Before Your Appointment

To help ensure a smooth billing process, we encourage you to take these steps before your visit at Cleveland Clinic:

  1. Confirm that your insurance is accepted at Cleveland Clinic by checking our list of accepted insurance plans or by calling your insurance company to find out if it has a contract with Cleveland Clinic.
  2. Check your insurance plan to find out what is and isn't covered and whether or not your service requires authorization. Inform Cleveland Clinic of any secondary or supplemental insurance that you have.
  3. Obtain a referral, if required by your insurance company. Please discuss this with your primary care physician prior to scheduling an appointment with one of our specialists.
    • Please Note: Cleveland Clinic does not require referrals, but your insurance company may require them to provide coverage of your visit or procedure.
  4. Confirm the copay amount for your visit, as well as any unmet deductible amount.
  5. Be aware of your coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximum.
  6. Update your coordination of benefits with your insurance plan.
  7. Ask the scheduler for a pre-service cost estimate, or create your own estimate here.
  8. Inform the scheduler if your visit is related to an accident and/or Workers' Compensation.
  9. If you do not have insurance, review our financial assistance options.

Still have questions?

Contact Us

Patient Financial Services
Phone: 216.445.6249 or 866.621.6385 (toll-free)
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.