

Message from the Director

Dear Applicants:

Thank you for your interest in the Cleveland Clinic Diagnostic Radiology Residency program! Our large, subspecialized radiology department performs and interprets almost 3 million exams across our enterprise each year. We have well over 100 staff radiologists on our main campus alone, trained in all subspecialties, who teach and mentor our 36 current residents. Many of our staff radiologists are active in research at the national and international level with numerous contributions to literature. They welcome residents to participate in their research.

Cleveland Clinic is one of the top hospitals in the United States and is nationally ranked in many medical specialties. As a national and international referral center, we see patients with a variety of complex medical problems from around the country and around the world. In addition, we serve as the primary care center for thousands of people in our neighboring counties in Northeast Ohio. Our varied patient population allows our trainees to learn radiology through patients with a mix of both complex and bread-and-butter pathology.

Our residents receive a comprehensive radiology education that allows them to effectively navigate the competitive and demanding world of diagnostic radiology. They are trained in each of the subspecialty areas, including cardiothoracic radiology, abdominal imaging, neuroradiology, pediatrics, nuclear radiology, breast imaging, and interventional radiology. In their final year of residency, our trainees can take advantage of up to eight electives in advanced subspecialty areas-of-concentration. This could be used for additional experience in their fellowship subspecialty, additional preparation for private practice or even preparation for the American Board of Radiology (ABR) Certifying Exam. Alternatively, we offer the opportunity to participate in the Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology program or the ABR Pathway to Dual Certification in Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Radiology. Our residents have completed fellowships all over the country in all radiology subspecialties and they are successfully employed in both academia and private practice.

Guiding our residents through the training process are myself and three associate program directors, as well as our program manager and program administrator, who handle the day-to-day operations of the residency. The program director works closely with the Cleveland Clinic Graduate Medical Education Department and the Cleveland Clinic Imaging Institute Education Committee which is comprised of education liaisons from each of the subspecialty areas and upper-level radiology administration. This solid relationship shows the strong support for trainee education throughout the entire Cleveland Clinic system.

When selecting our residents, we examine applications holistically. While a record of strong academic performance benefits any applicant looking for professional success, we also look for potential residents who have significant interests and skills outside of Radiology and medicine. We take pride in our diverse and interesting group of highly competent residents. We will continue working hard to make our program the best possible training experience for them and for our future trainees!

Kind regards,

Joseph Veniero, MD, PhD

Joseph Veniero, MD, PhD
Director, Residency Program
Imaging Institute

Message from the Chiefs

We are thrilled by your interest in our program. The radiology training offered by Cleveland Clinic incorporates every aspect a developing radiologist needs to succeed throughout the fellowship and beyond into their career, all while being a part of a supportive and welcoming environment in a diverse, affordable city.

The teaching begins with daily morning didactics. These lectures are given by our esteemed radiology faculty members encompassing all subspecialties, including physics. Teaching continues each day at the workstation where residents dictate all their own cases which are then reviewed in person by faculty. This transitions from going over each study as a junior resident to gradually covering finer details and more advanced diagnostic decisions as residents progress in their training.

As a quaternary treatment center, the volume and case variety at Cleveland Clinic is truly second to none. We have a referral base that encompasses patients local to Cleveland, throughout the United States, and internationally. This provides excellent exposure to both the bread-and-butter diagnoses as well as the zebras that ultimately become familiar.

In addition to the superb clinical training, there are a myriad of opportunities to enrich our education. Many of our residents engage in research with faculty, which has resulted in numerous presentations at national conferences and publications in prominent journals. For those wishing to gain even more exposure to research, we offer a research track that provides dedicated research time. Other dedicated tracks are also available including education and informatics. For those interested in nuclear radiology, we also offer the ability to complete sub-specialization during the fourth year of training.

Here at Cleveland Clinic, we strive to keep a healthy work-life balance for the residents. Every resident gets placed in one of four radiology teams, akin to the Harry Potter houses, which allows us to have numerous friendly competitions throughout the year including cases of the week, trivia events, and more. All residents are invited to a monthly happy hour event at a local Cleveland bar or restaurant which provides a chance to bond between classes. Plus, our Social Committee, which is designed to host even more resident lead events, is covered by department-provided funding. As a city overall, Cleveland is remarkably affordable with an incredible variety of things to do ranging from a national park, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, art museums, a zoo, an aquarium, a science center, multiple concert venues, multicultural restaurants, a major airport, and so much more.

Whether you want to end up in academia or private practice, our radiology residency has the resources and mentorship to help you reach your goals while being part of a tight knit collegial environment. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly at rcr@ccf.org. We love our program, and we would be happy to share why we think it is an excellent choice for any aspiring radiologist.

From the 2024-2025 Chiefs,

Ashkon Bahrami, DO 

Ashkon Bahrami, DO
Class of 2025

Abygail Dulle, MD 

Abygail Dulle, MD
Class of 2025

Jordyn Shah, DO

Jordyn Shah, DO
Class of 2026

Application Process

Application Process

The following minimum application requirements are to be forwarded to the Selection Committee:

  • USMLE Step 1 transcript; COMLEX only will not suffice.
  • USMLE Step 2 transcript.
  • Medical school transcript.
  • Three letters of recommendation - at least 1 from Radiology.
  • Personal statement.

For the 2025 ERAS® cycle, our program will be collecting and reviewing data from applicants’ supplemental ERAS applications. Completion of the standard MyERAS application is a requirement; completion of the supplemental ERAS application is optional.

The supplemental ERAS application is designed to help applicants share more information about themselves and assist our program in finding applicants that fit our program’s setting and mission. There is no cost to applicants and participation is optional. The supplemental ERAS application provides:

  • Geographic preferences (by division and by urban or rural setting).
  • Information about an applicant’s most meaningful experiences and other impactful life events, if applicable.
  • Program signals.

Learn more about the AAMC supplemental ERAS application.

Complete applications must be received through ERAS by October 31, 2024. Applications submitted or completed after this date will not be considered. Applications outside the match will not be considered.

Tentative residency interview dates for the 2024-2025 interview season include Tuesdays and Wednesdays from October through January.

Before February 1, 2025, the following items are required to be ranked:

  • Dean’s letter.
  • ECFMG for international medical graduates.

Additional information

  • An ACGME-accredited preliminary year must be completed prior to radiology training.
  • Cleveland Clinic sponsors J-1 and H-1B visas; please contact Janice Bianco at biancoj@ccf.org or Mary Curry at currym@ccf.org with any visa-related questions.
  • There is no cut-off date for graduation from medical school.

Visiting student rotations

  • Applicants interested in audition/visiting rotations may apply via VSAS. For more information, please visit "How to Apply."

Other resources




Radiology Resident Conferences | Cleveland Clinic Radiology Resident Conferences | Cleveland Clinic


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7:30 AM






8:15 AM



Nuc Med



  • Conferences
    • Resident conferences - daily from 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m., follow one-two year curriculum. The conferences are almost exclusively staff-led with a mix of didactic and case-based content.
    • Resident Interesting Case Conference - every 4 weeks, includes lunch for attendees.
    • Brant & Helms Lecture Series - every Tuesday and Thursday at noon, is for PGY-2 residents and taught by senior residents.
    • Journal Club – monthly resident driven journal club, which focuses on discussing recent high impact articles within the radiology literature.
    • Imaging Grand Rounds – twice per month.
    • Health Care Economics – annual two-part series presented by the Imaging Institute Administrator.
  • Physics Curriculum: The Cleveland Clinic Section of Medical Physics is composed of 7 ABR Board certified diagnostic physicists, sub-specialized in specific imaging modalities. This group provides a comprehensive physics curriculum for the Radiology Residents, including both didactic and laboratory sessions for hands-on learning. Our physicists are actively involved with the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), the Health Physics Society (HPS), as well as the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). They also offer a Medical Physics Residency Program, training future diagnostic medical physicists. This presents a unique training opportunity for clinical and technical residents to train and learn from one another, with staff mentors in both areas.
Radiology Resident Clinical Training | Cleveland Clinic


  • Residents undergo robust clinical training thanks to a high volume of diagnostic and procedural cases, cutting edge equipment and facilities, and a large number of subspecialized staff with over 3:1 staff to resident ratio, and routine performance feedback. Input from residents regarding how to improve rotation experiences is valued. Faculty education liaisons from each of the subspecialties routinely collaborate to maintain a current and innovative curriculum.
    • More than 2.7 million exams performed and interpreted annually
    • More than 100 subspecialty trained staff radiologists and 32 residents
    • On the Cleveland Clinic’s main campus location alone there are 12 CT units, including a 128-slice dual source and 256-slice scanners; 13 MR scanners up to three Tesla; PET/CT, SPECT/CT, and eight angiography suites including two biplane suites
    • On Main Campus in 2017, nearly 900K studies were performed, with 409K radiographs, 134K CTs, 120K mammograms, 97K MRIs, 61K ultrasounds, 32K vascular/interventional studies & procedures, 25K nuclear medicine studies, 9K PET/CTs, and 195 PET/MRIs
  • Block Rotation Schedule
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Chest Chest Chest Chest
Cardiovascular   Cardiovascular  
Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal
Abdominal CT Abdominal CT   Abdominal CT
Ultrasound   Abdominal Biopsy  
GI   GI  
Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics  
Neuro MI Neuro MI Neuro MI  
Neuro CT Neuro CT    
IR Regional IR    
Nuclear Medicine Nuclear Medicine PET Nuclear Medicine
  Abdominal MRI Abdominal MRI  
  Breast Imaging Breast Imaging Breast Imaging
ED am/MSK ED ED/Float  
  ED Trauma    
  Night Float AIRP  
    Non-interpretive Skills Elective x8
  • Resident Rotation Personalization
    • 4th Year Mini-fellowships/Areas of Concentration (AOC) - 8 months of elective rotations are available for fourth year residents to use as Areas of Concentration or combined into 1-2 3-block long “mini-fellowships".
    • Combined Diagnostic Radiology/Nuclear Medicine (DR/NM) Pathway - The combined diagnostic radiology/nuclear medicine residency pathway allows accepted residents the opportunity to complete the equivalent of a nuclear medicine fellowship during their radiology residency. After successfully completing the program, residents who pass their Diagnostic Radiology Certifying Exam are then eligible to take the Nuclear Radiology Certifying Exam without additional training.
    • Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology (ESIR) - Up to 4 positions per year are available for accepted senior diagnostic radiology residents interested in pursuing further training in interventional radiology.
    • The Meaney Research Track is a long-term research pathway where selected candidates not only receive weekly dedicated research time, but also receive additional support to attend meetings, present research, etc.
    • The Meaney Education Track is a long-term education pathway for those interested in academic radiology. Residents apply in their second year of training and will receive dedicated time away from clinical duties to focus on educational activities and/or research.
    • The Information Technology Track is a long-term education and IT research pathway for those interested in making Radiology IT part of their radiology career. Junior residents who have worked with our IT section are eligible to apply in their second year of training and will receive training and support, and perform research within our departmental IT section.
Call/Night Float

Call/Night Float

  • Call schedule created by the Chief Residents with resident input.
  • Free meals when “on call.”
  • In-house call: exclusively during R2 year.
    • INDEPENDENT call.
    • Shared with Integrated IR/DR residents.
    • Incorporates a night float month.
  • IR Call: only while on IR rotation.
    • Recently changed to a weekday night float system to almost eliminate 24-hour call.
    • Shared call pool with integrated and independent (fellows) IR residents.
    • Fixed number of call days per rotation, decreased with seniority.
  • Emergency Department Call: shared between R3 and R4 class.
    • Weighted to R3 year, but no call 12 weeks pre-CORE.
    • 24/7 real-time staff sign out.

Picture of the call room for night float.



There are active ongoing research opportunities in all imaging sections and an abundance of research mentors from which to choose. Dedicated research time is provided to residents with active, approved projects. Time away and financial support for presentations at scientific meetings is available from both the GME office and our Imaging Institute, up to four days and $1,500 - $3,000 per year.

  • Per ACGME guidelines, residents are required to participate in one quality improvement project and produce one scholarly activity during their four years of radiology residency. A multitude of research projects are available for those interested, headed by attending radiologists, many of whom are national experts in their fields of research.
  • The Longitudinal Research Track is available for all residents to use on a project-by-project basis. Residents with approved research projects will receive a dedicated half-day of research time each week while on eligible rotations for research-related activities.

Thomas F. Meaney Research Day

The Imaging Institute hosts the annual Thomas F. Meaney Research Day to recognize the research and scholarly efforts of our trainees.

Begun in 2020, Meaney Research Day recognizes the achievements of our trainees, publicizing trainee research and scholarship throughout the Institute, and recognizing their worthy efforts in a competition. Cash prizes are awarded to the best oral presentations and posters, as judged by a panel of our staff and the guest speaker.

2024 Winners

Oral presentations

1st Prize ($500): Shruthi Suresh: Can MRI signal characteristics serve as a practical tool to help distinguish benign myxomas from myxoid sarcomas?
Co-authors: Karen Fritchie MD, Hakan Ilaslan MD

Honorable Mention ($300): Dan Schneider: Percutaneous Cryoablation, a Possible Management Strategy for Low-grade Chondrosarcoma?
Co-authors: Nathan W. Mesko MD, Hakan Ilaslan MD, Michael C. Forney MD

Honorable Mention ($300): Risabh Khurana: Self Reported Impact of Structured Cardiac MRI Reporting on Report Efficiency, Accuracy, and Standardization
Co-authors: Ben Alencherry MD, Yezan Salam, Neil Greenberg PhD, Haitham Fares, Lisa Schultz, Po-Hao Chen MD MBA, David Chen PhD, Christopher Nguyen PhD FSCMR, Richard Grimm DO, Deborah Kwon MD FSCMR

Poster presentations

1st Prize ($150): Ayana Dambaeva: Bronchial Artery Embolization For Thyroid Cancer Metastases in the Thorax
Co-authors: Christian Nasr MD, Charles Martin III MD

Honorable Mention ($100): Jordyn Shah: Posterior Interosseous Nerve Perineural Injections: Are They Effective in the Treatment of Radial Tunnel Syndrome?
Co-authors: Michael Forney MD

For detailed information, please contact Geri Durka, durkag@ccf.org.

Resident presenting her research to the director and faculty.

Research presentations in front of director and program faculty.

Research presentations in front of director and program faculty.

Resident Life

Resident Life

Cleveland takes visitors by surprise. With all the amenities of a big city while maintaining the charm and benefits of a smaller city, Cleveland and Northeast Ohio have something fun for everyone.

Whether you are relaxing on the waterfront, indulging in the food or craft beer scenes, checking out one of the museums or the music scene, hiking or biking in one of the Metroparks or in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, or catching a game or Broadway show, you will always have something fun to do and great friends in Radiology to do them with.

Camaraderie and work-life balance are very important to us here at Cleveland Clinic Radiology. We hold regular events including post-work happy hours, barbeques, holiday parties, game nights, weekend golf outings, etc. We have an amazing House Staff Association, which hosts monthly events. These can range from discounted concert or Cleveland Browns tickets to rooftop happy hours or costume parties and gives you the opportunity to meet or catch up with residents from other departments.



Salary: Clinical Residents and Fellows

Please refer to the table below for new salary rates, effective May 16, 2024:

Grad Level New Annual Rate New Per Pay Rate
1 $65,361 $2,723
2 $67,564 $2,815
3 $69,746 $2,906
4 $72,475 $3,020
5 $74,890 $3,120
6 $77,836 $3,243

Academic funding

  • AIRP tuition.
  • Up to four days per meeting for poster, electronic, and oral presentations.
  • $2,500 for posters and electronic exhibits.
  • Up to $4,000 for oral presentations.
  • $850 for books, electronic devices, and e-books annually.
  • Personalized set of lead to include vest, kilt, and thyroid guard.
  • $1,000/year for training-related educational expenses such as books, study materials, etc.

Flexible vacation policy

Residents receive 15 days of vacation, 1 week off around a major holiday, and 5 days of personal time off per academic year. Residents are not "assigned" vacation. Our unique policy allows residents to request vacation days throughout the year in as little as 1-day increments.


Residents in good academic standing and with a full state license (paid for by the department) are eligible for internal moonlighting covering contrast reactions.

Maternity/paternity leave

Birthing mothers will receive 100% pay for up to 12 consecutive weeks. All parents (included fathers and adoptive parents) will receive 100% pay for up to 4 consecutive weeks.

Additional benefits

  • Cleveland Clinic issued iPhone for entire length of training.
  • Extensive resident library.
  • Online resources, including StatDx, RadPrimer, E-Anatomy, Boardvitals.
  • On-call meal allowance, recently increased.
  • Excellent medical/dental/vision insurance.
  • Employee Assistance Program.
  • Employee Wellness Program.

Additional links

Current Residents

Current Residents

Below are those individuals currently enrolled in the Imaging Institute's Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program at Cleveland Clinic.

  • Please email RadResCCF@ccf.org if you wish to contact any of the residents listed below.

Class of 2028

Ryan-Assaad El-Ghazal, MD
Ryan-Assaad El-Ghazal, MD
Medical School: American University of Bierut Faculty of Medicine
Karanvir Grewal, MD
Karanvir Grewal, MD
Medical School: Wright State University Boonshaft School of Medicine
Brandon Henderson, MD
Brandon Henderson, MD
Medical School: Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
William Holden, MD
William Holden, MD
Medical School: Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont
Obada Kattih, MD
Obada Kattih, MD
Medical School: USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
Wyatt Lautt, MD
Wyatt Lautt, MD
Medical School: University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Samuel McCollum, MD
Samuel McCollum, MD
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Alexander Nelson, MD
Alexander Nelson, MD
Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine
Christopher Summer, MD
Christopher Sommer, MD
Medical School: Eastern Virginia School of Medicine
David Taft, MD
David Taft, MD
Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine

Class of 2027

Haya Asfour
Haya Asfour, MD
Medical School: Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
Balkaran Grewal
Balkaran Grewal, DO
Medical School: Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Jared Mazurek
Jared Mazurek, MD
Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine
Zachary Mazurek
Zachary Mazurek, DO
Medical School: Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Andrew McCullen
Andrew McCullen, MD
Medical School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Monik Patel
Monik Patel, MD
Medical School: Meharry Medical College
Rishika Polasani, MD
Rishika Polasani, MD
Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine
Erik Seroogy
Erik Seroogy, MD
Medical School: University of Louisville School of Medicine
Joshua Streveler
Joshua Streveler, MD
Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine

Class of 2026

Blake Brandon
Blake Brandon
Medical School: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Medicine

Mary Costello, DO
Mary Costello
Medical School: West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

Thomas Dang, DO
Thomas Dang
Medical School: Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific

Olivia Hallas, DO | Cleveland Clinic
Olivia Hallas
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

Jake Maxfield, MD
Jake Maxfield
Medical School: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Medicine

Swati Putcha, DO
Swati Putcha
Medical School: Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Alexander Scott, MD | Cleveland Clinic
Alexander Scott, MD
Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine

Jordyn Shah, DO
Jordyn Shah
Medical School: Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University


Class of 2025

Ashkon Bahrami | Cleveland Clinic
Ashkon Bahrami
Medical School: Ohio University, College of Osteopathic Medicine

Jacob Bryan | Cleveland Clinic
Jacob Bryan
Medical School: Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine

Sofija Conic | Cleveland Clinic
Sofija Conic
Medical School: University of Belgrade

Joshua Copper | Cleveland Clinic
Joshua Cooper
Medical School: Lincoln Memorial University, Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine

Abygail Dulle | Cleveland Clinic
Abygail Dulle
Medical School: University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Medicine

Charles Eichstaedt 

Charles Eichstaedt
Medical School: Kansas City University of Medicine and Bioscienses

Patrick Handwork | Cleveland Clinic
Patrick Handwork
Medical School: Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine

Robert Weller | Cleveland Clinic
Robert Weller
Medical School: University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine

Junaid Yasin | Cleveland Clinic
Junaid Yasin
Medical School: University of Missouri, Columbia School of Medicine



After residency

Our residents receive solid preparation for careers in both private practice and academia. Upon graduation, nearly all of our residents choose fellowship subspecialty training, and are accepted to top-notch training programs.

Radiology Fellowship opportunities at Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic offers imaging fellowships in nearly all subspecialties.

Recent graduates fellowship match list

See where our residents are after graduation.

* indicates current staff member at Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, eRadiology, or Regional Radiology.

Class of 2024

Name Fellowship Program Location
Cameron Kortes, MD Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Charles Maxfield, MD Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Aaron McBride, MD Interventional Radiology Mayo Clinic-Scottsdale
Basem Rashwan, MD Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Kaliegh Ritchie, MD Breast Imaging UCLA
Andrew Roy, MD Neuroradiology Cleveland Clinic
Omar Shawiki, DO Abdominal Imaging UC – San Diego
Adam Woodyard, MD Breast Imaging Cleveland Clinic

Class of 2023

Name Fellowship Program Location
Sergey Bondarev, MD Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Benjamin Childes, MD Interventional Radiology University of Virginia
Alexander Christie, MD Interventional Radiology University of Pennsylvania
Alan Huynh, MD Abdominal Imaging UCLA
*Caitlin Ilkanich, MD Breast Imaging Cleveland Clinic
Dagan Kaht, MD Neuroradiology Mallinckrodt Institute
Jason Pierce, DO Musculoskeletal Radiology UC – San Diego
Adam Wetzel, MD Abdominal Imaging Cleveland Clinic

Class of 2022

Name Fellowship Program Location
*Nicholas (Nick) Austin Abdominal Imaging Cleveland Clinic
Brian Corwin Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
*James (Trent) Dixon Neuroradiology Mallinckrodt
Chih-Yang (Mike) Juan Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Priyesh Patel Interventional Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Scott Poswilko Thoracic Imaging Cleveland Clinic
*Brian Xavier Breast Imaging Cleveland Clinic
Nicholas (Nick) Zerona Interventional Radiology Cleveland Clinic

Class of 2021

Name Fellowship Program Location
Syed Ali Neuroradiology Cleveland Clinic
Gaurav Gadodia Interventional Radiology Medical College of Wisconsin
Sara Hunter* Abdominal Imaging Cleveland Clinic
Akriti Khanna Musculoskeletal Radiology Mayo Clinic
*Cassandra Parrott Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Shuler Phillips Interventional Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Sanah Shaikh Breast Imaging Brigham and Women’s Hospital
David Sweet* Abdominal Imaging University of Pennsylvania

Class of 2020

Name Fellowship Program Location
*Hannah Barnard Abdominal Imaging Cleveland Clinic
Michael Brown Musculoskeletal Radiology UC San Francisco
*Sean Gallagher Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Evan Mason Neuroradiology Mallinckrodt
Adeyinka Owoyele Neuroradiology University of Pittsburgh
Priyal Patel Breast Imaging The Ohio State University
Faisal Siddiqui Neuroradiology Cleveland Clinic
Furqan Syed Interventional Radiology Emory University

Class of 2019

Name Fellowship Program Location
*Furquan Baqui Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
*Abed Ghandour Vascular & Interventional Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Margaret Glenn Breast Imaging University of Michigan
Sandhya Jacob Body Imaging University of Washington
Michael Lach Neuroradiology Cleveland Clinic
Nathan Mielke Abdominal Imaging UT Southwestern
Leyla Nasehi Breast Imaging UC Irvine
Ryan Ward* Abdominal Imaging Massachusetts General Hospital

Class of 2018

Name Fellowship Program Location
Phillip Clark Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
*Amar Gupta Vascular & Interventional Radiology Massachusetts General Hospital
*Ryan Incledon Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Jennifer Joyce Neuroradiology Cleveland Clinic
*Matthew Kiczek Neuroradiology Johns Hopkins
*D Alex Paratore Vascular & Interventional Radiology Cleveland Clinic
Daniel Paulson Musculoskeletal Radiology Cleveland Clinic
*Andrew Schreiner Abdominal Imaging Cleveland Clinic
Program Leadership

Program Leadership

Joseph Vaniero, MD, PhD

Joseph Veniero, MD, PhD
Radiology Residency Program Director; Abdominal Imaging Staff
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave., L10
Cleveland, OH 44195

Kavita Bhatt, MD

Kavita Bhatt, MD
Radiology Residency Associate Program Director, Abdominal Imaging Staff
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave, L10
Cleveland, Ohio 44195

Michael Forney, MD

Michael Forney, MD
Radiology Residency Associate Program Director; Musculoskeletal Radiology Staff
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave., A21
Cleveland, Ohio 44195

Dustin Thompson, MD

Dustin Thompson, MD
Radiology Residency Associate Program Director, Interventional Radiology Residency Programs Program Director, Interventional Radiology Staff
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave., L10
Cleveland, OH 44195

Lauren Cunningham | Program Manager

Lauren Cunningham
Program Manager
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave., L10
Cleveland, Ohio 44195



Abdominal Radiology:

Kavita Bhatt, MD – Associate Program Director, Educational Liaison
Christopher Coppa, MD – Fellowship Director
Myra Feldman, MD
Namita Gandhi, MD
Amar Gupta, MD
Brian Herts, MD
Sarah Hunter, MD
Peter Liu, MD – Institute Chair
Rekha Mody, MD
Douglas Nachand, MD
Charles O’Malley, MD
Andrei Purysko, MD – Section Head
Justin Ream, MD
Erick Remer, MD
Daniel Roesel, MD – Educational Liaison
David Sweet, MD
Shetal Shah, MD
Joseph Veniero, MD, PhD – Program Director

Breast Imaging:

Fouzeyah Ali, MD
Serine Baydoun, MD
Melanie Chellman, MD
Laura Dean, MD
Cheryl Hubbard, MD
Caitlin Ilkanich, MD
Yasmin Mekhail, MD
Kimberly Monteith, MD
Camila Purysko, MD
Alice Rim, MD – Department Chair
Julie Ritner, MD – Fellowship Director, Educational Liaison
Tina Ruchalski, MD
Rosalinn Santacruz, MD
Laura Shepardson, MD – Section Head
Paulette Turk, MD
Brian Xavier, MD

Cardiovascular Imaging:

Michael Bolen, MD – Section Head, Fellowship Director
Milind Desai, MD
Richard Grimm, DO
Serge Harb, MD
Christine Jellis, MD, PhD
Vidyasagar Kalahasti, MD
Rukmini Komarlu, MD
Deborah Kwon, MD
Zoran Popovic, MD, PhD
Jay Ramchand MD, PhD
Leonardo Rodriguez, MD
Paul Schoenhagen, MD – Educational Liaison
Vineet Tornekar, MD
Bo Xu, MD
Malek el Yaman, MD

Interventional Radiology:

Avi Beck, MD
Michael Bergen, MD
Sameer Gadani, MD
Amajit Gill, MD
Justin Guan, MD
Ram Gurajala, MD
Ihab Haddadin, MD
Zahra Karimloo, MD
Karunakaravel Karuppasamy, MD
Abraham Levitin, MD – Section Head
Xiaochen Liu, MD
Charles Martin III, MD
Hans Michell, MD
Jennifer Montgomery, MD, PhD
D Paratore, DO – Educational Liaison
Sasan Partovi, MD
Linnan Tang, MD
Rohan Thakkar, MD
Dustin Thompson, MD – IR/DR Program Director

Medical Physics:

Frank DiFillipo, PhD
Grant Fong, MS
Katie Hulme, MS
Paul Johnson, MS, PhD – Section Head
Vladimir Kepe, PhD
Xiang Li, PhD
Ashraf Morgan, MS, PhD
Kishnendu Saha, PhD
Vivek Singh, PhD
Celalettin Topbas, PhD – Educational Liaison
Kevin Wunderle, PhD

Musculoskeletal Radiology:

Faysal Altahawi, MD
Po-Hao Chen, MD, MBA
Michael Forney, MD – Associate Program Director
Maxime Freire, MD
Steve Hatem, MD – Vice Chair of Education, Educational Liaison
Hakan Ilaslan, MD – Section Head
Joshua Polster, MD
Claus Simpfendorfer, MD
Naveen Subhas, MD – Fellowship Director
Carl Winalski, MD
Fangbai Wu, MD
Jonathan Youngner, MD


Todd Emch, MD – Section Head
James Dixon, MD
Scott Johnson, MD
Stephen Jones, MD, PhD
Christopher Karakasis, MD – Educational Liaison
Matthew Kiczek, DO – Fellowship Director
Jonathan Lee, MD
Daniel Lockwood, MD
Douglas Martin, MD
Parvez Masood, MD
David Mihal, MD
Doksu Moon, MD
Emmanuel Obusez, MD
Matthew Poturalski, MD
Razia Rehmani, MD
Volodymyr Statsevych, MD
Sarah Stock, MD
Todd Stultz, DDS, MD
Adam Sweeney, MD
Jenny Wu, MD

Nuclear Radiology:

Murad Abusamra, MD
Nicholas Austin, DO – Educational Liaison
Paresh Mahajan, MD
Sankaran Shrikanthan, MD
Abdel Tahari, MD, PhD
Elcin Zan, MD – Section Head

Pediatric Radiology:

Michael Aquino, MD, MHS – Section Head
Deborah Brahee, MD
Benjamin Fortson, MD
Albair Guirguis, MD
Brooke Lampl, DO – Educational Liaison
Elizabeth Lio, MD
Brendan McCleary, MD
Melissa Myers, MD
Ellen Park, MD – Fellowship Director
Esben Vogelius, MD

Thoracic Imaging:

Joseph Azok, MD
Ryo Benson, MD
Mnahi Bin Saeedan, MD
Aamer Chughtai, MD
Subha Ghosh, MD
Ruffin Graham, MD – Section Head
Omar Lababede, MD
Jason Lempel, MD – Educational Liaison
Nadeem Parkar, MD
Rahul Renapurkar, MD
Ruchi Yadav, MD – Fellowship Director
Shaoxing Zhang, MD