Mr. Nance serves as a member of the Executive Group and is the Former Global Managing Partner for Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP, which encompasses 45 offices in 20 countries. He also currently heads the firm’s Sports & Entertainment practice in the U.S. Mr. Nance has played a leading role in many of the impactful economic and community development projects in the Cleveland for more than 20 years. In 2006, his involvement in the sports world led Mr. Nance to become a finalist for the job of Commissioner of the National Football League. His civic leadership has included Board seats on The Cleveland Foundation, the 50 Club of Cleveland, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation and BioEnterprise, Inc., Team NEO, the Ohio Business Roundtable and The Greater Cleveland Partnership where he served as Chairman of the Board and a member on GCP’s Executive Committee. He was also an outside Director for McDonald & Company Investments. Mr. Nance currently serves on the Board of the publicly traded company RPM, International Inc. Among his notable clients are NBA star LeBron James and comedian Dave Chappelle.
Mr. Nance, a native Clevelander is a graduate of Harvard University (B.A. in economics 1975) and holds a law degree from the University of Michigan (1978).
Cleveland Clinic – Director
First Elected to Cleveland Clinic Board in 2005
Board Committees: Compensation and Governance (Chair)
Business Relationships with Cleveland Clinic: Along with several other law firms, Squire Patton Boggs provides legal services from time to time to the Cleveland Clinic at negotiated rates. Mr. Nance does not participate in the negotiation or provision of such services, and his activities on behalf of the Cleveland Clinic and its affiliates are solely in his capacity as a Director.