A virtual second opinion is direct, remote access to 3,500 specialists across 550+ advanced subspecialties at Cleveland Clinic. Employees can connect with a physician for advice about a diagnosis, treatment plans and chronic conditions without travel or other obstacles.
This concierge service is excellent for employees facing complex medical diagnoses and is an easy way for them to access care. Not only does it allow them to address uncertainty, anxiety and lost productivity, the virtual second opinion program continuously delivers a high level of member satisfaction and retention. It also minimizes costs due to unnecessary procedures, medications, treatments, hospitalizations and disease progressions.
Reasons to participate in the virtual second opinion:
- Our physicians modify 28% of diagnoses and 72% of treatment plans.
- Employers save an average of $12,781 / second opinion case.
- 93% of patients carry out recommendations.
Contact us today to learn more about virtual second opinion.