If you are a practicing physician interested in learning new or enhancing existing procedural and clinical skills, Cleveland Clinic offers one-on-one instruction by leading experts. We have three unique tracts available to meet your specific needs: Surgery, Medicine, and Hybrid. Under each tract are additional pathways to choose from. We believe every physician deserves world-class training.

CAST Surgery Tract Pathways (Choose One):

  • Preceptorship (observation only: includes OR, clinical and meetings).
  • Hands-on training (includes preceptorship activities, as well as direct, supervised patient care in OR cases).

CAST Medicine Tract Pathway:

Preceptorship (observation only: includes clinical, meetings and admin).

CAST Hybrid (Surgery & Medicine) Tract Pathway:

A combination of the following:

  • Preceptorship (observation only: includes OR, clinical, meetings, and/or admin).
  • Hands-on training (includes preceptorship activities, as well as direct, supervised patient care in OR cases).

For CAST inquiries, please contact Brian Kissinger (kissinb@ccf.org) or Danielle Harris (harrisd9@ccf.org).

For any international observership or preceptorship inquiries, please follow this link to the Center for International Medical Education.