Where can I find information about amenities at Cleveland Clinic's Main Campus?

Cleveland Clinic's Main Campus visitor guide has helpful information regarding amenities and dining at our main campus, as well transportation, parking, lodging and more.

Where can I find information about amenities at other Cleveland Clinic locations?

Our regional hospitals, as well as many of our family health centers, have amenity information and visitor guides available online. Please visit the specific location page to find this information. If you are looking for information about nearby amenities at our other facilities, please contact them directly by phone.

How can I send flowers, gifts and cards to a hospital patient?

Main Campus: The mailing address for a hospital patient at Cleveland Clinic's main campus should be written as follows:

[Patient's Name]
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44195

If you would like to send flowers, gifts and cards to patients at other Cleveland Clinic hospitals and family health centers, please use the same format.

Does Cleveland Clinic's main campus have a gift shop?

The Joseph-Beth Gift Shop is a convenient source for reading material, flowers, snacks, greeting cards and small gifts.

Where can I find information about gift shops at other Cleveland Clinic locations?

Our regional hospitals, as well as many of our family health centers, have gift shops located within the facility. Please visit the specific location page to see whether a location has a gift shop available for patients and visitors.

May I stay with my spouse/family member overnight in the hospital room?

In special circumstances we can accommodate one visitor in some of our patient rooms. To make such arrangements, please speak with the patient's admitting physician prior to hospitalization.

What are the visiting hours?

Cleveland Clinic offers open visiting hours. Please review our visitor information for more specific information.

May I bring balloons to a hospital patient at Main Campus or another facility?  

Since patients' medical conditions can be compromised during hospitalization, we suggest that you contact the main campus gift shop for assistance in sending the appropriate gift to a hospital patient room. Please contact the facility directly for a Cleveland Clinic location other than main campus to find information about their policy.