Childbirth is one of life’s most special moments. You deserve to have a voice in the care you and your baby receive at every step along the way. At Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital, we are your partner in childbirth and will value your wishes before, during and after labor, giving you as many choices as possible.
We strive to give you the birth experience you want, which may include:
- Developing your own birth plan.
- Receiving as little intervention as possible.
- Skin-to-skin contact in delivery and the operating room.
- Different labor and birthing positions.
- Telemetry monitors for walking during labor.
- Wearing your own clothing.
- Innovative techniques and supportive devices during labor, including hydrotherapy, peanut balls, birthing balls, and more.
- No age limits on siblings in labor and delivery (unless COVID-19/flu restrictions are in place).
- Delayed umbilical cord clamping.
- Delayed newborn bath, which helps with thermal regulation, blood sugar stability, and breastfeeding.
- Focus on the Golden Hour immediately after birth, giving your baby the best progression to life outside of the womb.
- Swaddling blankets and sleep sacks.
- Full-time lactation consultant who offers free breastfeeding guidance and consultation before and after discharge.
If you’re not sure about your choices during childbirth, we are here to help and will explain your options.
Why choose Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital for the birth of your child?
Stark County has one of the highest infant mortality rates in Ohio, and Mercy Hospital has taken a leadership role in infant mortality prevention through community outreach, safe sleep training for mothers, and distribution of the Halo® SleepSack®, a wearable blanket that replaces loose blankets in the crib that can cover a baby’s face and interfere with breathing.
Mercy Hospital is a designated Anthem BlueCross BlueShield Blue Distinction Center for Maternity Care and the only Three-Star Hospital in Stark County, Ohio, in the First Steps for Healthy Babies program, an initiative of the Ohio Hospital Association and Ohio Department of Health to recognize hospitals for their work on maternity care practices to support breastfeeding.
Low C-Section Rates, Ob/Gyns Available 24/7
At Mercy Hospital, there are many things that set our childbirth center apart. We currently have a primary C-section rate that’s significantly lower than 20% — the current average in the state of Ohio. If your physician is unavailable, we offer an in-house Ob/Gyn who is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, along with bedside/direct nursing care.
24/7 Emergency Care During Pregnancy
We offer emergency medical care for women experiencing medical complications related to pregnancy (20 weeks and above). Our Obstetrics Emergency Department features round-the-clock staffing by board-certified obstetricians, nurses, and healthcare professionals experienced in labor and delivery.
Caring for You and Your Child After Birth
The biggest challenge for your baby after birth will be learning to control body temperature, heart rate, and breathing. At Mercy Hospital, we facilitate the Golden Hour, an opportunity for the best progression to life outside of the womb for your baby.
After birth (or, if you choose to have your newborn bathed immediately, after drying), we will place your baby under your gown so he is resting between your breasts, over your heart. As baby listens to your heartbeat and recognizes your smell, she quickly calms. This is called skin-to-skin transition. A decrease in crying lowers your baby’s stress level, which slows his breathing and heart rate.
The warmth of your body will raise your baby’s temperature and keep her warm. Baby’s blood sugar level will be higher because he is not having to use energy to stay warm and is not crying. We would like your baby to remain skin-to-skin until after the first breastfeeding. Breastfeeding babies tend to nurse better if they are able to nurse in the first hour or so after birth. If you are formula feeding, we will keep baby skin-to-skin for 30-60 minutes.
For mothers, immediate skin-to-skin contact provides a better release of mothering hormones, which help control bleeding after delivery by contracting your uterus. These same mothering hormones improve bonding, giving you quiet first minutes together as a new family.
Rooming-in is encouraged at Mercy Hospital for continued bonding between you and your baby, but we also have a nursery available at all times.
Special Care Nursery
Mercy Hospital is a Level II facility and can handle all mother-baby emergencies. For babies born at 32 weeks or greater who need a higher level of care, our maternity services offers a Special Care Nursery and neonatology on call around the clock. If your baby must be in the Special Care Nursery, Mercy Hospital provides Kangaroo chairs for skin-to-skin contact.
Your Private Room
Our private rooms provide a comfortable environment for you to labor and deliver your baby. All technical equipment and skilled personnel are in the same room throughout the childbearing process. All delivery rooms have a home-like atmosphere with all the equipment needed to make your birthing experience everything that you expect it to be. After delivery, you’ll move to a private postpartum room for the remainder of your stay. Each postpartum room provides a private bathroom with shower, a flat-screen TV, and space for family and friends.
Family-Centered Maternity Care
The relaxed, home-like atmosphere of our delivery and postpartum rooms is an ideal environment to promote family-centered maternity care. The baby’s father or your support person is encouraged to be with you throughout the birth experience, and there are no age limits on siblings in delivery unless COVID or flu restrictions are in place.
Cleveland Clinic offers high-risk pregnancy-related services at Akron General and Akron General Health and Wellness Center, Green. To schedule an appointment, call 330.344.5050.
M-Power Program
Cleveland Clinic’s M-Power Program delivers care designed for patients whose perinatal experience may be affected by previous traumatic events. These can include assault, physical or sexual abuse, previous childbirth trauma or other significant life events.
Nurses specially trained in trauma-informed care provide confidential and compassionate support, as part of a holistic approach to ensure that you feel prepared for labor, delivery and the postpartum period.
The M-Power Program is available to obstetric patients planning to deliver at a Cleveland Clinic hospital. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 216.986.4648.
Family Education
To view and register online for our childbirth classes, visit our maternity events calendar.
Our Team
Our most cherished asset is our staff. Whether your labor is short or long, delivery is vaginal or C-section, you choose an epidural or to deliver natural, our nurses are here to help support you every step of the way. This compassion is what makes Mercy Hospital nurses remembered long after the birth of your baby.
If you’re looking for a physician in obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine or any other specialty, view our online directory.
Maternity Services
Adding to your family can be exciting, moving, thrilling and even a little scary. No matter what emotion is racing through your heart or head, we’ll be there for you. Our caregivers are ready to help welcome a new life into your family.
Our birthing hospital is conveniently located in Canton, Ohio,
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital
1320 Mercy Drive, NW
Canton, OH 44708
Ambulatory Care Clinic
Mercy Hospital’s Ambulatory Care Clinic offers low-cost obstetric and gynecological services, covered by Medicare and Medicaid or through self-payment. To schedule an appointment, call 330.489.1065.
Obstetrics Emergency Department
Emergency Medical Care During Pregnancy
You’re expecting. Then, the unexpected occurs and you need emergency pregnancy care. Trust Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital’s Obstetrics Emergency Department, a specialty emergency department with an in-house obstetrician available 24 hours a day, every day, just for expecting moms.
Emergency Pregnancy Care Available Any Time of the Day or Night
At our Obstetrics Emergency Department, we are committed to doing all we can to care for expecting mothers and their precious babies, offering:
- Around-the-clock staffing by board-certified obstetricians, nurses, and healthcare professionals experienced in
- Timely assessment and treatment of women experiencing medical complications related to pregnancy (20 weeks and above)
- Focus on improved clinical outcomes for mother and baby, patient safety, and patient satisfaction