
Why train at Cleveland Clinic in Florida?
With a diverse patient population, group practice setting, and complex and unusual cases, Cleveland Clinic offers every resident or fellow a unique learning experience with its clinical electives program.
If you are currently a resident or fellow enrolled in a U.S. graduate medical education program, you may be eligible to rotate at Cleveland Clinic during an elective time to gain experience outside of your home institution.
Thank you for your interest in rotations at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital.
Available Training Programs
- Advanced GI/MIS.
- Allergy and Immunology.
- Cardiology.
- Colorectal/MIS.
- Colorectal Surgery.
- Gastroenterology.
- General Surgery (MIS/BARI).
- Gynecology/MIS.
- Internal Medicine.
- Nephrology.
- Neurosurgery.
- Neurology.
- Orthopedics – Adult Reconstructive Surgery.
- Plastic Surgery.
- Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine.
- Surgical ICU.
- Transplant Hepatology.
- Transplant Surgery.
Note: Rotation availability is subject to change. Additional rotations may be available upon inquiry.
Apply for a Rotation
To submit a rotation request, the visiting resident or fellow will need to fill out the application and submit the following information to visitingresidentsfl@ccf.org. Applications must be submitted at least 90 days prior to the requested start date.
Along with the application, the visiting resident or fellow will need to include the following information:
- Current CV.
- Requested Rotation.
- Requested Rotation Dates.
- Alternate Dates.
- PGY Year.
- Current Program.
- Current Program Director's name and email.
- Program Coordinator's name and email.
- DIO Name and email.
- Home Institution's legal name.
- Home Institution's address.
- Goals and Objectives.
- Provided by your Program Director.
- Document must be in Microsoft Word.
- Required for Program Letter of Agreement.
Once the submission is received, the program/department of interest will be contacted for approval.
After reviewing trainee credentials and other training commitments, the program director will notify our department of their ability to accommodate the request. The approval process can take up to 30 days.
Upon a decision, the visiting resident or fellow will receive an approval or declination email and if approved, will also be provided with the next steps in the onboarding and compliance process.
Onboarding and Required Documentation
If approved for a rotation, detailed steps for onboarding and compliance are provided in writing to the preferred email address of the visiting resident or fellow. This email will also contain information regarding how to access the online platforms managing these requirements (Silkroad and MedHub).
To better prepare the visiting resident or fellow for the onboarding and compliance process, below is a list of onboarding and documentation required to rotate at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital.
- MedHub – Link provided via email from MedHub upon rotation approval to upload required documentation, including but not limited to:
- Professional photo with white background.
- Florida Medical License (see FAQ’S for details).
- Medical School Diploma.
- ECFMG Certificate (if applicable).
- Health Insurance.
- Letter of Good Standing.
- Malpractice Insurance (see FAQ’S for details).
- Fit Test.
- Proof of Immunizations/Titers (Varicella, Tdap, MMR, Hep B).
- Flu Vaccine (required annually, November through March).
- Silkroad – Link provided via email from Silkroad approximately 30 days prior to the rotation start date to initiate Silkroad onboarding tasks, including but not limited to:
- Background Check (external background checks not accepted).
- Upload proof of TB test dated within 1 year from rotation start date.
- Policy Attestations.
- Compliance training modules.
Visiting Resident/Fellow (VR/F) Onboarding Timeline
90 days (or more) prior to the starting date
- VR/F submits Application/Onboarding form via email with required information for formal rotation request.
- Within 30 days, you will receive email notification of acceptance/denial from the VR/F Dept.
- If approved, you will receive a link via email to access MedHub for documentation upload/compliance.
(Due 30 days prior to rotation start date).
30 days prior to start
- DUE: MedHub package.
- You will receive an email from the VR/F Dept regarding ACTION-REQUIRED next steps and due dates.
- Within 1 – 3 business days, you will receive an email from Non-Employee Onboarding with Silkroad login instructions. (Initiate Silkroad tasks immediately).
- During Silkroad, you will receive your Non-Employee ID # via email which is used to login to the MyLearning modules (approximately 3 – 4 hours to complete).
2 weeks prior to start
- DUE: Silkroad
(Please note: Failure to complete all requirements 2 weeks prior to start may result in cancellation of the scheduled rotation).
1 week prior to start
- You will receive an email from the VR/F Dept with important information, including badge pick-up, clinical contact and first-day instructions.
2 – 3 days prior to start
- You will reach out to the clinical contact person make first day arrangements and discuss any specific scheduling questions.
Please Note: if you are a returning visiting resident or fellow, onboarding tasks may require recompletion and/or updating as necessary upon review of your existing records.
Am I eligible?
All visiting residents or fellows must currently be in an ACGME-accredited U.S. graduate medical education program and have approval from their program director to rotate at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital.
What is the standard length of a rotation?
4 weeks is standard and preferred, but a minimum of 2-week rotations may be considered.
Do I need a legal agreement to rotate at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital?
Yes. All rotations require a Program Letter of Agreement (PLA). Some institutions may already have an active PLA in place with Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital. If your institution does not, you and your program coordinator will be contacted with next steps to initiate the PLA for approved rotations.
Do I need malpractice insurance?
In order to assume any patient care responsibilities at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, visiting trainees must produce proof of liability coverage from their home hospital aka Sponsoring Institution. The Sponsoring Institution will provide general liability and professional liability insurance with minimum limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) each occurrence and three million dollars ($3,000,000) annual aggregate to cover the acts and omissions of residents while on affiliation at the Participating Institution. Proof of coverage can be in the form of a letter on letterhead from an official within your institution or a copy of the actual policy verifying liability coverage during the time you will be rotating at Cleveland Clinic. Proof of coverage must be provided, or you will be withdrawn from the rotation.
My home institution will not or cannot provide malpractice insurance for the rotation, what can I do?
Personal malpractice insurance can be purchased individually and must meet the required coverage limits.
What type of license must I provide?
You are required to provide a copy of either your permanent Florida medical license or a copy of a Florida training certificate issued by the State Medical Board of Florida (MD or DO) prior to beginning your rotation. Applicants needing a Florida medical license should apply early; the process takes approximately 4 to 8 weeks. If you cannot provide active Florida licensure information, your rotation will be withdrawn.
Where do I apply for a Florida Medical License?
The medical license application for the Florida Board of Medicine can be found here: https://flboardofmedicine.gov/licensing/resident-physicians-interns-fellows-and-house-physicians/#tab-fees
The medical license application for The Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine can be found here: https://floridasosteopathicmedicine.gov/licensing/
What if the rotation must be cancelled or needs to be rescheduled?
Contact our department at visitingresidentsfl@ccf.org to request alternate dates and/or notify of cancellation.
Who does the visiting resident or fellow report to on the first day?
You will receive an email from our department approximately a week prior to the start of your rotation with additional details regarding your first shift and contact information in order to facilitate meeting time and location.
Will I receive a laptop computer, Cleveland Clinic cell phone or remote access?
No. For security reasons, visiting trainees are not permitted the above resources.
Is a meal stipend or discounts included in the rotation?
No. Meal stipends or discounts are not provided.
I am a visiting resident or fellow returning to Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital for the same or different rotation. Do I need to complete compliance and onboarding again?
Returning visiting residents or fellows are required to be current with compliance and may be subject to a renewal process in both MedHub and SilkRoad.
I am returning to Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital for the same or different rotation, how do I reactivate my computer login and EPIC access?
Your access will be reactivated by our department prior to the start date of the scheduled rotation. No action is needed on your part.
What do I do if I need time off during my scheduled rotation?
Absences previously approved by your home institution should be communicated to the elective program director early on to address any potential scheduling issues. The expectation is that absences during your Cleveland Clinic away rotation are kept to a minimum.
What do I do if I am looking for local housing during my elective rotation?
Please email our department at visitingresidentsfl@ccf.org for a list of current available housing.