Physicians at Cleveland Clinic provide a full range of general gynecologic services for women, from yearly examinations and screenings to highly specialized procedures. General gynecologic problems include abnormal bleeding, chronic pelvic pain, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, loss of bladder control, pelvic floor disorders, problems with pelvic support and pediatric and adolescent gynecology.
Our staff is especially compassionate and skilled in helping parents understand that gynecologic problems are not outgrown – they must be addressed and treated.
Gynecologic problems can surface at any age, from birth through adulthood. More than 500 young women visit the Clinic's Cleveland gynecologists each year for diagnosis and treatment of conditions including birth defects, menstrual disorders, endometriosis, pelvic pain, pelvic floor disorders, hormonal problems and eating disorders. Services include endoscopic examination, laparoscopic surgery and Pap tests and colposcopy to evaluate abnormal Pap tests.
The Center for Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery has been a long-standing referral center for various conditions, including:
Vulvar pain disorders.
Vulvar dystrophies.
Chronic vaginal infections.
Vaginal stricture.
We also offer excellent surgical management for women who have had vulvar hypertrophy, congenital vulvar asymmetry, chronic vulvar irritation, female circumcision and vulvar disorders resulting from excessive androgenic hormones.
With our well-documented record in pelvic organ prolapse surgeries and research demonstrating improvement of sexual function after these procedures, we are qualified to offer services to improve vulvar and vaginal aesthetics and sexual function when medically indicated.
The Vulvovaginal Disorders Clinic strives to provide compassionate, team-based care to people with vulvar and vaginal conditions that may cause acute or chronic pain and sexual dysfunction.
Our team is made up of board-certified Obstetrician/Gynecologists who have obtained additional training and expertise in the management of vulvovaginal conditions. These conditions include:
Our team also works closely with pelvic floor physical therapists. The physical therapists that see these conditions have completed extensive specialized training to specialize in the area of treatment for pelvic and abdominal related conditions.
Appointments and Locations
To make an appointment with the Vulvovaginal Disorders Clinic, call 216.444.6601. Our team sees patients at:
You can now stay connected to your healthcare team through virtual visits, using your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Why go virtual? It's an easy, convenient and secure way to see your provider face-to-face without having to leave home. This saves you travel time, parking fees and time spent in the waiting room — and you can also have a loved one or caregiver join you. If appropriate, you can also get a prescription sent to the pharmacy of your choice.
Many insurance companies cover the cost of virtual visits, so check with your insurance company ahead of time. Interested in getting started? Call your provider to find out what virtual visit options are available.
If you cannot travel to Cleveland Clinic, help is available. You can connect with Cleveland Clinic specialists from any location in the world via a phone, tablet, or computer, eliminating the burden of travel time and other obstacles.
If you’re facing a significant medical condition or treatment such as surgery, this program provides virtual access to a Cleveland Clinic physician who will review the diagnosis and treatment plan.
Following a comprehensive evaluation of medical records and labs, you’ll receive an educational second opinion from an expert in their medical condition covering diagnosis, treatment options or alternatives as well as recommendations regarding future therapeutic considerations. You’ll also have the unique opportunity to speak with the physician expert directly to address questions or concerns.