Having your baby at Cleveland clinic

Having Your Baby at Cleveland Clinic

Adding to your family can be exciting, moving, thrilling and even a little scary.

No matter what emotions are racing through your heart or head, we’ll be there for you. Our Providers are ready to help welcome a new life into your family.

Why Choose Cleveland Clinic?

There are a lot of steps between conceiving, carrying and cradling your baby. No matter what type of care you want (or need), a team of experienced and compassionate providers will be with you throughout your entire journey.

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An obstetrician/gynecologist (Ob/Gyn) specializes in all things related to the female reproductive system. They can care for you before, during and after pregnancy. And they’re experienced in many different types of birthing experiences and conditions that may come up during pregnancy. Find your Ob/Gyn.

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Certified Nurse Midwives:

If your pregnancy is low risk, you can see one of our certified nurse midwives. They work together with our Ob/Gyns to give you a supportive and compassionate birthing experience. You’ll get all of the tests and monitoring typical during pregnancy, labor and delivery and support for a variety of birth plans.

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Doulas don’t deliver healthcare, but they offer physical and emotional support before, during and after you’ve had your baby. And although Cleveland Clinic doesn’t offer doula services, we collaborate often with licensed doulas and welcome them at all of our birthing locations.

How Do I Get Started?

Choosing a hospital for the birth of your child is not a zero to five-star rating decision. There are so many things to consider and keep in mind.

Is the hospital close to my home? Does it offer an unmedicated birth experience? Is there a neonatal care unit (NICU) if my baby needs special medical care?

All of these questions are important. Here are our answers.


We have five birthing hospitals in Ohio — Fairview Hospital (on the West Side of Cleveland), Hillcrest Hospital (on the East Side of Cleveland), Akron General (in Akron), Mercy Hospital (in Canton) and Union Hospital (in Dover). And two birthing hospitals in Florida — Indian River Hospital (in Vero Beach) and Tradition Hospital (in Port St. Lucie). In high-risk situations, you could also have your baby at Cleveland Clinic's Main Campus.

Types of Delivery

When you start thinking about labor and delivery, many questions probably swirl through your head, like:

  • Do you want an epidural or would you prefer an unmedicated birth?
  • What happens if there’s a complication or an emergency?
  • What if your due date comes and goes, but labor never starts?

Childbirth is a very personal experience and picking the best birthing option for you is a big decision. But don’t worry. Our providers are here to guide you and answer all your questions as you develop your birth plan. We’re ready and able to handle any type of childbirth, including:

But no matter how you bring your little one into the world, we’ll be there for you and your child. Our experienced and compassionate physicians, midwives and nurses are specially trained to care for you at each of our hospitals.

A collaborative birth experience

We offer a way to work together during your labor and delivery. You’ll hear our team call this TeamBirth. But what is TeamBirth? It’s a way to improve and encourage communication between you, all members of your care team and your support people. Whiteboards in all labor and delivery rooms are used to highlight your birth preferences, outline care plans and chart progress for you and your baby.

Fairview and Hillcrest birthing suites

Are you low risk and want an unmedicated birthing experience? We offer private labor rooms at Fairview and Hillcrest hospitals with extra touches like blue tooth speakers, aromatherapy and TeamBirth boards. This lets you and your support people to be active participants in your care.

High-risk Pregnancy Care

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Is your pregnancy high risk? Our maternal-fetal medicine specialists are here to help every step of the way. From preconception planning and managing your pregnancy (primary care and consultation) to delivery if you or your fetus has an underlying health condition.

Neonatal Care

Our birthing hospitals are ready for anything — including complications. If your baby needs extra medical attention after birth, our teams can match their needs with several levels of care. From the Level II special care nursery at Mercy Hospital in Ohio, to the Level II NICU at Tradition Hospital in Florida and the Level III neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) at Fairview, Hillcrest and Akron General Hospitals, our providers work as a large team to make sure your baby gets the best care. Newborns with the most complex medical issues can also receive care at the Level IV NICU at Cleveland Clinic’s Main Campus.

Special Delivery Unit

Do you have a serious underlying health condition? Does your fetus have a known congenital disorder? Our Special Delivery Unit at Cleveland Clinic Children’s provides you with expert, compassionate care in a family-centered environment for labor and delivery.

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Have You Signed Up for Childbirth and Parenting Classes?

Let us help you get ready before the baby arrives, during your labor and delivery and when you finally bring your newborn home. Learn more about what classes are available and how to sign up.

Looking For More Information?

  • Your Guide to Prenatal Care: Our Prenatal Care Guide can help you as you begin to prepare for the pregnancy process and your first medical appointments.
  • Your Guide to a Healthy Baby: Our Children’s Health Guide can help you learn what you should be asking your pediatrician during your child’s crucial periods of development.
  • Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy: Our Pregnancy Guide can help you prepare for the birth of your child, as babies don't come with instruction manuals.

Patient Stories

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Doctors diagnosed Marissa with triple-negative breast cancer.

Mom Learns She Has Breast Cancer Days After Giving Birth

“When I first met Dr. Silbiger, he was so positive. He said, it’s not your cancer; it’s the cancer that invaded your body and we will get rid of it as soon as possible. I knew then that he was the right doctor for me.”
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Allie, Marco, Max and Mia Gaudio

Innovative Surgical Pathway Preserves Infant’s Kidney Function

“We were fortunate to have Dr. Hannick on our team. She’s so innovative, and she really gets to know her patients and their families. We weren’t just another surgery to her.”
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Yasnaly Romero and her husband

Epilepsy Patient’s Dream of Being a Mother Comes True

“I really feel so happy to be able to make my dreams come true and have a normal life, a life I dreamed of.”
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Nurses Pam and Alison caring for Maddie in the NICU.

Nurse Has Unexpected Reunion With Fellow Nurse After Heart Attack

“Being so thankful for everything nurse Alison did for me, I was glad to be paying it forward by now caring for her daughter in the NICU.”
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Whole genome sequencing identified Charlotte's rare disease as MED12-related disorder.

Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies Girl’s Rare Disease, Renews Hope

“The diagnosis has unearthed some other conditions we had suspected we can now address. But on a personal level, it has become life changing. I had never met any other parents who are going through what we’re facing, and knowing others who can relate is a huge part of the journey with rare disease.”
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Kassidy and Kennedy Emmerson after Kassidy underwent fetal surgery at Cleveland Clinic.

Infant Thriving After Surgery In The Womb Repairs Spina Bifida

“They were always realistic with us, but had such a positive attitude. They gave us hope, and now we have our little Kennedy.”
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Portrait of Kimyah and DJ lying in the grass.

Youngest Surviving Premature Twins Born at Cleveland Clinic Make Strides After 138 Days in NICU

“Thinking about everything Kimyah and DJ have been through, it was hard to imagine us ever getting to this point. It was unclear if they would be able to do anything by themselves. Now, they’re trying to do everything by themselves.”
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Jeanette and fiancé Daniel with twins.

Woman Pregnant with Twins Undergoes Surgery to Remove Brain Tumor

“An MRI showed I had a brain tumor. Getting this news while I was expecting was scary, but I remained positive because I felt I was in good hands.”
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Breona delivered her baby, Journee, after undergoing a heart procedure.

Woman Undergoes Heart Procedure While Pregnant, Welcomes Baby

“That pregnancy was a challenge from day one, but everything turned out great. I was definitely in the right place, at the right time.”
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Kati, after undergoing a double-lung transplant at Cleveland Clinic, with her husband and their three daughters.

Mom With CF Undergoes Double-Lung Transplant, Has Three Girls Via Surrogacy

“I’m living this second chapter of my life, and it’s awesome. It’s possible it can be that way for others, too.”
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