Fairview Hospital Classes
Most in-person classes for Fairview Hospital are held at:
Fairview Hospital Wellness Center
3035 Wooster Road
Rocky River, Ohio 44116
Please Note:
- Registration is required for all classes unless noted.
- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
- Plan to complete all classes 3-4 weeks prior to your due date.
- Interpretative services available upon request for all classes and tours.
- As classes become filled, additional classes may be added.
- Classes are available in various formats to meet your comfort level and scheduling needs:
- In-Person – small, socially distant.
- Virtual – live, instructor-led, using social platforms.
- Online Modules – self-guided and self-paced.
- Be sure to check out our After-Delivery Support tab as well.
Please direct any questions and concerns related to birthing services or online education to childbirthed@ccf.org.
View All Upcoming ClassesEarly Pregnancy - FREE
Newly pregnant or planning for a pregnancy?
This free class is designed to answer questions you may have, find out what to expect and how to best prepare your changing body and growing baby through the first trimester (13 weeks) of pregnancy.
This class will also introduce you to our Cleveland Clinic obstetric model of care and how our team of caregivers will support you throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Fairview Hospital Birthing Center - Virtual Tour - FREE
Learn what to expect during your stay at Fairview Hospital. Q&A session with the instructor provided at the end.
Night with a Pediatrician - FREE
Register for this free Q&A session for more information about our pediatric services.
Preparing for Childbirth Classes
We offer a few options, consider choosing one that meets your goal or plan for birth.
- Prepared Childbirth – reviews medical options and general labor and delivery procedures.
- Natural Un-medicated – for couples who seek an un-medicated or low-intervention birth experience.
- Labor and Birth Skills – hands-on refresher for labor comfort measures taught by Lamaze International childbirth educators.
Prepared Childbirth
Class Topics:
- Process of labor and birth.
- Supportive coaching techniques.
- Use of birth ball, water therapy.
- Comfort measures (including relaxation) for labor and birth.
- Medical interventions.
- Medicines.
- Cesarean birth.
- Postpartum care and emotional needs.
- PLUS Series only includes: Virtual Tour, Baby Basics & Breastfeeding Preparation classes.
Register from either class option below:
- Prepared Childbirth – Weeknight Series PLUS.
- One night a week for 6 weeks.
- Prepared Childbirth – Just the Facts.
- One full-day session.
- Understanding Birth Online Module.
Natural Un-medicated
Class Topics:
- Anatomy and physiology of childbirth.
- Role of pain in childbirth.
- Natural pain coping strategies.
- Medical interventions and postpartum care of mom.
- More time spent practicing relaxation, breathing, and coping techniques than our traditional childbirth preparation classes.
- PLUS Series only includes: Virtual Tour, Baby Basics & Breastfeeding Preparation classes.
Register from either class option below:
- Natural Unmedicated Childbirth – (4 Week Series).
- One night a week for 4 weeks.
- Natural Unmedicated Childbirth – Weeknight Series PLUS.
- One night a week for 6 weeks.
- Natural Unmedicated Childbirth – Saturday Series.
- Two consecutive Saturdays for half a day each.
Labor and Birth Skills - Hands On
Prerequisite for Labor and Birth Skills registration: Prior completion of one of the following classes: Prepared Childbirth - Weeknight or PLUS Series, - Saturday Series, - Just the Facts, or Understanding Birth Online Module. Having given birth will also meet prerequisite requirement.
Class Topics:
- Increasing confidence in labor and birth skills/enhancing relationship with your support person.
- Relaxation/birth environment.
- Massage.
- Labor position and movement options.
- Heat and cold application.
- Advanced breathing techniques.
- Pushing positions.
- Emotional needs.
This class is taught by Lamaze International Childbirth educators who will provide evidence-based course content to empower your birth experience.
Register for class:
- Labor and Birth Skills - Hands On.
- A two-class series.
Preparing for Baby Classes
Breastfeeding Preparation
This class is designed for you and a support person to prepare to breastfeed your newborn and achieve the confidence you need to start a satisfying breastfeeding experience.
Class Topics:
- Why your support person is a key to your success.
- Getting off to a good start.
- How baby establishes your milk supply.
- Positioning and latch-on.
- Pumping and storing milk.
- Preparation for returning to work.
- Register for this class.
- Understanding Breastfeeding Online Module.
Baby Basics
This class is for expectant and adoptive parents and grandparents. While you’re waiting for your new baby, learn about:
- Parental adjustments in first six weeks.
- Soothing a fussy baby.
- Newborn reflexes and abilities.
- Bathing, diapering and dressing baby.
- Establishing flexible day and night routines.
- Newborn’s emotional needs.
- Infant safety.
- Register for this class.
- Understanding Your Newborn Online Module.
Multiples Preparation
This class is for you and your partner to prepare for multiples with confidence.
Class Topics:
- Your unique pregnancy.
- What to expect from a vaginal or cesarean birth.
- Postpartum recovery.
- Breastfeeding more than one baby.
- Life at home with multiples.
- Register for this class.
- Understanding Multiples Online Module.
Preparing the Family
Grandparenting Today
Join one-time class for a lively discussion for grandparents-to-be and new grandparents about the changes in birthing and infant care practices.
Class Topics:
- Importance of grandparenting.
- Changes in childbirth practices.
- Updates on baby care recommendations.
- Communication with new parents.
- Long distance grandparenting.
- Most current info on sleep safety and SIDS prevention.
- Infant nutrition recommendations.
- Register for this class.
Boot Camp for New Dads - FREE
New and expectant dads are encouraged to register for this free, instructor-led session taught by our expert “veteran” dads. New dads can feel free to ask any questions of interest to them in this supportive environment.
Class Topics:
- How to support mom and form a parenting team.
- How to bond with baby.
- The best way to hold, feed, cuddle your new baby.
- Child safety and child abuse prevention tips.
- The importance of maintaining a “father” in the family.
- Register for this class.
Infant and Child Safety
CPR for Infant and Child
As a parent, grandparent, or babysitter, you could be the first person to administer care to your child in an emergency. You will learn life saving techniques and practice on mannequins. This class follows the American Heart Association Family and Friends CPR criteria and is not a certifying or credentialing course.
Class Topics:
- Techniques for evaluating and eliminating choking.
- How to determine if CPR is needed and how to perform it.
- Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
- Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
- Register for this class.
Infant and Child Safety
This class is for parents and caregivers to learn how to reduce the risk of preventable accidents at home and beyond.
Class Topics:
- Car Safety - Infant car seats, hot cars, carbon monoxide.
- Safe Baby Care - Safe sleep, preventing head trauma, food safety, outdoor safety, pets, siblings.
- Safety Products - Baby-gear safety, baby gates, avoiding tip-overs, toy safety, childproofing products.
- Home Safety - Choking, suffocation, falls, water safety, burn prevention.
- Poisons - Common household poisons, poison safety & hotline, poison "look-alikes".
- Emergency Preparedness - Gun safety, fire safety, disaster preparedness, importance of learning infant CPR & first aid.
- Register for this class.
Private Classes
For more information about private classes offered or to schedule, please call 440.356.0347 or email us at childbirthed@ccf.org.
Hillcrest Hospital Classes
In-person classes for Hillcrest Hospital are held at:
Hillcrest North Campus
6777 Mayfield Road
Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124
Please Note:
- Registration is required for all classes unless noted.
- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
- Plan to complete all classes 3-4 weeks prior to your due date.
- Interpretative services available upon request for all classes and tours.
As classes become filled, additional classes may be added. Classes are available in various formats to meet your comfort level and scheduling needs:
- In person- Small, socially distant classes.
- Virtual- Live virtual classes using social platforms (i.e. WebEx, Teams).
- Online Modules- Self guided, online classes allowing for instructor follow up as requested.
Please direct any questions and concerns related to birthing services or online education to childbirtheducationclasses@ccf.org.
View All Upcoming ClassesEarly Pregnancy - FREE
Newly pregnant or planning for a pregnancy?
This is an amazing time in your life, and one that’s full of change. Find out what to expect over the next few weeks/months and how to best prepare your changing body and mind for growing and planning for the baby.
Find out what to expect over the next few weeks and how best to prepare your changing body and growing baby.
This two-hour virtual class is designed to answer questions you may have through the first trimester (13 weeks) of pregnancy. This class is a comprehensive guide on:
- Fetal Development.
- Medical Care.
- Nutrition.
- Exercise.
- Discomforts.
- Hazards.
- Emotions.
- Preparing for birth.
- Register for this class.
Hillcrest Hospital Virtual Maternity Tour – FREE
Learn what to expect during your stay at Hillcrest Hospital, while viewing the Maternity Center.
You will be sent an email invitation with information on the web application used and a link to join the distance learning session.
Night with a Pediatrician – FREE
Attend a free Q&A session with a pediatrician to find out what to expect for your new baby during your stay at the hospital. Parents are welcome to bring questions during this relaxed learning opportunity.
Holistic Services
Reiki, Guided Imagery, and Hypnotherapy are available in a private setting. Please call 440.312.4647 or email childbirtheducationclasses@ccf.org for more information.
To support:
- Early pregnancy.
- High risk pregnancy.
- Previous birth trauma.
- Preparing for birth.
Private Classes
Private classes are available for the following:
- Cesarean birth.
- Vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC).
- Adoptive classes.
- Diverse scheduling accommodations.
- Language accommodations.
- Pregnancy with multiples.
- High-risk pregnancies.
Please call 440.312.4647 or email childbirtheducationclasses@ccf.org for more information.
Preparing for Childbirth Classes
HypnoBirthing is a unique method of childbirth education that teaches women/couples how to work with their birthing bodies using Mind/Body techniques:
- Self-hypnosis, imagery and relaxation.
- Stress management techniques.
- Releasing the fear and tension which accompany pain.
- Breathing techniques synchronized for birthing.
- Supportive coaching methods.
- Discussion of interventions and medications.
- Birth plans.
This class teaches you that in the absence of fear and tension, severe discomfort does not have to be a natural accompaniment of the birthing process. This class can be taken whether you are planning a natural childbirth or using medication at the time of birth.
Understanding Birth
This class is designed for you and your support person to attend. Understanding Birth discussion topics include:
- Process of labor and birth.
- Supportive coaching techniques.
- Use of birth ball, water therapy.
- Comfort measures (including relaxation) for labor and birth.
- Medical interventions.
- Medicines.
- Cesarean birth.
- Postpartum care and emotional needs.
Class Options:
- Understanding Birth Series: Comprehensive labor preparation four week series class.
- Understanding Birth Just the Facts: Condensed, one day comprehensive birth preparation class designed for challenging schedules. Less time spent on relaxation and breathing techniques.
- Understanding Birth Fast Track: Condensed, two day comprehensive birth preparation class designed for challenging schedules. Less time spent on relaxation and breathing techniques.
- Understanding Birth Online Module: Self-guided childbirth preparation class using imbedded videos and text (Q&A instructor follow up is available upon request).
Recommendations for classes vary for mothers of multiples and high risk pregnancy.
Natural Childbirth
Let nature take its course. Some women choose to “natural birth” because they want more control over the labor process including pain management. Or they may feel that forgoing medication will help them feel closer to the birthing experience and remember it more clearly.
This class is a four week series that will focus on techniques for expectant moms and their labor partners to learn and use in labor.
Time will be spent on breathing and relaxation techniques as well as positions to use in labor.
The class:
- Can help mothers in labor to respond positively to their contractions, providing better coping ability, improving pain management and empowering mothers for a better birthing experience.
- Labor partners will have a better understanding of how they can best support and guide their loved one through labor.
- Class participants will practice relaxation, breathing, positive positions, massage and gentle stretches, with explanations on how these techniques can be used in labor.
Class participants should wear comfortable clothes that they can move and stretch in. Please bring 2 pillows and a blanket or mat, as well as a snack and water bottle.
Preparing for Baby Classes
Baby Basics
While you're preparing for your new baby, learn the basics:
- Parental adjustments in first six weeks.
- Soothing a fussy baby.
- Newborn reflexes and abilities.
- Bathing, diapering and dressing your baby.
- Establishing flexible day and night routines.
- Newborn's emotional needs.
- Register for this class.
Baby Basics online module: Self-guided newborn preparation class using imbedded videos and text (Q&A instructor follow up is available upon request).
Boot Camp for New Dads
New and expectant dads will be taught by the experts – veteran dads:
- How to form a parenting team.
- How to bond with baby.
- The best way to hold, feed, cuddle your new baby.
- Child safety and child abuse prevention tips.
New dads will feel free to ask any questions of interest to them in a supportive environment.
Breastfeeding Basics
This class is for you and your partner to prepare to breastfeed your newborn and achieve the confidence you need to start a satisfying breastfeeding experience.
Class Topics:
- Why your support person is a key to your success.
- Getting off to a good start.
- How baby establishes your milk supply.
- Positioning and latch-on.
- Pumping and storing milk.
- Preparation for returning to work.
- Register for this class.
Breastfeeding Basics online module: Self-guided breastfeeding preparation class using imbedded videos and text (Q&A instructor follow up is available upon request).
Preparing the Family Classes
Grandparenting Today
Join a lively discussion for grandparents-to-be about the changes in birthing and infant care practices. Class topics include:
- Role of grandparenting and how to support the new family.
- Updates on childbirth practices and baby care recommendations.
- Long distance grandparenting.
- Infant nutrition recommendations.
- Infant safety.
- Register for this class.
Infant and Child Safety Classes
CPR for Infant and Child
As a parent, grandparent, or babysitter, you could be the first person to administer care to a child in an emergency. You will learn the life saving techniques listed below according to the American Heart Association criteria and practice on mannequins:
- Techniques for evaluating and eliminating choking.
- How to determine if CPR is needed and how to perform it.
- Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
- Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
This class is a Family and Friends CPR class through the American Heart Association and is not a certifying or credentialing course.
Infant and Child Safety
Come and learn the steps to keeping your baby safe in the car and at home. This is a beneficial class to follow CPR for Infant and Child class.
Class topics include:
- Car Safety.
- Safe Baby Care.
- Safety Products.
- Home Safety.
- Emergency Preparedness.
- Register for this class.
Akron General Classes
We now have both online (virtual) and in-person class offerings. In person classes are held at the following Akron General locations:
Akron General
1 Akron General Ave.
Akron, OH 44307
Akron General Health & Wellness Center, Bath
4125 Medina Rd., Suite 100
Akron, OH 44333
Akron General Health & Wellness Center, Green
1946 Town Park Boulevard
Uniontown, OH 44685
Akron General Health & Wellness Center, Stow
4300 Allen Rd.
Stow, OH 44224
Please note:
- Registration is required for all classes unless noted.
- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
- Plan to complete all classes 3-4 weeks prior to your due date.
- Light refreshments will be provided.
- Some classes are eligible for Medicaid Billing.
Please direct any questions and concerns related to birthing services or online education to akronchildbirthed@ccf.org or call 330.344.BABY.
View All Upcoming ClassesAkron General Birthing Center Tour – FREE
Learn what to expect during your stay at Akron General. Q&A session with the instructor provided at the end.
Preparing for Childbirth
Childbirth Preparation
Learn valuable breathing based techniques for relaxation, breathing during labor, managing discomfort, timing contractions and how your coach can play a role during labor. This series of classes can provide you with the basics on physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy, as well as what to expect during the childbirth process itself.
Class Options:
- Four-week series.
- Two-session weekend series.
A tour of Akron General's New Life Center is included.
Preparing for Baby
Breastfeeding 101
Prepare yourself to breastfeed, and learn how to make sure you have an easy and successful experience. Support people are welcome to attend.
Breastfeeding: Beyond the First Six Weeks
Preparing to return to work and continue breastfeeding? Research shows that you have made a wise choice! Breastfeeding your baby beyond the first six weeks is essential for your baby’s health, growth and development. A qualified instructor will give you the tools and practical resources to help when away from baby. This class includes topics such as breastfeeding laws, pumping and breast milk storage and tips for returning to work. It is recommended that this class be taken after the birth of your baby to prepare yourself to return to work.
Breastfeeding Support Group
Breastfeeding support doesn’t end when you leave the hospital. Akron General offers free support groups, led by certified lactation consultants. The meetings offer baby weight checks, discussion about breastfeeding challenges and support from other breastfeeding mothers.
Baby Care for Beginners - A Guide to the First Six Weeks
Whether you are brand new to babies or just need to “brush-up” on the basics, this class is recommended for expectant parents, grandparents or anyone else who will be taking care of a newborn. “Hands-on” practice will include feeding, bathing, diapering, swaddling and handling/holding. Other topics such as normal newborn behaviors, safety and when to call the doctor will be included.
Child and Infant Safety Classes
Child and Infant CPR
Every parent should know what to do in case of an emergency. This one-session basic class will give you the confidence and security to act quickly and effectively. A certified instructor provides you with the latest education in this essential course. Class is not a certification.
Night with a Pediatrician – FREE
Register for this free Q&A session for more information about our pediatric services.
Mercy Hospital Classes
In-person classes for Mercy Hospital are held at:
Mercy Hospital - Family Education Classroom
1320 Mercy Drive, NW
Canton, OH 44708
Please Note:
- Registration is required for all classes unless noted.
- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
- Plan to complete all classes 3-4 weeks prior to your due date.
Please call 330.489.1329 for any questions and concerns related to birthing services or online education.
View All Upcoming ClassesPrepared Childbirth Classes
Mercy Hospital offers this three-week course especially for new families experiencing their first pregnancy and preparing for birth. It covers the pregnancy continuum from third trimester to delivery to home as a family. This is a great way for families to gain an overview of what is available to you as a patient and answer your questions. A video tour of Mercy Maternity Services is offered in the third week of class.
To register, you must be at least six months pregnant at the start of classes. Also, to ensure appropriate class size, you may bring only one support person.
Cost: Classes are $40 per family.
Express Childbirth Class
This course is designed for families with challenging schedules. It is held one Saturday a month from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This class allows for a 30-minute lunch break on your own. It is a condensed class that provides an overview of childbirth and includes a virtual tour of our maternity services. However, there will be no comfort measures taught. Additional classes recommended. This class can also be utilized as a refresher course for families with older children.
To register, you must be a least six months pregnant by the date of the class. Also, to ensure appropriate class size, you may bring only one support person.
Cost: Classes are $50 per family.
Baby Basics
This one-time class teaches the fundamentals of infant care including baby bath, swaddling, when to call a doctor and more. This class is held once each month and is a must for all parents-to-be, grandparents and other caretakers.
Cost: $15 per family.
Breastfeeding Support
We have a certified lactation consultant available to all breastfeeding mothers. The goal of our lactation consultant is to help you meet your personal breastfeeding goals, while having a positive and rewarding experience.
Mercy Hospital offers a breastfeeding class once a month, taught by a certified lactation consultant. You will learn about the basics of breastfeeding and have an opportunity to ask questions. Your family support person is encouraged to attend to learn how to best support you and your child at home after birth.
Cost: Classes are $10 per family.
The support doesn’t end when you leave the hospital. Mercy Hospital offers free consultations after discharge and a support group.
Cost: Free. No registration required.
Mercy also offers the opportunity to rent or purchase electric breast pumps. Learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding in our Health Library.
Union Hospital Classes
In-person classes for Union Hospital are held at:
Union Hospital - Rosenberry Conference Room
659 Boulevard
Dover, Ohio 44622
Please Note:
- Registration is required for all classes unless noted.
- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
- Plan to complete all classes 3-4 weeks prior to your due date.
Please direct any questions and concerns related to birthing services or online education to obinformation@ccf.org.
View All Upcoming ClassesChildbirth Education
Couples who will be delivering their baby at Union Hospital are eligible to take part in our free Childbirth Education Class. Our experienced maternity nurses help parents learn more about the labor process, anesthesia options, breathing techniques, care of the newborn and postpartum care of mother. The class includes a tour of the Maternity Center.
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Health Center
In-person classes for Stephanie Tubbs Jones Health Center are held at:
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Health Center - 2nd Floor Conference Room
13944 Euclid Avenue
East Cleveland, Ohio 44112
Please Note:
- Registration is required for all classes unless noted.
- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
- Plan to complete all classes 3-4 weeks prior to your due date.
View All Upcoming Classes
Boot Camp for Dads
Getting ready to be a new father?
Are you new to fatherhood, and looking for support? We have a support group just for you.
This group is for men and taught by men!
This unique father-to-father, community-based workshop inspires and equips men of different ages to:
- Become confidently engaged with their infants.
- Learn how to form a parenting team.
- Take ownership of their personal transformation into a father.
- Learn child safety and child abuse prevention tips.
*Virtual sessions available upon request.
Tour Our Birthing Hospitals
Picking a hospital for the birth of your child is not a zero to five star rating decision. There are so many more factors to keep in mind. Where is the hospital related to us on a map? Does this hospital offer an unmedicated birth experience? Is there a NICU there in case my baby needs one? These are all very important questions that are probably going through your head. Here are our answers.
We have three birthing hospitals — Fairview Hospital on the West Side of Cleveland, Akron General to the South and Hillcrest Hospital on the East Side of Cleveland. In high-risk situations, you could also have your baby at Cleveland Clinic’s main campus. All three hospitals have a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The following alternative virtual tour options are now available to patients:
After Delivery Support
After your baby is born, you can receive additional support with parenting and breastfeeding through these Cleveland Clinic services:
- Breastfeeding Support Groups.
- Private Lactation Consults.
- Breastfeeding Medicine Center.
Additional support and resources are available through local health departments:
- Cuyahoga County Newborn Home Visiting Program.
- Lorain County MAMA + baby Program.
- Medina County Newborn Home Visits.
Breastfeeding Support Groups (virtual and in-person options)
Breastfeeding support group for all moms.
- Join a nurturing breastfeeding environment.
- Facilitated by board certified lactation consultants.
- Receive answers to your questions and support on your breastfeeding journey.
Hillcrest Hospital, North Campus
6777 Mayfield Road, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124|
Times: Tuesdays & Fridays from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (virtual and in-person options).
Questions? Email chilbirtheducationclasses@ccf.org or call 440.312.4647 for more information.
Fairview Hospital Wellness Center
3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, OH 44116
Times: Tuesdays from 1 - 2:30 p.m. (in-person only) and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
NO registration required. Any questions, email childbirthed@ccf.org or call 440.346.0347.
Strongsville Family Health & Surgery Center
16761 South Park Center, Strongsville, OH 44136
Time: Wednesdays from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. (in-person only).
NO registration required. Any questions, email childbirthed@ccf.org or call 440.346.0347.
Independence Family Health Center - 8th Floor, Room C
5001 Rockside Road, Independence, OH 44131
Time: Thursdays from 10 - 11:30 a.m. (in-person only).
Registration required: Call 216.986.4000 (ask for OBGYN, then lactation).
Akron General Health Center
676 South Broadway St., Akron, Ohio 44311
Times: Every 2nd Thursday from 2 - 4 p.m. (in-person only)
Registration required: Register here (under the “Preparing for Baby” section)
Akron Health & Wellness Center, Bath
4125 Medina Rd., Akron , Ohio 44333
Times: Every 4th Monday from 2 - 4 p.m. (in-person only).
Registration required: Register here (under the “Preparing for Baby” section)
Private Lactation Consults (in-person) & Breastfeeding Helplines
Receive individual support and have your questions answered by a lactation consultant for any breastfeeding and lactation issues, including:
- Latching difficulties.
- Nipple pain.
- Pumping/returning to work.
- Low supply or over supply.
Make an appointment: Schedule a private, in-person appointment by calling any of the numbers listed below. Helplines are also available to connect with a lactation consultant for individual support.
Akron Health & Wellness Center
Helpline: 330.344.5705
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Helpline: 216.445.7919
Fairview Hospital Wellness Center
Main Office: 440.356.0347
Helpline: 216.476.7222
Hillcrest Hospital, North Campus
Main Office: 440.312.4647
Helpline: 440.312.5332
Independence Family Health Center
Helpline: 216.986.4000 (ask for OBGYN, then Lactation)
Note: No private consults.
Wooster Family Health Center
Helpline: 330.287.4500
Breastfeeding Medicine Consults (in-person only)
Breastfeeding can be challenging at first. Receive individual support at a private, in-person appointment with a breastfeeding medicine specialist/physician at our Breastfeeding Medicine Center.
Learn more: Breastfeeding Medicine Center