
Your urinary system is like the plumbing in your house. It removes waste from your body and even controls your body’s levels of chemicals and electrolytes.

When something goes wrong with the plumbing in your house, you call a plumber. And when your urinary system seems out of order, you turn to the experts at Cleveland Clinic. Our team has experience with different conditions, from kidney stones to prostate cancer — and everything in between. We’ll guide you through each step to make sure you get the best care and treatment along the way.

Why Choose Cleveland Clinic for Urology Care?

skilled and collaborative providers icon

Collaborative care:

With the merging of our urology and kidney medicine programs, our team is better able to address patient care through prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

trusted experts icon

Trusted experts:

When you need answers, you want someone who’s knowledgeable and experienced by your side. We combine our expertise and work as a team throughout your care. We have some of the leading experts in their fields working to help you.

Innovation and Research Icon

Innovation and research:

At Cleveland Clinic, our team is engaged in research and the development of new technologies that help us provide the best possible care.

Meet Our Urology Care Team

At Cleveland Clinic, we work together to make sure you get the best care. That means you’ll work with different providers throughout the process. We make sure you see the providers you need when you need them. And throughout it all, we offer care with compassion.

Here are a few of the types of providers you may work with:

If your diagnosis includes cancer, you’ll also work with oncologists (cancer specialists). You may work with social workers, psychologists or other mental health providers throughout your care journey.


Our healthcare providers see patients at convenient locations throughout Northeast Ohio, Florida and London.

Patient Stories

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Rick and Frank Perez
Two Brothers Overcome Prostate Cancer at Same Time
“Like most men, it took me five years to go to the doctor when I had urination problems. Now, Ricky and I tell people all the time – you’ve got to be alert about these things.”
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Al Sidoti
Doctor Reconstructs Man's Bladder Using His Small Intestine
“Look, I work with a bunch of guys and they never want to get their prostate checked. I tell them ‘It’s no big deal. Go to the doctor before it’s too late’.”
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Clinical Trial Uses Patient’s Own Immune System to Fight Bladder Cancer | Cleveland Clinic Patient Stories
Clinical Trial Uses Patient’s Own Immune System to Fight Bladder Cancer
“I’m so impressed with Cleveland Clinic, the many resources available, and the friendly and knowledgeable team of health professionals who have supported me throughout this journey. This clinical trial has been life-changing for me.”
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Cleveland Clinic Gives Urology Patient New Outlook on Life | Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic Gives Urology Patient New Outlook on Life
“I will never forget everybody that I've met. They know who I am and they know what I've been through and they care. That's what matters most.”
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