The Board of Directors is the primary governing body of Cleveland Clinic. The Directors are responsible for Cleveland Clinic’s operations and affairs. The Board of Directors is also responsible for ensuring that Cleveland Clinic is organized, and at all times operated, consistent with its charitable mission and its status as an Ohio nonprofit corporation and tax-exempt charitable organization.
Currently, there are 30 members of the Board of Directors. The Board is comprised of dedicated community leaders who are selected on the basis of their expertise and experience in a variety of areas beneficial to the Cleveland Clinic Health System. Board members serve as volunteers and are not compensated for their services. The Board also includes three representatives from the Board of Governors.
The Board of Directors generally meets five times per year, including an annual meeting during which Officers are elected and Board Committee members are appointed. The Board of Directors currently has the following Committees:
- Audit Committee
- Board Policy Committee
- Compensation Committee
- Conflict of Interest and Managing Innovations Committee
- Finance Committee
- Governance Committee
- Investment Committee
- Medical Staff Appointment Committee
- Philanthropy Committee
- Technology Committee
Governance Policies
Cleveland Clinic is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide compassionate healthcare of the highest quality in a setting of education and research. As the largest employer in Northeast Ohio, Cleveland Clinic is also committed to being a part of the development and vitality of its Northeast Ohio communities.
Cleveland Clinic seeks individuals to serve as Directors and Trustees who are active in our communities. Many of these individuals are business and civic leaders who have executive positions or other relationships with companies or other nonprofit organizations in Northeast Ohio.
From time to time, Cleveland Clinic may do business with these companies on an arms-length basis and consistent with regulatory requirements. In virtually every case, the transaction represents a very small portion of the revenues of both parties to the transaction.
Directors and Trustees are subject to a comprehensive conflict of interest policy that requires disclosure of interests that may pose a conflict. Each transaction or interest is reviewed by the Law Department and the Conflict of Interest and Managing Innovations Committee for potential conflict of interest issues. The Director or Trustee does not participate in the negotiation or approval of such transactions or review of such interests. Directors and Trustees are also subject to the Cleveland Clinic Code of Conduct (PDF).
In accordance with Internal Revenue Service requirements, Cleveland Clinic discloses transactions or relationships with its Board members on its Federal Tax Return - Form 990: Cleveland Clinic Financial Information.
In addition, the Internal Revenue Service requires that nonprofit corporations meet certain governance standards, including Board independence from management. The Board of Directors meets all applicable standards.