The Zielony Institute Nursing Professional Practice Model & Care Delivery

When Cleveland Clinic formed a unified Nursing Institute, one of the first initiatives was to develop a professional practice model (PPM) that encompassed the combined culture and history of the system-wide nursing practice philosophy and values. Cleveland Clinic Nursing Institute’s PPM was developed in 2009 by a committee of Cleveland Clinic nurses in an effort to align and integrate nursing practice with the mission, vision and values. The original model was developed with the collaboration of nurses from across the enterprise, to recognize Cleveland Clinic’s “Patients First” focus and the Nursing Institute’s shared vision.

The PPM was updated in 2020 to reflect our current practice and updated values. Although similar to the original, the revised PPM unifies us on a path to world-class care and gives us the framework for focusing on four care priorities: Patients, Caregivers, Organization and Community. Rather than a generalized guide of nursing practice, our PPM outlines the specific framework of what we should do as nurses.

A steering committee composed of representatives from each hospital met to review the current model. Feedback regarding initial thoughts to changes of the current PPM was obtained from all Nursing Practice Councils throughout the system. Wide approval for Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory was recommended to serve as the theoretical foundation for the revised PPM.

Themes were added to the PPM to capture team of teams, strategic leadership, engagement and professional governance. The four domains of nursing practice were also revised to reflect quality and safety, relationship based culture, professional practice and development and research, evidence-based practice and innovation.

The hospital based nursing practice council reviewed the final draft of the revised PPM. All councils agreed that the PPM was reflective of nursing practice in the Nursing Institute. The revised PPM was officially rolled out on September 4, 2020 during the Annual Shared Governance Day Event. To ensure enculturation of the PPM, nurses learn about the PPM during new nurse orientation and its application in daily practice.