If you have hyperlactation syndrome, also known as breastfeeding oversupply, you produce too much breast milk. This can make your breasts feel swollen and painful. It can also cause your baby to be fussy during feedings, along with other symptoms. Your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant can help you figure out ways to produce less milk, making breastfeeding a more comfortable experience for you and your baby.
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Hyperlactation syndrome, also known as breastfeeding oversupply, happens when a breastfeeding mother produces more breast milk than their infant needs. If you have an overproduction of milk, the condition can affect you and your baby in different ways. Your provider or a lactation consultant can help you figure out ways to produce less milk, making breastfeeding a more comfortable experience for you and your baby.
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Lactation begins during pregnancy, when your body begins to make milk. Once your baby is born, your milk production increases (your milk comes in). As your baby begins to eat regularly, your body typically adjusts the amount of milk you produce to match your baby’s needs.
It’s hard to know how many women have breast milk oversupply, but the condition isn’t unusual. It typically occurs when your feeding or pumping schedule doesn’t match your baby’s feeding needs.
If you’re producing too much breast milk, you may notice certain symptoms in your breasts. You may experience:
You may notice that your milk releases with force. This sudden release is overactive milk ejection reflex (OMER) or “fast letdown.” If you have OMER, your baby may have a hard time keeping up with the milk flow. They may sputter and gasp as they try to feed.
If you have hyperlactation, your baby may not want to latch on or may pull away from your nipple during feeding. You may notice during feedings that your baby:
When your baby breastfeeds, they take in:
When milk flows too forcefully or quickly, your baby may fill up on foremilk. The higher lactose content in foremilk can cause your baby to become gassy or pass loose stools. Your baby may also have abdominal pain.
Breastmilk oversupply happens for different reasons. Sometimes, there’s no specific cause — your body may simply produce large amounts of milk, especially at first. This usually gets better if you only nurse or pump to meet your infant’s needs. Pumping more than your infant needs can cause breast milk oversupply.
Some breastfeeding mothers naturally produce more milk due to their genetics. You may also be at greater risk for hyperlactation syndrome if you have hyperprolactinemia. Certain herbal supplements may also affect your milk supply.
Your healthcare provider gathers information about you and your baby to diagnose hyperlactation syndrome. They may ask you about your:
Your provider can often diagnose hyperlactation syndrome after talking with you about your symptoms. It's rare to need any additional workup.
Your healthcare provider may encourage you to follow your baby’s feeding demands instead of feeding on a set schedule. This helps your milk production adjust to your baby’s needs. Using a side-lying or laidback position for feeding can help slow how fast your milk flows so your baby can better handle your overactive milk ejection reflex.
Talk to your healthcare provider about how to decrease milk supply. Sometimes, block feeding can help. You alternate breasts for certain time “blocks” (often three hours) as you feed your baby throughout the day and night. Ask your provider about the length of time you should use for each block.
Over time, sometimes as soon as 36 hours, feeding your baby from the same breast for two or more feedings helps reduce the overall stimulation to your breasts. Reduced stimulation helps decrease the volume of milk in each breast.
You can also gradually reduce pumping volumes over several days or weeks. Stopping pumping abruptly can lead to clogged ducts or mastitis, so work with your healthcare provider to gradually reduce how often or how much you’re pumping.
Talk to your healthcare provider about medications that may help decrease your milk supply.
You can’t always prevent hyperlactation syndrome, but you can lower your risk by following your baby’s lead for feedings. Avoid pumping too often because the more you pump, the more milk you’ll produce.
Expect your breasts to be uncomfortable as your milk supply adjusts to your baby’s needs. Talk to your healthcare provider about ways to ease your discomfort that are safe for you and your baby.
Managing hyperlactation syndrome takes patience. Your milk supply typically adjusts to your baby’s needs over time. A lactation consultant can help you manage your baby’s breastfeeding schedule and symptoms of breast milk oversupply.
Breastmilk oversupply can be stressful for you and your baby. Get as much sleep as you can and drink plenty of fluids so you don’t become dehydrated.
See your healthcare provider if you have very painful breasts or flu-like symptoms. These could be signs of mastitis, which your provider can treat with antibiotics.
Take your baby to a healthcare provider if they have difficulty during breastfeeding or explosive stools.
Hyperlactation syndrome can make feeding sessions uncomfortable for both you and your baby. Your breasts might hurt, and the stress of putting a fussy baby to your breast only to have them fuss more can be frustrating and confusing. Rest assured, there are things you can do to lower your milk supply. Talk to your healthcare provider about steps you can take to decrease milk production and make feedings more comfortable for you and your baby.
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Last reviewed on 11/01/2023.
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