

At Cleveland Clinic's Transplant Center, world-class experts perform a variety of adult and pediatric transplantation procedures. Each year, thousands of lives are saved and transformed because of our innovative transplant expertise. Combining quality, excellence and the top transplant physicians and specialists nationally at our Ohio and Florida locations, and Internationally in Abu Dhabi. The Center is led by Director of Enterprise Transplantation, Charles Miller, MD.

In 2021, Cleveland Clinic's Transplant Center staff completed 1,039 transplants (including living donor transplantation for kidney and liver) across our enterprise locations. Cleveland Clinic's liver and intestinal transplant programs are also now the largest programs in the U.S. for their respective organs.

We are proud to be a leader in organ transplantation and proud to serve our patients. We offer one of the most comprehensive transplant programs in the world and perform a variety of transplantations including:

Learn more about these programs by clicking on the links above. 
