Strabismus Surgery

Pediatric Cases

Pediatric Strabismus Cases (N = 108)


SO Palsy = superior oblique palsy

Other = nystagmus (1), hypotropia (1), dissociated vertical deviation (1), 3rd nerve palsy (1), and 6th nerve palsy (1).

Pediatric Strabismus Outcomes (N = 107ᵃ)


ᵃOne patient was lost to follow-up.

Good outcome is defined as: 1. constant deviation < 10 prism D in primary position for horizontal strabismus; 2. anomalous head position resolved; 3. patient and doctor totally satisfied with the outcome.

Improved outcome is defined as: 1. ocular alignment within 15 prism D of orthotropia for horizontal strabismus; 2. anomalous head position improved; 3. patient and doctor somewhat satisfied with the outcome.

Not as Expected is defined as: 1. over- or under-corrected >15 prism D; 2. anomalous head position unchanged; 3. patient and doctor dissatisfied with the outcome.