What Bone Densitometry Technologists Do

Bone densitometry technologists use a special type of X-ray equipment to measure bone mineral density at a specific anatomical site (usually the wrist, heel, spine, or hip) or to calculate total body bone mineral content. Results can be used by physicians to estimate the amount of bone loss due to osteoporosis.

Bone density refers to the amount of matter per square centimeter of bones. Note that this is not a true "density," which would be measured in mass per cubic area. It is measured by a procedure called densitometry, often performed in the radiology or nuclear medicine departments of hospitals or clinics. The measurement is painless and non-invasive and involves minimal radiation exposure.

Types of Work Environments

  • Hospitals' imaging and radiology departments

Educational and Training Requirements

At this time, certification as a bone densitometry technologist is voluntary. However, many employers look for candidates who are certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Candidates looking to become certified in bone densitometry must have already earned certification credentials in radiography, nuclear medicine, or radiation therapy.


According to salary.com, the median salary for bone densitometry technologists is approximately $37,460 per year.

Professional Organizations and Resources

The American Registry for Radiologic Technologists
The National Osteoporosis Foundation
The International Society for Clinical Densitometry

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