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Multiple Sclerosis Research Programs

Multiple Sclerosis Research Programs

The Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a national leader in MS clinical care and research. Research at the Mellen Center spans a range of topics with the ultimate goal of improving care. The Center houses three magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, including a high field (7 Tesla) MRI machine, which is the first of its kind in Northeast Ohio. The MRI machines drive much of the technologically motivated research to better understand MS pathology and is used in conjunction with tissue analysis.

The Mellen Center is at the forefront of clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of new MS therapeutics or new methods of drug delivery prior to FDA approval. A growing interest in MS research revolves around stem cell therapies, and the Mellen Center has already completed a successful Phase I stem cell trial with plans to continue efforts to understand the benefits and risks of the use of stem cell therapies for MS.

Researchers are also interested in patient perspectives and outcomes including examining patient reported outcomes, behavior and mood disorders in MS, access to care, risk tolerance for therapy, influence of music on rehabilitation, and to leverage large volumes of patient data to inform clinical decision-making.

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