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Podcast Transcript
Michelle Lampton: Welcome to Learning to Lead, a podcast on leadership development by Cleveland Clinic. I'm Michelle Lampton
Emily Grimes: And I'm Emily Grimes. Michelle and I are colleagues in the Mandel Global Leadership and Learning Institute, also known as G.L.L.I. At GLLI, we support the professional development of all caregivers, which means we get to work on programs and projects to support leaders and caregivers at every stage of their careers.
Michelle Lampton: We also work to build a Learning Culture at Cleveland Clinic, which is basically the idea that learning is life-long and that all of us can learn from one another. And that's what we'll be doing in this podcast - hearing and learning from leaders and aspiring leaders from across the enterprise about leadership in all its forms.
Emily Grimes: Michelle and I will be your hosts on this podcast and we are here to learn alongside you as we hear from Cleveland Clinic leaders across the enterprise, which is perfect because we have lots of questions.
Michelle Lampton: Like, have you ever wondered what makes a great leader? What does a great leader do anyways?
Emily Grimes: And Michelle, what's it like to be a leader of an organization of 66,000 people? Are the challenges Cleveland Clinic leaders face unique to healthcare or can they be applied to other fields?
Michelle Lampton: What happens when things aren't going so well for a leader, or for their team? How do I bounce back if I make a mistake or outright fail?
Emily Grimes: We're going to be talking to leaders about how they lead teams...
Terri Murray: You have to trust. Because leaders sometimes that are new, don't relinquish that power, if you will, because they don't really trust.
James Hekman, MD: I want to create teams where everyone's experience is meaningful, is heard and contributes to a greater understanding of our shared humanity and in turn leads to better problem solving. That's the goal, at least.
Michelle Lampton: What are the traits that great leaders share? What makes a great leader?
Dan Thompson: I go into everything with the mindset of just caring about people.
Adam Myers, MD: If I seek to understand, then people around will seek to understand.
Terri Murray: Your greatness is how you can inspire the people who you're intended to lead.
Emily Grimes: Then there are leaders who may not have direct reports, but who stepped up when needed....
Albert Roque: I never like to tell someone to do that I would never do myself. I like to lead by example, be willing to be right there on the front lines with my team.
Michelle Lampton: And all of them will be leaving us with words of wisdom we can lead by.
Rasheeda Larkin: I think that it is important to be honest with yourself, to know who you are, what you stand for, what are some things about you that you want to change? What are some things about you that are great and you really need to sit in that?
Emily Grimes: That's it for us at GLLI. Stay curious and keep learning!