Brittle diabetes is a term healthcare providers may use to describe diabetes that’s especially difficult to manage. It causes severe swings in blood sugar levels that often result in hospitalizations. Brittle diabetes has several possible causes, and its treatment largely depends on the cause.
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Brittle diabetes is diabetes that’s especially difficult to manage and often disrupts your everyday life. People with brittle diabetes have severe swings in glucose (sugar) levels. The swings can cause frequent episodes of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and/or high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). These episodes may result in frequent hospitalizations.
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Brittle diabetes isn’t an official medical diagnosis — it’s just a way to describe difficult-to-manage diabetes. Healthcare providers may also call it labile diabetes or unstable diabetes.
Brittle diabetes mainly affects people with Type 1 diabetes. But it can affect those with insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes as well. Brittle diabetes often happens due to other physical and/or mental health conditions.
There are several possible causes of brittle diabetes. This is because several factors can affect your blood sugar — blood sugar management is a complex process. Many people with diabetes learn to predict some of these impacts with time and practice. But in the case of brittle diabetes, these issues are often difficult or impossible to predict, leading to glucose swings.
In general, the four categories of brittle diabetes causes include:
Physical conditions that can lead to frequent episodes of high blood sugar include:
These conditions typically cause insulin resistance, which raises blood sugar levels.
Physical conditions that can lead to frequent low blood sugar episodes include:
Certain medications, like long-term use of corticosteroids, can also lead to brittle diabetes.
A variety of mental health conditions can lead to brittle diabetes for different reasons. Examples include:
Aging and issues with memory (like mild cognitive impairment or dementia) can negatively affect your ability to self-manage diabetes. You may be more likely to:
These issues can lead to frequent high and/or low blood sugar episodes.
A lack of insulin access — typically due to high costs — can lead to rationing insulin. This frequently leads to diabetes-related ketoacidosis (DKA) and even death.
Food insecurity also often leads to blood sugar instability. Food insecurity refers to the uncertain or limited access to adequate and safe foods. It’s associated with higher A1C levels in both people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
People with brittle diabetes experience sudden and frequent changes in glucose levels. The swings lead to frequent low blood sugar and/or high blood sugar.
Symptoms of low blood sugar include:
Signs of severe low blood sugar include:
Early symptoms of high blood sugar include:
Symptoms of long-term high blood sugar include:
Long-term and/or severe episodes of low or high blood sugar that people experience with brittle diabetes can lead to certain complications.
If you have frequent low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) episodes, you’re at risk of developing hypoglycemia unawareness. This happens when you don’t experience symptoms of low blood sugar because your body is used to having low blood sugar.
If you have hypoglycemia unawareness, you’re more likely to have severe episodes and need medical help. Severe hypoglycemia is life-threatening. In rare cases, it can result in a coma and/or death if it isn’t treated.
Untreated high blood sugar can lead to diabetes-related ketoacidosis (DKA), an acute (sudden and severe) complication of diabetes. Symptoms include:
DKA is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.
Frequent high blood sugar episodes over time also increase your risk for diabetes complications, like:
Brittle diabetes isn’t an official medical diagnosis, so there isn’t a formal diagnosis process. Your healthcare provider’s main concern will be finding the underlying cause of frequent glucose level swings.
To do this, your healthcare provider may ask you several questions about your diabetes management. They’ll thoroughly analyze the trends in your glucose levels. They’ll also do a physical exam and may recommend certain tests, like blood tests, imaging tests and psychological evaluations.
The treatment for brittle diabetes largely depends on the underlying cause. For example, treating celiac disease with a strict gluten-free eating plan can resolve frequent low blood sugar episodes. Treating thyrotoxicosis with medication or thyroid surgery can resolve frequent high blood sugar episodes.
Other causes, like gastroparesis, substance use disorders and dementia, for example, may be more difficult to treat or manage.
In general, your healthcare provider may recommend the following strategies to better manage brittle diabetes:
In severe cases of brittle diabetes in which the underlying cause isn’t manageable, you may be eligible to receive a pancreas transplant. This typically allows you to no longer have diabetes.
Brittle diabetes isn’t always preventable. But one of the best things you can do to try to prevent it is to see your healthcare providers regularly, including your endocrinologist and primary care physician (PCP). This allows you to stay up to date on your diabetes management — which will change over time — and your overall health.
Brittle diabetes often leads to frequent hospitalizations for severe low blood sugar and/or DKA. It can also result in:
If you have brittle diabetes, it’s crucial to see your healthcare provider regularly to figure out strategies to best manage your blood sugar levels. With proper treatment, diabetes technology and support, many cases of brittle diabetes are manageable.
There are many possible causes and severity levels of brittle diabetes. So researchers don’t know how much brittle diabetes affects life expectancy. But because it’s associated with an increased likelihood of long-term diabetes complications, it may lower your life expectancy. In addition, left untreated, severe low blood sugar and DKA are fatal. It’s important to get care right away if you have these conditions.
It’s crucial to see your healthcare providers regularly if you have brittle diabetes, especially if you have a chronic coexisting condition that’s causing the blood sugar swings. If you notice significant changes in your blood sugar levels, see your provider.
If you have signs of DKA, go to the nearest emergency room. If you have severe low blood sugar, call 911 or your local emergency service number.
Brittle diabetes happens when other conditions or situations make diabetes extra challenging to manage. Having brittle diabetes isn’t your fault. But there are steps you can take to better manage it, like seeing your healthcare provider regularly and following your diabetes management plan closely. You’ll likely need to lean on loved ones for support, too.
Type 1 diabetes can affect your life in many ways. At Cleveland Clinic, we can help develop a treatment plan that matches you and your goals.
Last reviewed on 02/06/2024.
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