

The infectious disease consultants at Cleveland Clinic in Florida diagnose and treat a wide variety of infections. This includes standard infections that have become chronic or resistant to treatment and complex infections in special populations.

Our specially trained experts are available for hospital inpatient consultation. We also see patients in our outpatient clinics, offer virtual visits and set up at-home treatments. We believe in providing compassionate, personalized care — treating you as a unique person while working to prevent and eliminate these illnesses.

Infectious Diseases: Why Choose Cleveland Clinic in Florida?

  • Specialized knowledge: Our infectious disease consultants are specially trained to diagnose, treat and prevent infections in adults. They are fellowship trained and board certified, and most have additional subspecialty training. Our team also includes specialized advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). They can partner with your infectious disease consultant for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. They are available for inpatient and outpatient care, such as long-term antibiotic treatment at your home.
  • Thorough assessment: There are countless possible causes of infectious disease. Our experts are detectives who investigate every possible cause. We spend a lot of time talking with you and your healthcare team to determine an accurate diagnosis and plan treatment. We investigate recent travel, animal interactions, food you’ve consumed and many other possible infection sources. We use advanced diagnostic methods to determine the exact microorganism(s) causing your infection. This is essential information to choose effective treatment.
  • Convenient care: Our experts provide inpatient care in the hospital, conduct outpatient care in our offices and infusion clinics and arrange antimicrobial treatments in your home. We can also provide virtual visits when appropriate, such as monitoring outpatient antibiotic therapies.
  • Collaborative care:Our consultants practice at locations throughout South Florida and the Treasure Coast. They regularly collaborate on cases so patients benefit from a large group of experts. They also work closely with primary care physicians, hospitalists and other specialists as needed to ensure comprehensive care.
  • Infection prevention: We offer several methods to prevent infections. Examples include immunizations and vaccinations for people planning to travel internationally or those with potential exposure at work. We also provide prophylactic medications to prevent HIV in people at risk of infection.
  • Treatment for the most complex cases: Our experts are equipped to evaluate and treat any infection anywhere in the body. We can detect, identify and treat even the most complicated infections that other healthcare teams may not recognize.

Conditions We Treat

Our experts are specially trained to prevent, diagnose and treat all infectious diseases. This includes:

Travel Clinic

Travel Clinic

If you are traveling internationally, Cleveland Clinic in Florida’s travel clinics can help you better understand health risks abroad by providing a customized health and travel plan specific to your destination. The best time to consult an infectious disease expert is about 4 weeks before your trip. This allows enough time for your body to make antibodies to any vaccines you may receive before travel.

Make an appointment* with an infectious disease professional by scheduling a virtual appointment or calling one of our locations below for an in-person consultation:

  • Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital - 772.794.5631
  • Cleveland Clinic Martin Health - 772.419.2162
  • Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital - 954.659.5165

*Please be advised that travel clinic consultations may not be covered by insurance. We recommend contacting your insurance company directly for specific information on what is covered by your plan.

Customized travel advice

We’ll provide an individualized report specific to your needs and destination so you can prepare for a safe trip. We may recommend special vaccinations and preventive medications. Our consultants are experts in infections that can be contracted in other areas of the world, such as:

We also offer customized advice about other ways to stay safe in the area you plan to visit. This may include:

  • Advice on travel if you are pregnant or have a health condition.
  • Health and political warnings for your targeted destination.
  • Important contact numbers.
  • Information on how to make an emergency evacuation.
  • Prescriptions you may need should you become ill abroad.
  • Tips on adapting to climate and altitude changes.

Travel vaccination information

An order from a Cleveland Clinic Infectious Disease physician is required for travel vaccinations. To receive a travel vaccination order, you must first schedule an appointment to meet with an infectious disease physician; see scheduling information under ‘Travel Clinic’ section above.

Travel vaccinations are offered at our outpatient pharmacy locations at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital and Cleveland Clinic Martin North Hospital.

No appointment is necessary, walk-in only with an order from a Cleveland Clinic Infectious Disease physician. Outpatient pharmacy operating hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Any questions regarding vaccinations should be directed to your infectious disease physician.

Many vaccinations are covered by insurance, but we recommend contacting your insurance company directly for specific information on what is covered by your plan.



Infectious symptoms can be caused by countless microorganisms — some that are well known and others that are rare or complex. Thorough assessment is a critical first step to establishing an effective treatment plan. Your healthcare team needs a specific, accurate diagnosis of the bacterial, viral, fungal, mycobacterial or parasitic pathogen causing your infection.

Perhaps you have persistent infectious symptoms, but your healthcare team has been unable to identify the pathogen. Perhaps multiple treatments have not helped. Our infectious disease experts have specialized training, many years of experience and access to advanced diagnostic tools. We conduct a thorough assessment to uncover what’s causing your infection.

Discussing exposure to potential pathogens

We start by thoroughly assessing potential exposures to potential pathogens. We ask questions to uncover every possible clue. For example:

  • Animals and plants you’ve been exposed to.
  • Foods you’ve consumed.
  • Health history.
  • Hobbies.
  • Recent activities.
  • Surroundings at home and work.
  • Symptoms, including when and how they started.
  • Travel.

Your infectious disease consultants will also review your previous test results and talk with your healthcare team. This comprehensive assessment often reveals possible causes of infectious disease so that we can order the most appropriate testing.

Infectious disease tests

No single test can identify every possible pathogen. Some tests can identify certain microorganisms but not others. We carefully choose each test and sometimes a series of tests based on the most likely suspects. Every step narrows down the cause of your infection to get closer to an accurate diagnosis.

We have access to every type of diagnostic test to determine the exact cause and location of your infection. Many of the tests are done at our own facilities. We also work closely with labs at the Florida Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Cleveland Clinic Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department in Ohio.

Depending on the suspected microorganism(s) and type(s) of infection involved, we may take a sample of:

  • Blood.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Mucus from your nose, throat or other areas of your body.
  • Pus or drainage from a wound.
  • Skin.
  • Sputum (saliva).
  • Stool (poop).
  • Urine (pee).

We may take these samples and:

  • Have a laboratory examine them under a microscope.
  • Culture them, to see whether certain microorganisms grow in a controlled environment outside your body.
  • Test for antibodies, substances your immune system produces in reaction to certain infections.
  • Test them for antigens, substances released by certain microorganisms that can prompt an immune response.
  • Look for genetic material or mutations in microorganisms.

We may also order imaging tests to see inside your body, such as an ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan, MRI or nuclear medicine testing.

Our infectious disease consultants are experts at analyzing and interpreting these highly technical results and recognizing every type of microorganism. We are familiar with even the most obscure causes of infectious disease.

Susceptibility testing

We may recommend susceptibility testing once we identify the microorganism(s) causing your infection. This can determine which medications are most powerful against the pathogen(s) involved and which medications would not be effective. It often identifies whether your infection might have antibiotic resistance, antiviral resistance or antifungal resistance. Susceptibility testing is important to determine effective treatment.



Treatment from an infectious disease consultant can often clear an infection sooner and decrease complications. It also may reduce the risk of death, shorten hospitalization and reduce visits to the emergency room for infectious symptoms.

Our infectious disease consultants use their expertise and your test results to determine the right therapy for the right germ at the right time and duration. We have access to countless treatment options to treat any infection anywhere in the body. We’ll continue treating you and collaborating with your healthcare team until your infection clears.

Treatment options for infectious diseases

Our experts use the full spectrum of treatments against infectious diseases based on the latest evidence in the field. Your treatment may include oral or IV (intravenous) antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals or antiparasitic drugs.

Our training and experience allow us to thoroughly understand all of these medications, including:

  • Side effects.
  • Potential drug interactions with other medications you take.
  • Potential effects on your body (such as your kidneys and liver).
  • Monitoring to achieve the most effective drug level when needed.

Your infectious diseases consultant will recommend a treatment plan based on several factors:

  • Test results that identify the microorganism(s) involved and whether they have antibiotic resistance, antiviral resistance or antifungal resistance.
  • Your allergy history.
  • Your lifestyle and preferences.
  • Your overall health, including other medications and conditions.
  • Insurance coverage and financial considerations.

Treatment delivery

Antimicrobial medications may be delivered by mouth, by IV or into the muscle (intramuscular). Some are daily medications, others are weekly and some are two to three times weekly. You may need a short course of treatment or long-term therapy, depending on the type and extent of infection.

We offer antimicrobial treatments in multiple locations:

  • In our hospitals: Those with complex medical issues may need to receive treatment in one of our hospitals. This may include continuous IV delivery of treatments and constant monitoring of side effects and vital signs. For example, we may need to keep a close eye on your heart rate and breathing or conduct regular lab tests to monitor kidney and liver function. Some infected patients also require temporary isolation from others.
  • At our outpatient clinics and infusion centers: We see many of our patients in offices throughout South Florida. Some locations also offer infusion or therapy centers. These outpatient locations allow us to treat you and follow up with you closer to home.
  • In your own home: If you are a candidate, you can receive oral and IV treatments at home. Home treatment can help you transition out of the hospital sooner. This treatment option sometimes involves assistance and supervision by home health specialists.
  • Virtually: We may offer virtual options for follow-up appointments throughout your treatment for added convenience.
  • With partner institutions: We may coordinate treatment elsewhere for certain rare or newly emerging infections. For example, some medications are available through state or national organizations or research trials.

Follow-up and supportive care

Your infectious diseases expert will work with you and your team until your infection is controlled or cured. Throughout the journey, we will:

  • Test you regularly to ensure treatment is working and the infection is not growing.
  • Monitor and treat any side effects, such as colitis or allergic reactions.
  • Review your labs to evaluate your kidneys, liver, blood counts and immune function to ensure there are no adverse effects.
  • Adjust the type, dose or frequency of medications as needed.
Preventive Care

Preventive Care

Our team works in many ways to prevent infections. Our goal is to keep our patients, hospitals, clinics and communities safe. Several of our infectious disease consultants were trained in infection control and safe management of antibiotics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Occupational exposure to infectious agents

Certain work environments involve a risk of exposure to blood and infectious pathogens. These include situations when healthcare professionals handle bodily fluids and needles or emergency personnel help injured individuals.

Perhaps you’ve touched another person’s blood without gloves or been accidentally stuck by a contaminated sharp object. You may want to seek preventive care for infections, which may be transmitted through unintended occupational exposures:

We may recommend antibiotic treatments, vaccinations and/or antiretroviral therapies to prevent infection from taking hold.

HIV prevention

Many of our consultants have additional HIV expertise through the American Academy of HIV Medicine and HIV Medicine Association. These organizations provide extensive and rigorous HIV training and expertise.

We offer several types of treatments for HIV treatment and prevention.

HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a method to reduce the chances of HIV infection in at-risk individuals. If you have a recent sexually transmitted infection diagnosis, have unprotected sex or share needles, we can provide medications shown to prevent HIV.

We also offer post-exposure prophylaxis (known as PEP). It can help prevent HIV infection if you have had a one-time, high-risk potential exposure to HIV.

Infection control and antimicrobial stewardship

We partner with Cleveland Clinic hospitals and clinics throughout the Florida region to promote infection control. Examples include:

  • Educating healthcare professionals and community members to avoid overuse of antimicrobial agents, which can make certain germs resistant to these treatments.
  • Encouraging and monitoring hand washing.
  • Monitoring data related to hospital-acquired infections, such as how susceptible certain organisms are to different antimicrobial treatments. Other data include drug-resistant bacteria rates and infection rates for germs such as Clostridium difficile or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Recommending infection-control strategies.
  • Partnering with the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute of Florida and the Florida Research and Innovation Center to help develop and administer new vaccines.


HIV is an infectious disease that attacks the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight other infections. Untreated HIV can lead to life-threatening infections and cancers. If you are at risk for HIV, it’s important to prevent exposure to it. You need lifelong care to maintain your health if you have an HIV infection.

The infectious disease consultants at Cleveland Clinic in Florida are experts in preventing, detecting and managing HIV. We offer in-person and virtual appointments to assess your HIV risk and treat the condition. We have treatment options for anyone affected by HIV, whether you are at risk, have been newly diagnosed or have been living with the condition for a while.

Our consultants are fellowship trained and board certified in infectious diseases and are members of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Many have additional training and certification from the American Academy of HIV Medicine and are HIV Medicine Association members. This means we stay up to date on the latest advancements and treatments for HIV.

HIV prevention

Our infectious diseases team can assess your risk for HIV infection and offer counseling to prevent infection. We specialize in HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a method to reduce the chances of HIV infection in at-risk individuals. If you have unprotected sex or share needles, we can provide medications shown to prevent HIV.

We also offer post-exposure prophylaxis (known as PEP). This treatment can help prevent HIV infection if you have had a one-time, high-risk potential exposure to HIV. You should start the 28-day course of therapy within 72 hours of the potentially infectious event.

We may recommend a pill or injection, depending on your overall health, presence of other infections, lifestyle and personal preferences. If you choose to take the medication, we’ll help manage any side effects. We’ll also monitor you over time with HIV testing to make sure you remain HIV-free.

People taking HIV prophylaxis can still get HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. If you become infected, your team will recommend options for treatment.

HIV treatment

HIV requires lifelong treatment to prevent the virus from getting worse and developing into AIDS. You should start treatment as soon as possible so the virus has less time to affect your immune system. Starting therapy protects your and your sex partners’ health by eliminating HIV transmission risk.

Our team offers antiretroviral therapy (ART), a combination of medications that can prevent the virus from replicating. Although ART doesn’t eliminate HIV, it can limit the amount of the virus in the body, known as viral load. ART can bring the viral load so low that HIV is almost undetectable by blood tests. With a low viral load, you can’t transmit the virus to others.

We offer all approved ART options for HIV and often combine several to improve outcomes. Before we recommend a specific treatment, we’ll

  • Ask you about your personal priorities and preferences.
  • Assess your overall health and ask what medications you’re taking, as some conditions and medications can interfere with ART.
  • Conduct blood tests to see whether the virus in your body could be resistant to certain types of ART.

You must keep taking ART for it to continue being effective. We’ll follow you over time to help you stay on treatment and make sure it’s working for you. We’ll test your blood regularly to monitor viral replication and immune function. And we’ll track any side effects and help manage them with medication changes, dietary changes and supportive medications.

Supportive care for people with HIV

Our infectious disease consultants can also refer you to other helpful services at Cleveland Clinic in Florida, such as:

Complex Infections

Complex Infections

Certain complex infections require infectious disease consultants, and certain treatments can be administered only by these specially trained experts. Our team is equipped and authorized to evaluate and treat any infection, no matter how complicated, anywhere in the body.

Immunocompromised patients

People with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infectious diseases that a healthy immune system could otherwise overcome. This may include people who are taking medications to suppress the immune system because of a stem cell transplant or organ transplant. Immunocompromise also may occur in patients receiving certain treatments for cancer or those with rheumatic or immune deficiency conditions.

Our consultants collaborate with surgeons, oncologists, transplant teams, pharmacists and other specialists to care for immunocompromised patients. We offer prevention strategies, thorough assessments and various treatment options. We see you in the hospital, in our clinics or over telemedicine platforms, depending on your needs.

Chronic pulmonary infections

Most lung infections clear in a few weeks. But people with pulmonary infections that won’t go away or keep coming back may need specialized assessment and management. Examples include:

Many of these infections tend to have antibiotic resistance, antiviral resistance or antifungal resistance. This means they’ve changed so that treatments no longer work. They often require a combination of different types of treatments for an extended period. This may include oral, inhaled or intravenous medications. You may need special procedures in addition to specialized treatments to help clear infected secretions from your lungs.

Our infectious diseases consultants participate in research studies and may offer treatment alternatives for difficult-to-treat (refractory) mycobacteria avium complex (MAC) and other mycobacterial infections. MAC and mycobacteria are specific groups of bacteria that can cause lung infections and other health problems. They can be particularly challenging to treat in people with certain pre-existing conditions, such as compromised immune function.

Transplant-related infections

Infection is a common cause of rehospitalization after an organ transplant. Countless bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause infections and associated symptoms in these vulnerable patients. We partner with your transplant team to quickly identify the precise pathogen(s). Then we design a comprehensive treatment plan to fight the infection.

Deep infections in the bones, joints and soft tissues

Infections can develop deep in bones (osteomyelitis), joints and skin (for example, cellulitis and diabetic foot ulcers). They also may occur around joint replacement hardware, prostheses and other medical devices.

These types of infections often require specialized combinations of various antibiotics. We work closely with your other specialists, such as orthopaedic surgeons, to clear these complex, deep infections. Effective antimicrobial therapy can prevent failed implants and amputations.

Research to improve diagnosis and treatment of complex infections

Cleveland Clinic in Florida participates in research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of complex infections. Learn more about clinical trials.

Our Doctors

Our Doctors

Appointments & Locations

Appointments & Locations

Make an appointment at one of our Cleveland Clinic in Florida locations, or call 877.463.2010.
