
Cleveland Clinic in Florida offers Undergraduate Medical Education to teach students essential clinical and practical skills. Participating students rotate with faculty, fellows and residents in a variety of specialty areas.
To be scheduled for a clinical rotation, there must be an active affiliation agreement between the school and Cleveland Clinic in Florida. A rotation cannot be scheduled prior to executing an agreement. Please contact your school to inquire if an agreement exists. If one does not, you or your school should email medstudents@ccf.org to initiate the agreement process.
For more information about Undergraduate Medical Education rotations, please review our frequently asked questions below.
Programs We Offer
- Allergy & Immunology.
- Anesthesiology.
- Breast Surgery.
- Cardiology.
- Colorectal Surgery.
- Critical Care.
- Emergency Medicine.
- Endocrinology.
- Family Medicine Sub-Internship.
- Gastroenterology.
- General Surgery (MIS/Bari).
- Gynecology (Ambulatory & Operative).
- Hematology/Oncology & Radiation Oncology.
- Infectious Disease.
- Internal Medicine Sub-Internship.
- Nephrology & Hypertension.
- Neurology.
- Neurosurgery.
- Orthopaedic Surgery.
- Orthopaedic Sports Medicine.
- Otolaryngology.
- Pathology.
- Plastic Surgery.
- Pulmonary Medicine.
- Radiology.
- Rheumatology.
- Sports Medicine.
- Surgical ICU.
- Transplant Hepatology.
- Transplant Surgery.
- Urology.
- Vascular Medicine.
- Vascular Surgery.