%) patients have achieved > 50% reduction in their seizure frequency over time.
Location of Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS) Lead Placement

Responsive neural stimulation (RNS) has 2 active leads per device. Above figure highlights Cleveland Clinic's experience with lead placements in various brain regions, outside of the typical mesial temporal regions.