
Research opportunities are abundant at Cleveland Clinic and are available in all areas of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. In 2021-2022, 22 (81.4%) have participated in presentations at national meetings with a total of 96 presentations (range 1-11). During the same time period, a total of 27 manuscripts (range 1-5 each) were published by 15 of the residents (55%). A review of graduating residents over their four-year training period revealed that all graduating residents (6 of 6) had at least one publication (range 1-12) and had participated in at least 1 national presentation (range 6-10). Our program has consistently been one of the top three institutions to submit abstracts to the USCAP Annual Meeting each year.
Rather than bench-type research, the majority of projects our residents undertake are more translational in nature – evaluating performance of a new assay, investigating reliability of a new morphologic observation or a diagnostic test in a specific disease.