Specialties at Marymount Hospital
Marymount Hospital is committed to providing exceptional patient care in a wide variety of medical specialties including the following programs and services:

Providing Compassionate Patient Care With Exceptional Medical Expertise
Founded in 1949 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis, Marymount Hospital has been blending compassionate patient care with exceptional medical expertise and advanced technology. Marymount Hospital is a 269-registered bed acute care hospital, serving communities in southern and southeastern Cuyahoga County.
In 1995, Marymount became the first community hospital to become a member of Cleveland Clinic health system. With the outstanding clinical, research and educational abilities of Cleveland Clinic, Marymount maintains a strong commitment to the communities we serve.
The 26-acre hospital campus includes a medical office building, a behavioral health center, the Critical Care Tower and a state-of-the-art Surgery Center. Marymount has also broadened its geographic footprint with their off-site facilities, including: