
A healthy eating plan is key for improving health and meeting your wellness goals. In this day and age, “healthy eating” can be confusing and overwhelming. Our Registered Dietitians are here to help guide you through the right nutrition plan for your body. Our dietitians specialize in helping you fuel your exercise, reduce risk for chronic disease, manage food sensitivities, achieve weight loss and optimize nutrition intake so you can feel and look your best.
Programming includes:
- One-on-one, couple or family nutrition consultations.
- Sugar detox program.
- Gut health makeover package.
- Personalized meal planning.
- Weight management programs.
- Game Changer seminar.
- Nufit nutrition and fitness lecture series.
Call 330.665.8022 or email wellnessrds@ccf.org to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Nutrition Services
Struggling with weight loss? Trying to lower your cholesterol or blood pressure? Looking for increased energy and stamina? Our registered dietitians are here to help. Nutrition packages are available as individual, family or couple sessions.
- To learn more about any of our nutrition services, please call 330.665.8022 or email wellnessrds@ccf.org.
Gut health makeover
Did you know that the state of your gut is central to your weight and health? It may be time for a gut makeover! Learn nutrition and lifestyle strategies to support a healthy gut microbiome and in turn reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, manage your weight and improve your mood. This package includes 4 sessions with a dietitian and a Gut Health Meal Plan.
Meal Planning Made Easy
This online meal planning program creates a personalized meal plan to help you achieve your wellness goals. The meal plan includes grocery shopping lists and all the healthy recipes.
Sugar detox program
Addicted to sugar and carbs? Struggling to lose weight and break the sugar cycle? Let us help. This 10 day sugar detox program will help reset your metabolism and hormones so you can end your cravings, lose weight and reverse disease. Program includes 3 sessions with a registered dietitian.
Nutrition consultations
Keto, Vegan, Paleo? Are you confused on what program is best? Are you trying to do everything right and still not losing weight? Let us help. Meet with a registered dietitian to find the right nutrition program for your body to reset your metabolism and lose weight.
Weight Management
KickStart Your Metabolism: 10 weeks to a Healthier YOU!
Revolutionize your wellness and kickstart your weight loss with this 10 week nutrition and fitness program. Enjoy engaging nutrition workshops, personalized meal planning, access to our award winning LifeStyles Fitness Facility and a personalized exercise plan made for YOU.
- $299 for a LifeStyles member.
- $350 for a non-member (guest).
- For more information, contact our dietitians at 330.665.8022 or JacksoC5@ccf.org.
- View upcoming program start dates.
Game Changer: The Ultimate in Personal Transformation Seminar
Don’t miss this motivating seminar to learn about boosting metabolism, taking charge of hormones, fueling your body, exercising smart, burning fat, discovering the secret that leads to lasting change and understanding how to make it happen. Seminar is held once each month.
- No charge for a LifeStyles member.
- $52.50 for a non-member (guest).
- View upcoming dates.
Wellness Education
Nufit: Nutrition and Fitness Education for A New You!
This free monthly seminar provides information about the latest topics in nutrition and fitness from a registered dietitian and fitness expert. Each quarter will include three nutrition sessions and one fitness session. Presentation is held VIRTUALLY from 6 – 7 p.m., and is free and open to the community.
- Registration is required. To learn more or to register, please call 330.665.8022 or email Huscroa@ccf.org.
- View upcoming dates for Nufit.
Community Health Screenings
Cleveland Clinic Akron General believes in not just getting you well when you need it, but in helping you and your doctor work together to prevent disease. Health screenings are available throughout Akron. Screenings offered include cholesterol and blood glucose, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and A1C. Pricing based upon the combination of screenings offered.
- To learn more, please call 330.665.8175.
- View upcoming dates for health screenings.
Arthritis Wellness Program - at Health & Wellness Center, Bath
An overall wellness program that provides recommended exercises and education for anyone with arthritis or has had a joint replacement surgery.
Program includes an initial wellness consultation with an Exercise Specialist, an exercise prescription, an assessment at 3 months and an assessment at 6 months. This is a supervised program. Prior to each workout, a participant checks in with an Exercise Specialist for a blood pressure check and to record that day’s pain level.
Exercise specialists are also available to make any adjustments to the exercise program and/or review exercises with the participant. Program is free for LifeStyles members.
- To learn more, please call 330.665.8130.