During a kidney donation, a surgeon removes a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor and transplants it to a person with kidney failure. You must be at least 18 to donate a kidney. A healthcare provider can explain the process and associated risks.
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A kidney donation is a type of surgery that removes one kidney (in case of a living donor) or both kidneys (in case of a deceased donor) and transplants them to someone whose kidneys don’t work anymore. People with one working kidney can still live long, healthy lives.
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Donating a kidney helps the recipient manage kidney failure (renal failure). Kidney failure is when both of your kidneys stop working as they should — they’re part of your urinary system, and help filter waste products and excess water from your body, which leave your body through urine (pee).
Kidney function is also important in balancing your electrolytes, like potassium, sodium and controlling your blood pressure. That’s why people with kidney failure experience fluid/water retention, causing swelling (edema) in their legs and an accumulation of fluid in and around the lungs (pleural effusion) and the heart (pericardial effusion). This makes it difficult for the heart to function, causing heart failure. Potassium can reach a dangerously high level, causing fatal heart arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat) leading to sudden cardiac arrest. This is why kidney failure is fatal without treatment. If you have kidney failure, you need dialysis to take over your kidney function or a kidney transplant.
In 2022, surgeons performed more than 25,000 kidney transplants in the United States.
Kidney donations may come from a recently deceased or living donor. There are two kinds of living kidney donations:
Other types of kidney donation include:
You must meet several conditions to be a living kidney donor, including:
In the United States, you can register to be a kidney donor through Donate Life America. In many states, you can also register through your local motor vehicle department.
A healthcare team may order the following tests before you can donate a kidney:
Most people wait an average of three to five years on a kidney transplant list. But you may wait longer. A kidney donor match is most likely to occur between biological relatives. A match between a parent and child is at least a 50% chance. Biological siblings have a range of compatibility. Some are a perfect match, while others aren’t compatible at all.
A kidney donation care team typically consists of:
The anesthesiologist will sedate you with general anesthesia. You’ll be asleep, won’t move and won’t feel any pain during the procedure. The anesthesiologist will usually review your health records before surgery to ensure you won’t have any problems with anesthesia. After you’re asleep, a provider will insert a Foley catheter to drain any pee from your urinary bladder. The catheter will remain in place during surgery and for 24 hours after surgery to monitor your urine output.
A radical nephrectomy is the name of the procedure to remove your entire kidney. The urologist typically removes a kidney. They usually use a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach. A laparoscope is a thin, metal surgical tool with a light and camera at the end. During a laparoscopic radical nephrectomy, the surgeon will:
In some cases, the urologist may need to use an open approach to perform a radical nephrectomy. During an open radical nephrectomy, the surgeon will make one single incision of about 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) in your side. With a larger incision, the surgeon has a better view and more access to the surrounding access. Less than 5% of all nephrectomies use an open approach.
After removing your kidney, your care team will transport it to the kidney recipient. The kidney recipient is usually in a nearby operating room in the same hospital. Another surgical team will operate on the recipient and complete the transplant.
A kidney donation surgery usually takes two to three hours.
After kidney donation surgery, the care team will:
Most people stay in the hospital for two to three days. You may feel pain, tenderness or itching in your incision site(s) for a few days. It’s also common to feel fatigue the first few weeks after a kidney donation.
Once the care team determines that you no longer require monitoring, they’ll let you go home (discharge you). You’ll need a family member or friend to drive you home. It’s a good idea to have someone help take care of you for at least a week after donating a kidney.
Schedule an appointment with the transplant surgeon and a doctor who specializes in treating kidney conditions (nephrologist) in the first week after discharge. You must schedule appointments with your transplant team for the first two years after your donation. Your appointments occur at six-month, 12-month and 24-month intervals. You must also schedule follow-up appointments with your primary care physician (PCP).
Many living kidney donors find it rewarding to donate a kidney to a loved one. It can be challenging to see a family member deal with kidney failure symptoms and dialysis. By donating a kidney, you can see your loved one’s symptoms improve firsthand as they return to the everyday activities they used to enjoy before their kidneys stopped working. They also no longer need dialysis.
Some people who receive a kidney from a deceased donor have mixed feelings because they know that someone had to die for a kidney to become available. It’s helpful to remember that many donor families feel a sense of comfort and peace knowing that their loved one’s death can help others.
There are also benefits to kidney recipients. The main benefit of a kidney donation for a recipient is that it helps treat kidney failure. A successfully transplanted kidney filters waste products and excess fluids from your blood. You also won’t need to continue dialysis.
Those who receive a kidney from a living donor reap other benefits, including:
Living donation surgery is also an elective surgery. That means the surgical date is set, and the kidney recipient is well-prepared for surgery.
Studies show that donating a kidney doesn’t decrease the lifespan of living donors. Donating a kidney also doesn’t increase your future risk of kidney failure.
On the rare chance that kidney failure occurs at any point in your life after you donate a kidney, living organ donors are at the top of the donation list. You’ll receive a kidney transplant quickly.
Kidney transplants have a high success rate. Studies show the survival rate for kidney recipients is:
Like any surgery, donating a kidney has surgical risks, including:
You’ll also lose some kidney function after a kidney donation. This sounds scary. However, after surgery, your remaining kidney will get bigger and stronger to compensate.
Side effects of living with one kidney are rare, but may include:
Most donors adopt a healthy lifestyle after donation. This positively impacts their overall health.
Most people can resume their usual activities about four to six weeks after a kidney donation. After surgery, you shouldn’t:
Most people who donate a kidney can return to school or working in an office setting in a few weeks. If you have a more physically demanding job, you may need four to six weeks before you can return to work. A healthcare provider can give you a better idea of your timeline.
Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your care team to examine your incisions. A healthcare provider can usually remove staples or permanent stitches after a few weeks.
Contact a healthcare provider right away if you have any of the following symptoms shortly after donating a kidney:
You don’t get any money if you donate a kidney. It’s illegal to receive money in the United States and most other countries to donate a kidney. Living donors generally donate to help a loved one or someone in need.
The transplant recipient’s health insurer covers the medical costs that occur with a kidney donation. However, insurance may not cover nonmedical expenses, which may include:
Deciding to donate a kidney is a big decision, and the process of becoming a donor can take time. You must go through extensive tests to make sure the donation won’t compromise your health. And you must be fully aware of the risks and complications that may arise after donating a kidney. Still, many people willingly and proudly go through the process to save a loved one’s life and celebrate their new, healthy chapter.
Talk to a healthcare provider if you have any questions. They can help you decide if you’re a good candidate to donate a kidney and discuss your risks.
When your kidney disease has become unmanageable, a kidney transplant could be the life-saving treatment you need. Cleveland Clinic can help make that happen.
Last reviewed on 07/11/2024.
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