Mercy Hospital offers a wide range of surgical services. Whether you require a minimally invasive procedure or a major surgery, our surgical teams are dedicated to providing our patients with excellent care.
Safe, family-friendly environment
When you choose our Surgery Center, you can be confident we consider patient safety and quality to be our highest priority. Accredited by the Joint Commission (a nationally recognized accrediting institute), the Surgery Center regularly undergoes rigorous on-site evaluations and is committed to meeting and exceeding national quality and safety standards.
We support family involvement. To help with pre-surgery preparation and post-surgical care, family members are included in patient education discussions.
Your privacy is important. Our conference rooms provide a private setting for family members to speak confidentially with surgeons.
Our Surgery Center has its own three-level parking deck, so you and your family do not need to enter the main hospital. While you are in surgery, your family members can relax in the Surgery Center’s large, waiting area illuminated by natural light.
Advanced technology and procedures
Our Surgery Center is equipped with the latest surgical and monitoring tools, allowing surgeons to perform a diverse array of inpatient and outpatient procedures such as:
- General surgery.
- Head and neck surgery.
- Gynecological surgery.
- Neurological (brain and spine) surgery.
- Ophthalmological surgery.
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery.
- Orthopaedic surgery.
- Sports Medicine surgery.
- Thoracic surgery.
- Urological surgery.
- Vascular surgery.
The Surgery Center can accommodate urgent and emergent procedures and also supports Mercy Hospital’s Trauma Program.
Robotic and endovascular surgery
Experienced surgeons and staff are routinely performing heart, gynecology, urology and general surgeries.
Advantages to robotic assisted surgery include smaller incisions, as well as the potential for reduced blood loss and risk of infection, significantly less pain, a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery.
Bloodless surgery
At Mercy Hospital’s Surgery Center, you may choose bloodless surgery, an approach that speeds recovery and healing. Our on-site coordinator will work with you, your family and physicians to provide bloodless techniques such as an advanced cell-saver system, electrosurgical coagulation, electrocautery, skin monitors, treatments with medications and other methods.
If you select bloodless surgery, all staff involved in your care – from the admitting office to the operating room – are made aware of your decision. With this integrated approach, you can be sure Mercy Hospital is committed to your choice of care.
Preparing for Surgery
There are a number of things you need to know and do before your surgery.
- If you have any questions about your or a loved one’s procedure, please contact your healthcare provider.
- If you have any questions about our Surgery Center, please call 330.489.1102 or 330.489.1300.
Blood Management
Blood Management is a means of patient care that reduces the need for blood transfusion. Cleveland Clinic nurses and doctors provide Patient Blood Management as a normal part of your care and can help you decide which options regarding management of your blood are best for your condition, as well as when to make the decision to get a blood transfusion. Cleveland Clinic offers Patient Blood Management at all of its hospital facilities located in the United States.
Once your surgery has been scheduled, you may call to preregister five to seven days in advance of your pretesting, surgery or procedure. We’ll contact you if you have not called our office.
- Pre-registration Phone Number: 330.489.1102 or 330.489.1300.
- Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Registration is required to provide accurate treatment and billing information. We ask that you have your insurance information available when calling to preregister.
The following information is needed for preregistration:
- Patient’s social security number.
- Patient’s full legal name and middle initial.
- Patient’s address, telephone number, religion and employer.
- Patient’s next of kin and person to notify in case of an emergency.
- Name of person responsible for billing (guarantor).
- Guarantor address, telephone number, employer and relationship to patient.
- Insurance company’s name, address and telephone number.
- Policy number.
- Group number.
- Physician name.
- Diagnosis and type of surgery or procedure.
Surgery time
You will be called the night before surgery and advised of your surgery time and when you should arrive at Mercy Hospital. If your surgery is on Monday, you will be called on Friday before your surgery date. Please arrive on time.
Arriving at the Surgery Center
To maintain your privacy and confidentiality, the Surgery Center has a private entrance and free parking on 12th Street. Take the elevator to the first floor and check in at the Surgery Information Desk. The desk staff will notify the Pre-Procedure area that you’ve arrived and validate your parking ticket.
Surgery Guide
To learn more about your surgery – before, during and after – access our Mercy Hospital Surgery Guide.
Learn More
Appointments and Locations
Appointments with Surgeons
- To make an appointment with a Mercy Hospital surgeon, see our team of surgeons.
Pre-register for Surgery
- To pre-register for surgery, call 330.489.1102 or 330.489.1300.
- Pre-registration is open 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Please have insurance information available.
Pre-Anesthesia Consultation Clinic
The Pre-Anesthesia Consultation Clinic is located in the Mercy Medical Office Building.
Mercy Hospital Medical Office Building
1330 Mercy Drive, NW
Canton, OH 44708
Mercy Surgery Center
The Surgery Center is located next to the hospital and has an attached parking deck for your convenience.
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital
1320 Mercy Drive, NW
Canton, OH 44708