Finding the Best Childbirth Experience for You at Cleveland Clinic
Childbirth is a highly personal experience. So, you’ll want to go to a hospital with a birth environment that feels right for you. Cleveland Clinic has five birthing hospitals specializing in labor and delivery for any personalized birth plan at:
If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you may be cared for by our providers at any of these hospitals or, in some very specific cases, at our Main Campus.
Natural childbirth suites
If you’re looking for a medication-free birth, you’ve come to the right place. Cleveland Clinic’s Fairview Hospital’s Family Birth Place has suites dedicated to medication-free (natural) labor, birth and postpartum (after birth) care. Hillcrest Hospital also has several rooms dedicated to an unmedicated birthing experience.
Some of our spacious rooms also have hydrotherapy tubs for water labor if that’s in your birth plan. We also offer rockers, birthing balls, a TV and aromatherapy. This is all designed to support you during the early part of labor.
Meet Our Childbirth Team
You may be working with an obstetrician (OB), you may have a midwife — or both. You might also want the help of a birth assistant (doula). And if your pregnancy is high risk, you may have a maternal-fetal medicine specialist (sometimes known as a perinatologist).
There are a lot of people you may meet while you’re in labor and recovery. Your childbirth team may also have:
0 Providers Who Offer Childbirth Care
Our healthcare providers see patients at convenient locations throughout Northeast Ohio and Florida.
Giving Birth at Cleveland Clinic
Whether you’re planning to give birth with or without medications, our healthcare providers are here to guide you through the stages of labor, types of delivery and postpartum recovery.
It’s a good idea to call your provider and get instructions about when to head to the hospital while you’re in early labor or if your water breaks. This can help you avoid any surprises — like having your baby born at home (if you don’t want that to happen) or on the way there.
Inducing labor
Sometimes, though, labor doesn’t always start or move along naturally. If this happens, your provider will talk with you about inducing labor. There are a few reasons to jump start your labor. You might be past your due date. Maybe there are health complications your provider has been keeping an eye on. Or you could have low levels of amniotic fluid or your water might have broken. If any of this sound like you, we can help get labor going.
We can induce labor by using IV (into your vein) medications, breaking your amniotic sac, separating the amniotic membrane from your uterine wall (membrane sweep) or softening your cervix (ripening) with a medication that goes into your vagina.
What to expect if you choose a medicated childbirth
If your birth plan includes medication for pain, your healthcare providers will go over your pain relief options during delivery. You might get medication through an injection or IV to help dull labor discomfort during early labor. Another pain relief option you may have heard of before is an epidural. This medication is put in your back, and it’s meant to block pain in the lower half of your body. We only use general anesthesia to put you to sleep in emergency situations.
What to expect if you choose a medication-free childbirth
If you’ve decided to labor without pain medication, your care team will keep an eye on how things move forward. They’ll suggest ways for you to manage pain. And your birth partner and/or doula can guide you through physical relaxation exercises, help you find birthing ball positions that work for you and breathe with you through contractions. Our providers are experienced labor coaches who can offer expert support and care.
Cesarean birth (C-section)
Sometimes, your provider may decide a vaginal delivery isn’t the best or safest option for you. If that happens, they’ll talk to you about having a cesarean birth, or a C-section. In this surgery, your provider delivers the baby through incisions (cuts) in your abdomen (belly) and uterus.
Having a C-section may not be a part of your birth plan. But if you need one, it’s because it can keep your delivery as safe as possible. We’re here to help you if you need a planned or emergency C-section.
Neonatal care
There’s a lot that happens right after birth. Our team will do an Apgar score test on your baby right after they’re born. This test helps us quickly learn if your baby needs immediate medical care. And if they do, we’re there to help. Some of our birthing centers offer highly specialized newborn care if needed. Mercy Hospital has a Level II special care nursery. Fairview, Hillcrest and Akron General have Level III neonatal intensive care units (NICU), while our Level IV NICU at the Main Campus provides care for the most serious conditions.
Your hospital stay
How long will I stay in the hospital? It’s one of the questions we get asked the most. How long you’ll stay can depend on lots of things, including the type of delivery you have and if you have any complications.
Many states require insurance companies to provide coverage for 48 hours after a vaginal birth and 96 hours after a C-section.
During this time, we’ll check on you and your baby to make sure there are no postpartum problems. And we’ll be by your side to teach you how to care for yourself and your newborn. Your providers will let you know when they feel you and your baby are ready to leave the hospital.
While some new parents may want their little one to stay in the nursery, your providers will likely recommend rooming in. This helps you get to know your baby, bond with them and learn their cues — like what they do when they’re hungry, tired or need a cuddle. This can help you feel more prepared when you go home.
Taking the Next Step
Childbirth can be a wild ride full of all sorts of emotions and sensations. Pain. Excitement. Exhaustion. Worry. Delight. When labor starts, our team is here to help make the experience feel less daunting as you head toward the delivery room. We want you to feel at ease with what’s happening and will support you throughout your entire childbirth experience.

Getting an appointment with Cleveland Clinic’s childbirth experts is easy. We’ll help you get the care you need.

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