Program Description

Program Description

A Message From Our Department Chair

Residency training programs are the glue that brings together the best of clinical care, research, and teaching in any academic setting. Service as educators and role models elevates the competence and professionalism of staff physicians. Working with bright and innovative young minds prompts us to re-examine our beliefs, approaches, and processes; in summary, it improves the environment of care for our patients. Under the leadership of Dr. John Lee, Vice Chair of Education, Dr. Geraldine Dapul, Residency Program Director, and thanks to the dedication of our faculty, the Cleveland Clinic PM&R residency program has met and exceeded expectations.

Our residents join over 1,500 trainees within the entire Cleveland Clinic, encompassing 65 different accredited residency programs and over 100 different graduate fellowship programs. Cleveland Clinic is a trusted healthcare leader. We're recognized in the U.S. and throughout the world for our expertise and care. Therefore, our residents train in inpatient and outpatient programs whose clinical excellence is widely recognized.

Academic offerings are another pillar of our residency program. Our trainees are exposed to a wide range of teaching topics during didactics, including care quality, research, and ethical issues specific to our specialty. Starting in 2020, residents are asked, over their three year training period, to complete a research project and to present their findings at local, national, and international rehabilitation meetings. This research initiative is supported by research mentors within the PM&R Department, Neurological Institute, and Lerner Research Institute.

Our innovative training program benefits from the outstanding environment provided by the Cleveland Clinic, the variety of interests and specializations within our clinical faculty, the involvement of an outstanding group of rehabilitation researchers, our partnership with Select Medical which brought us 3 state-of-the-art inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and the support of our local colleagues at MetroHealth Medical Center and at the Louis Stokes Veterans Administration Hospital.

We look forward to welcoming our new promotion of residents, and to witnessing the accomplishments of our former trainees as they embark on their professional journey.

Francois Bethoux | Cleveland Clinic

Francois Bethoux, MD
Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

John Lee, MD

John Lee, MD
Vice Chair of Education

Geraldine Dapul, MD

Geraldine Dapul, MD
Program Director

Matthew Mitchkash, MD

Matthew Mitchkash, MD
Associate Program Director


The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Program offers a three-year ACGME accredited residency. Each year will consist of two residents from PGY 2-4. Applicants will be accepted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).

Inpatient rotations are at the inpatient rehabilitation units of the Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospitals in Avon, Beachwood, at MetroHealth Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio (for SCI and TBI) and at the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center (for SCI). Inpatient PM&R Inpatient Consultations will be at the Main Campus of the Cleveland Clinic.

Outpatient rotations are at the Main Campus of the Cleveland Clinic, various Cleveland Clinic Family Health Centers throughout Cleveland and at the Cleveland VA Medical Center. The Pediatric inpatient and outpatient rotations will be at the Cleveland Clinic Children’s Rehab Hospital.

Electrodiagnostic training will be taught in partnership with the Neuromuscular Center with the Cleveland Clinic’s Department of Neurology and includes a month of dedicated didactic series covering basic clinical neurophysiology, EMG, NCS, neuromuscular anatomy, clinical disorders, and neuromuscular histopathology.

The PM&R core didactic series is in collaboration with the Case Western Reserve University/ MetroHealth PM&R program and is an 18 month cycle, three hours per week. There will be additional sessions of Grand Rounds in PM&R, and City Wide Grand Rounds, Journal Club, Chairman's Rounds, Ethics Rounds, MSK Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound Workshops, and Sports Medicine Conference at Cleveland Clinic facilities.

Application Process

Application Process

We only accept applications submitted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). We participate in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) and the “all-in” policy which requires all positions within a participating program to be filled by the match. We are unable to offer positions outside of the match.

Prior to commencing our residency program, you must have successfully completed 12 months of either ACGME-accredited education in fundamental clinical skills in a residency program located in the U.S. or RCPSC-accredited education in fundamental clinical skills in a residency program located in Canada.

International Medical Graduates must also meet the following qualifications:
  • ECFMG certification
  • Passing all parts of the USMLE (Step 1, 2CK and 2CS) or COMLEX (Level 1 and 2).
  • Cleveland Clinic supports J-1 and H-1B visas if all GME requirements are met.

Learn more about Cleveland Clinic's Graduate Medical Education program.

Important Dates for the 2024 Interview Season:
  • September 15: Applicants begin applying to ACGME-accredited residency programs.
  • Interview invitations will be sent out by the end of October.
  • Virtual Interviews will be held in November and December.
  • Match Day in mid-March.

Contact us by email at





First Year of PM&R Residency (PGY-2)

The majority of this year (8 months) is in the inpatient rehab units: General Rehab and Stroke Rehab at Cleveland Clinic Rehab Hospitals at Main Campus, Avon and Beachwood, SCI and TBI at MetroHealth Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio and Cleveland. Two months will be outpatient clinics and two months will be Hospital Consults at the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus.

PGY-2 8 Months 2 Months 2 Months

(See key below)

(See key below)


Didactic Series (1/2 Thursdays AM)

Second Year of PM&R Residency (PGY-3)

The PGY-3 year consist of 4 months of Electrodiagnosis, which includes a 1 month lecture series, in conjunction with the Cleveland Clinic Neurology Department, 2 months of Pediatric Rehab at the Cleveland Clinic Children’s Rehab Hospital, 2 months of outpatient clinics and 2 months of inpatient rehab.


4 Months

2 Months

2 Months

2 Months

2 Months


(See key below)

(See key below)

-Inpatient (1)
-Outpatient (1)


Didactic Series (Thursdays AM)

Third Year of PM&R Residency (PGY-4)

The final year of residency consists mainly of outpatient clinics (8 months), 3 months of inpatient rehab and 1 elective month.


3 Months

8 Months

1 Months

(See key below)

(See key below)


Didactic Series (Thursdays AM)

Key Outpatient Rotations:

General PMR, Sports Medicine/ MSK, Interventional Pain, Spasticity, Spine, Radiology, Rheumatology, Oncology Rehabilitation, Neuro Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, Chronic Pain Rehab Program, Prosthetics and & Orthotics.

Training Sites
  • Cleveland Clinic.
  • Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital at Avon.
  • Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital at Beachwood.
  • Cleveland Clinic Children’s Rehab Hospital.
  • Cleveland Clinic Family Health Centers.
  • MetroHealth Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio.
  • Cleveland VAMC.
Current Residents

Current Residents



Adam Haniff, MD
Adam Haniff, MD

Medical School: University of Toledo College of Medicine

Madeeha Khan, DO
Madeeha Khan, DO

Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bradenton, FL


Emi Hitomi, MD
Emi Hitomi, MD
Medical School: The University of Toledo

Ozlenen Ince Hocaoglu, MD
Ozlenen Ince Hocaoglu, MD
Medical School: Bezmialem Vakif University School of Medicine


Jeffrey Hsia, MD
Jeffrey Hsia, MD
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Salam Taraben, MD
Salam Taraben, MD
Medical School: Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

Past Residents

Benjamin Burnham | Cleveland Clinic
Benjamin Burnham, DO

Medical School: Ohio University, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Fellowship: Spine Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Logan Maag | Cleveland Clinic
Logan Maag, MD

Medical School: Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Fellowship: Sports Medicine, OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital

Tyler Farley, MD
Tyler Farley, MD

Medical School: Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
Fellowship: Spine Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Nolan Fisher, DO
Nolan Fisher, DO

Medical School: Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Fellowship: Spine Medicine, Barrow Brain and Spine

Adam Abraham | Cleveland Clinic
Adam Abraham, MD
Medical School: University of Toledo
Fellowship: Pain Medicine, Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center

Branden King | Cleveland Clinic
Branden King, DO, MA
Medical School: Ohio University
Graduate School: University of Dayton
Post Graduate Plans: Staff, Cleveland Clinic Foundation



Residents are highly encouraged to produce a peer reviewed publication, research project, or engage in an in-depth scholarly activity during the residency program with the guidance of a faculty mentor. Residents are encouraged to present their research at national meetings and will be reimbursed for travel to any meeting in which they are the primary author of research accepted for presentation. The Department of PM&R and the Neurological Institute will also reimburse for one attendance-only meeting, at a major national meeting in the resident’s final year of training if they have not had the opportunity to attend a previous meeting. All residents are required to participate in the mandatory NI core conference series in statistics, trial design and publications as preparation for their scholarly activity in research.

Resident Life & Benefits

Resident Life & Benefits


A comprehensive description of resident benefits can be found with Cleveland Clinic's Graduate Medical Education Department.

Health Insurance
The Cleveland Clinic Health Insurance Plan is available at minimal cost to you and your eligible dependents. Free on-campus gym membership, Weight Watcher and Curves membership are included with the Cleveland Clinic Health Insurance Plan. Other plans are also available.

Prescription drug benefits are determined by the health plan chosen. All health plans have a deductible, co-pay or both for prescription medication.

Dental Care Plan
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation offers a choice of three plans provided at minimal cost to you and your eligible dependents.

Vision Plan
The EyeMed Vision Care Program is available at minimal cost to you and your eligible dependents. This plan is a materials-only plan which provides savings on prescription eyewear. (Note: routine eye exams are covered through your health plan).

Flexible Spending Accounts
The BeneFlex Plan offers two Flexible Spending Accounts that can help you save money on out-of-pocket healthcare costs and on the cost of providing dependent day care:

  • one for qualified medical expenses not covered by the Health, Dental and Vision programs.
  • one for qualified dependent/child care expenses.

You can use the accounts to set aside pre-tax pay to reimburse yourself for qualified expenses incurred during the calendar year.

Disability Insurance
(LONG TERM) If you meet eligibility requirements to receive benefits from the Long Term Disability (LTD) Program, the LTD benefit is paid for by Cleveland Clinic and replaces 70% of your base pay, for up to $3,000 per month.

Malpractice Insurance
Cleveland Clinic provides malpractice insurance coverage to you, at no cost, while you work within the confines of your training program. Tail coverage is included.

Life Insurance
Cleveland Clinic provides no-cost term life insurance coverage of $25,000.

Emergency Loan
Interest-free loans for up to $2,400 per year are available to you through the GME Department.

Time Away

  • Vacation: 3 weeks (15 paid working days) per academic year.
  • Paid Personal Days: 5 personal days per academic year. Personal days are to be used for taking board or USMLE exams, when too ill to work, or as interview days.
  • Maternity: 12 weeks paid leave.
  • Paternity: 4 weeks paid leave.
  • The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA): entitles all employees up to 12 weeks off, unpaid, after one year of employment. Refer to the Graduate Physicians Manual provided by our GME Department for further information.

Note: Due to specialty Board requirements, if a leave of absence is taken during your training program, your training may be extended to make up part or all of your leave time prior to completion of the training program.

Senior residents are permitted to moonlight with approval by the Program Director.

The 30,000 square foot library facility offers the following services: reference assistance, Medline searches, electronic resources (may also be available from outside the library) and a Learning Resource Center (audiovisual materials, computers, Interlibrary Loans and self-service photocopying.)

Research and Away Conference Sponsorship
Each resident is required to have an academic project presented in the form of a grand rounds, poster or oral platform presentation. Residents are encouraged to submit their work to a national meeting/conference. Eligibility for conference reimbursement includes:

  • Resident is the primary author.
  • Abstract/platform acceptance by sponsoring association.
  • Adherence to the Neurological Institute travel policy.

Resident Social Activities

House Staff Association
The House Staff Association (HSA) represents the resident body of Cleveland Clinic trainees and works to promote well-being, interests and education of Cleveland Clinic residents. For more information, contact

House Staff Spouse Association
The House Staff Spouse Association (HSSA) sponsors many family-friendly events throughout the year at significantly reduced cost. It is also a great resource for spouses and resident parents.

Access the latest issues of the Stethoscoop, the monthly newsletter of the HSSA:

Living in Cleveland
Located on the southern shore of Lake Erie, Cleveland and its many unique neighborhoods offer a wealth of cultural and recreational attractions.

Lakefront and Sports
Our harbor area features the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, the Great Lakes Science Center, Cleveland Clinic OMNIMAX Theater and the Cleveland Browns football stadium. Cleveland is also home to Indians baseball, Cavaliers basketball, as well as Lake Erie Monsters hockey and Gladiators arena football.

Cleveland Clinic is located near University Circle, the city's cultural and educational epicenter, which is home to Case Western Reserve University, Severance Hall (the home of the world-renowned Cleveland Orchestra), Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Cleveland Botanical Garden. Cleveland's downtown Playhouse Square theater district is one of the largest in the country. Restaurants and entertainment venues can be found throughout the region, including the Horseshoe Casino.

Just outside of downtown Cleveland are shopping havens featuring a number of high-end retailers. Beachwood Place, La Place, Eton and Legacy Village are located on Cleveland's East Side; Crocker Park is located on Cleveland's West Side.

Parks and Recreation
The Cleveland Metroparks, the city's “Emerald Necklace”, surround the city and are perfect for golfing, hiking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing and ice skating. The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo now features a new “African Elephant Crossing”. Nearby, Cedar Point amusement park, Kalahari, Wildwater Kingdom Water Park and Lake Erie shores and islands offers year-round fun and relaxation for the whole family.

Living in Cleveland
Whether you want to live downtown or in a historic neighborhood or suburb, Cleveland offers unique neighborhoods, many with convenient public transportation and affordable housing opportunities. Learn more about living, working and playing in Cleveland at This Is Cleveland.

Living in Cleveland

Living in Cleveland

Cleveland, an ethnically diverse, mid-sized city located on Lake Erie, features a host of cultural attractions, recreational activities, major sporting events and an exploding culinary scene. Cleveland is home to the second largest theater district in the U.S., a park system featuring 23,700 acres in 18 reservations, and is the birthplace of rock ’n’ roll, home to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. Cleveland Clinic is located near the University Circle area, which is the cultural epicenter of Cleveland. This area features Severance Hall and the world-renowned Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Museum of Art, several other museums, and Case Western Reserve University. Downtown Cleveland, home to all major sports venues and an exploding culinary scene, is approximately two miles from Cleveland Clinic’s main campus.