
Lutheran Hospital Pain Management Center provides outpatient and inpatient diagnosis, education and treatment. Pain Management physicians typically treat patients with acute pain, chronic pain or cancer pain.

  • Acute pain is temporary. It may last from a few seconds to several months. This pain usually goes away as normal healing occurs. Pain due to an injury or pain due to childbirth are examples of acute pain.
  • Chronic pain lasts far beyond the time of normal healing. It may be the result of an injury that did not heal properly or may be due to other reasons such as nerve damage, cancer or arthritis. Neck pain, lower back pain and migraine headaches are examples of chronic pain.
  • Cancer pain is another condition that can be managed by a pain management physician. Pain may be due to cancer surgery or treatment procedures, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy, or the tumor itself. The pain management physician can treat the pain while the patient continues to receive cancer treatment.

Services We Offer

The Pain Management Center treats the following types of pain:

  • Back and neck pain, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis and tumors
  • Shingles/post herpetic pain
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy or RSD)
  • Intractable spasticity
  • Muscle, bone and joint pain
  • Disorders of the nervous system, including shingles and trigeminal neuralgia (facial pain)
  • Diabetic and peripheral neuropathy
  • Pain and ulcers of the skin resulting from poor circulation
  • Chronic abdominal pain and pelvic pain
  • Pain associated with AIDS
  • Cancer pain

Managing your pain

Do you suffer from:


Don't let pain control your life. If you are experiencing pain, ask your physician to refer you to the Pain Management Center at Lutheran Hospital. To schedule an appointment, please call 216.363.2391.