

The Cleveland Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (CADRC) is one of more than 30 Alzheimer’s disease research centers funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA). The CADRC is the only funded center of this kind in the state of Ohio. It is a collaboration of researchers from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic, Louis Stokes VA Medical Center, MetroHealth and University Hospitals. The CADRC aims to study the different forms of dementia in the hope that learning more about the disease can lead to new forms of treating, and eventually curing, Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Individuals who volunteer to participate in the research will have clinical information, specimens and imaging data collected over time for future research. The CADRC recruits and enrolls individuals with memory problems, such as those diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal lobar degeneration, as well as healthy individuals.

The CADRC consists of eight “Cores”:

  • Administrative Core - leads and oversees the overall operations of the research center including collaboration between the institutions involved in the CADRC and is the lead contact with the study sponsor, the U.S. National Institute of Aging (NIA).
  • Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement Core (OREC) - engages and enrolls interested participants.
  • Clinical Core - conducts research study visits including scheduling/completion of all study-related procedures and follow-up visits.
  • Biomarker Core - processes and manages biospecimens collected from research participants.
  • Data Management and Statistical Core - maintains the secure database used for the CADRC and provides statistical support.
  • Neuropathology Core - facilitates brain donation and coordinates collection and storage of fixed and frozen brain tissue.
  • Neuroimaging Core (NIC) - collects and processes the imaging data from research participants.
  • Research Education Component (REC) - helps to train and support new investigators in the field of dementia research.

Contact Information:


For more information, visit clevelandadrc.org.

Funding Sources:

NIH 1P30AG062428-01, Cleveland Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Leverenz (PI) 07/01/2019-06/30/2021

Members and Collaborations

Members and Collaborations

Cleveland Clinic Affiliations

External Relationships and Collaborations

  • Alan Lerner, MD
  • Brian Appleby, MD
  • Paula Ogrocki, PhD
  • Karin Mente, MD
  • Sherry Ball, PhD
  • Jonathan Haines, PhD
  • Mark Cohen, MD
  • Martha Sajatovic, MD
  • Xiongwei Zhu, PhD
  • Ignazio Cali, PhD
  • Wenzhang Wang, PhD
  • Andrew Pieper, MD, PhD