
When you learn you have a blood disorder, you may wonder about your future. Is it cancer? Will you need special care? And you’ll want an expert team on your side.

Cleveland Clinic’s hematology providers are trusted experts in diagnosing and treating blood disorders. Our team combines skilled medical treatment with compassionate support. We put you and your family at the center of all we do when you come to us for help.

Why Choose Cleveland Clinic for Blood Disorder Care?

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Trusted experts:

Cleveland Clinic’s hematology providers are recognized nationally and globally for treating even the most complex blood disorders. And they pass on this knowledge to the next generation of providers. Our team also shares knowledge by training hematology medical students, residents and fellows.

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Skilled collaborative providers:

At Cleveland Clinic, we believe the best results come from the meeting of minds. Experts work together to plan the best possible care for every patient. That’s why we build a personalized care team with providers from different specialties — chosen based on your diagnosis and needs.

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Patient-centered care:

From commonly diagnosed blood conditions to the rarest diagnoses, you can count on us. Our team offers second opinions when you’re unsure about taking the next step. We listen to your concerns, answer your questions and guide you through what to expect from treatment and beyond.

Meet Our Blood Disorder Care Team

Blood disorders happen for many reasons. And can affect your body in many ways. That’s why we make sure you have the providers you need on your side when you come to us for treatment. Your care team will have providers from the specialties you need, like:

These and other experienced providers work together so you get the best treatments for the best possible results.


Our healthcare providers see patients at convenient locations throughout Northeast Ohio and Florida.

Woman with a shaved head due to chemotherapy treatment is hopeful following remission.


Not every blood disorder is cancer, but some are, and if you learn that you have cancer, it can be stressful and shocking. From the moment you get the news, you’re a survivor. As you face the challenges that go along with cancer treatment and recovery — physical and emotional — we’ll be right there with you.

At Cleveland Clinic, survivorship care is one part of your journey. We offer a wide range of services, resources, clinics and support groups to help with any physical, emotional, financial and spiritual needs you might have related to your cancer diagnosis. Lending a helping hand along the way, we want you to not only survive but thrive on this journey and beyond.

Patient Stories

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Whether in school, or participating in cheerleading, Audrey is enjoying her nearly-back-to-normal life.
Girl With Leukemia Goes Into Remission: “Anything is possible!”
“This wraps up a chapter in her life we hope we never have to reopen. Audrey handled everything like a champ, and we are so grateful and proud.”
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Sue and Jay Giles in front of their home in Burton, Ohio.
Cell-Based Therapy Effective For Woman With Rare Form of Lymphoma
“The doctors perform the treatment and make sure it goes the way it should. The nurses and nursing assistants got me through it.”
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Doctors diagnosed Sarah with stage 4 anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), which is a T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Woman’s Valiant Journey With Rare Form of Lymphoma
“It’s been three years now, and they are still like family to me.”
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Wayne Howard and his wife and daughter
Amyloidosis Patient Credits Faith and Family for Survival
“I was mistrustful of doctors due to my early misdiagnosis, so it was a huge relief to find doctors who spoke openly and honestly with me, who took time to explain things with words and drawings that I was able to understand.”
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Unknown Bone Marrow Donor Saves Woman’s Life | Cleveland Clinic Patient Stories
Leukemia Patient Meets Bone Marrow Donor Who Saved Her Life
“How do you thank someone for saving your life? There’s just not words for that.”
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Hawken was 7-month-old when he was diagnosed with Burkitt leukemia. (Courtesy: Cady Meloy Photography)
One of the Youngest-Known Burkitt Leukemia Patients is Loving Life in Remission
“The mission is to assist people in overcoming obstacles. It’s an opportunity for everyone to share their inspirations. And for all of us to learn from each other.”
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Autism and leukemia patient, Simon Ziemba, with his mother, Autumn Ziemba.
Boy Bravely Battles Leukemia While Learning to Live with Autism
“Our goal is for Simon to live his best life, and be his best self. And every milestone he achieves is such a wonderful gift, one that he has worked so hard to make happen.”
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Jud Logan at Division II NCAA outdoor national championships in May 2019.
Ashland University Coach on Track in His Battle to Overcome Leukemia
“As I told the doctors, I'm not looking for easy. I'm only looking for possible.”
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Mike Balla
Dad Went to Doctor for a Bad Bug Bite, the Diagnosis Was Leukemia
“The hour it takes to go get a checkup could help prevent months of health problems. You may think you don’t have time for that. But it’s not true. If you don’t go to the doctor, you may have a much bigger problem.”
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