There remains a void in qualified clinicians to provide nuanced care that by a dedicated thrombosis specialist. A clinical thrombosis fellowship represents an advanced training opportunity for fellows with some exposure to hemostasis and thrombosis through prior medical training. The Section of Vascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic offers a one-year training fellowship in thrombosis starting July 1, 2023. The incumbent fellow will be mentored in clinical thrombosis primarily in the Section of Vascular Medicine in the Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute (HVTI) with Dr. Marcelo Gomes (Director of the Thrombosis Center) as well as in the Department of Hematology in the Taussig Cancer Center with Dr. Keith McCrae (Director of Benign Hematology).
Fellows will acquire the knowledge and skills to evaluate and manage patients with venous and arterial thromboembolism in any vascular territory, to manage general as well as perioperative anticoagulation, and they will recognize how to identify and respond to patients with a higher thrombotic risk (patients with inflammatory conditions, with critical illnesses, or with neoplasia etc.). The fellow will also learn how to complement their clinical training with real mentorship in the area of translational thrombosis research. The fellow will gain in-depth expertise in evidence-based evaluation of hypercoagulable states and thrombophilia that go beyond what they will have learned in prior training.
The curriculum will include brief rotations and lectures in Pathology/Laboratory Medicine and Hematology. Outpatient clinic includes evaluating patients in the thrombosis thrombophilia clinic, the anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) clinic, the hematology clinic, and the inferior vena cava filter (IVCF) clinic. There will be limited by highly-enriched inpatient consultation service with our co-Associate Section Head Dr. Marcelo Gomes for patients with thrombotic and bleeding disorders, evaluation and management of patients with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT), and as the first responder for our Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT) activations for patients with intermediate risk and high-risk pulmonary embolism (PE). We also operate a follow-up PERT clinic directed by Dr. Leben Tefera. Lastly, a limited but protected period of time in academic and scholarly activities in translational thrombosis or platelet research will be offered with our Section Head Dr. Scott Cameron who has an extramurally-funded research program through the National Institute of Health. There will be an opportunity to present this research at a national medical conference.
The Program Director and primary mentor for the thrombosis fellows is Dr. Marcelo Gomes, a senior vascular medicine physician who himself completed a thrombosis fellowship. The incumbent fellow will preferably be trained in vascular medicine or hematology. Applicants who are well-trained in general internal medicine will also be considered.
Our Faculty
Marcelo Gomes, MD Fellowship Director |
Scott Cameron, MD, PhD Section Head, Vascular Medicine |
Keith McCrae, MD Director of Benign Hematology |
Teresa Wu, MD Associate Program Director |
Meet our Fellows
2024 - 2025
Fahad Alkhalfan, MD
Medical School: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Medical University of Bahrain
Residency: University of Maryland
Application Process
Cleveland Clinic is accepting applications for a one-year clinical fellowship beginning July 2025.
Applicants must have completed ACGME accredited training in either Internal Medicine or Cardiovascular Medicine to apply. Applicants from other training backgrounds are encouraged to contact our program for additional review; we have had prior fellows from Family Medicine and Vascular Surgery.
We require the following documents to be submitted for a complete application to be reviewed:
- Personal statement
- Curriculum vitae (CV)
- Three letters of recommendation, including one from a program director or current physician supervisor
- Downloadable Application form
- Interested applicants should submit their application to millerc15@ccf.org
For additional questions or specific information, please contact:
Claire Miller
Vascular Medicine Education Coordinator
Email: millerc15@ccf.org
Candidate Selection
Applications are reviewed with a goal of selecting individuals from diverse backgrounds who demonstrate clinical and academic excellence.
- Interviews will be arranged on a rolling basis.
- In light of COVID restrictions, interviews will be conducted in a virtual format.
- Interviews will be arranged with the program director, faculty, and a current fellow.
- Virtual tours will be arranged as needed.