Healthcare providers perform thyroplasty to treat unilateral vocal cord paralysis. They place a mesh device into your voice box to move the paralyzed vocal cord closer to the working vocal cord. Other types of thyroplasty treat spasmodic dysphonia or other conditions.
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Medialization laryngoplasty (formerly known as thyroplasty) is a surgical treatment for vocal cord paralysis. Your surgeon places an implant into your paralyzed or weak vocal cord. The implant moves a nonfunctioning vocal cord toward the functioning one to allow for better voicing.
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Vocal cord paralysis affects your voice box (larynx) in your throat. Your voice box has two vocal cords (also called vocal folds). These smooth muscles help you breathe, speak and swallow. When you talk or cough, air moves through your lungs and into your windpipe (trachea) and across your voice box. Your vocal cords vibrate as air passes through them. This is what produces the sound that’s shaped into your voice.
When you have unilateral vocal cord paralysis, one vocal cord doesn’t move (paralysis). Sometimes, the movement is very weak. It’s uncommon for vocal cord paralysis to affect both vocal cords. Bilateral vocal cord paralysis can be a life-threatening/altering condition that requires specialized care by an ear nose and throat (ENT) surgeon.
Symptoms of vocal cord paralysis include:
Some people have mild voice impairment with vocal cord paralysis. These people may be meeting their vocal needs without surgical intervention. Your surgeon may recommend surgery when symptoms are severe, life-disrupting or potentially life-threatening. Overall, if you’re struggling to meet the vocal demands of your work and life, medicalization laryngoplasty can be very helpful in restoring vocal function.
Certain illnesses and medical procedures may lead to the need for thyroplasty. These include:
A laryngeal surgeon performs this procedure. This medical doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect your larynx. Laryngology is an ear, nose and throat (ENT or otolaryngology) subspecialty.
You should follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on steps to take before the procedure. For instance, you may need to:
Thyroplasty is a surgical procedure that takes place in an operating room.
During thyroplasty to treat unilateral vocal cord paralysis, your surgeon:
Thyroplasty can help restore your voice and treat other symptoms of vocal cord paralysis. People often experience a significant improvement in their vocal function.
Any surgery carries a risk of infection and bleeding. You’ll have a small scar on your neck from the incision.
Some of the symptoms that existed before surgery may still be present for a short while after surgery as your voice box heals. You may have temporary neck soreness, hoarseness, vocal changes, and breathing and swallowing difficulties. Only in rare instances are these side effects permanent.
You’ll be discharged the same day or stay overnight in the hospital. You’ll need to rest your voice for a few days, but complete silence isn’t necessary.
When you resume talking, don’t overdo it. This means no yelling, loud talking or long conversations. After one week, you can resume all normal communication.
To aid recovery:
In rare instances, your healthcare provider may need to remove or revise your implant. But the device is often permanent.
Medialization laryngoplasty (formerly known as thyroplasty) can help restore your voice and improve your ability to swallow when you have unilateral vocal cord paralysis or spasmodic dysphonia. If nonsurgical treatments don’t help, you should ask your healthcare provider about this treatment.
Vocal cord paralysis can make talking, breathing and swallowing difficult. Cleveland Clinic offers therapies and surgeries to help you find your voice again.
Last reviewed on 04/13/2022.
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