

Lee Anne Siegmund, PhD, RN, ACSM-CEP, FAAN, is a senior nurse scientist in Cleveland Clinic’s Office of Nursing Research and Innovation. Dr. Siegmund’s research interests are in the areas of physical activity for special populations and primary/secondary prevention of frailty. She has an ongoing desire to understand patient behaviors through research and improve clinical practice to prevent disease and complications that may result from non-optimized behaviors. As a certified clinical exercise physiologist, she is well-equipped to address the growing need for research in physical activity and how it might impact patient health and nursing practice.

Dr. Siegmund has clinical experience in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings, including labor and delivery, home health/hospice and public health. Dr. Siegmund has instructed nursing labs and clinical rotations and has taught courses which include health, nutrition, and exercise for special populations. She served as an adjunct faculty member at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio, and as an assistant professor at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Prior to accepting her current position in 2016, Dr. Siegmund was part of Cleveland Clinic’s cardiac rehabilitation team. Dr. Siegmund has published research on adherence to exercise and cardiac rehabilitation, the relationship between exercise and COVID-19 outcomes, and social isolation and decreased exercise as predictors of depression among older adults during COVID-19. She published her middle range theory on frailty care and the initial testing of the model.


  • PhD, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 2012
  • BSN, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, 2002
  • Diploma, Mansfield General Hospital School of Nursing (Summa Health System), Mansfield, Ohio, 1990


  • Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist
  • Certified Resistance Training Specialist, Master

Contact Information

Cleveland Clinic
Office of Research and Innovation
9204 Euclid Ave / T42
Cleveland, Ohio 44195



Dr. Siegmund is the chair for the annual Nursing Innovation Summit presented by the Office of Nursing Research and Innovation at Cleveland Clinic. She has also chaired the main campus Magnet New Knowledge Committee and is a member of the Research Education Committee and the Enterprise Policy and Procedure Council. Dr. Siegmund is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and an active member of numerous national and international committees and councils, including Sigma Theta Tau International, the American Heart Association and Midwest Nursing Research Society. She serves on the Cardiometabolic Health Committee for the American Heart Association and Health Promoting Behaviors across the Lifespan for the Midwest Nurses Research Society. As a certified clinical exercise physiologist, Dr. Siegmund has served as a member of the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Department Advisory Board at Lorain County Community College and the Kent State University CoAES Advisory Committee and Fitwise LLC Advisory Board.

Clinical Practice & Teaching

Clinical Practice & Teaching

Clinical Practice

Dr. Siegmund’s clinical expertise is in the areas of exercise for special populations, cardiac rehabilitation and primary/secondary prevention of heart disease. She has a background in community and public health and also worked in labor and delivery, homecare and hospice.


Previously, Dr. Siegmund taught as adjunct faculty at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio, and as assistant professor at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She has instructed nursing fundamentals labs and supervised clinical rotations in psychiatric nursing. Dr. Siegmund has taught courses in health, nutrition and exercise for special populations, biomechanics, and exercise physiology. She has presented at numerous national and international conferences, including The American College of Sports Medicine, The American Heart Association, and The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Research & Publications

Research & Publications

Dr. Siegmund’s research focus is exercise for older adults, and the prevention and management of chronic disease through exercise. Dr. Siegmund has examined motivation and adherence in the cardiac rehabilitation setting with a specific focus on women and patients with metabolic syndrome. She continues to examine novel approaches that address motivation and adherence in populations at high risk for chronic disease. Most recently, she has published work on social isolation and low levels of exercise as predictors of depression among older adults during COVID-19.

You can view Dr. Siegmund's publications and presentations below by year or you can download a PDF of her work.

2024 – Publications

Siegmund LA, Peacock IV WF, Bena JF, Morrison SL. Patients and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of stethoscope barriers. OJIN. 2024;29(3). Doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol29No03PPT29

Roper M, Cerilo P, Bena J, Morrison S, Siegmund LA. Patient factors associated with treatment time for stroke before and after the onset of COVID-19. Geriatr Nurs. 2024;56:1-6. doi:10.1016/j.gerinurse.2023.12.017

Srour SM, Contrera M, Siegmund LA. Anesthesia for patients with the centrifugal-flow left ventricular assist devices: A content validity assessment. AANA J. 2024;92(4):295-302.

2024 – Presentations

“EBP, Quality, Research, and Innovation: What’s the Difference?” Workshop for Dimensions in Cardiac Care, Cleveland, OH, November 2024.

“The Frailty Care Model: A Middle Range Theory to Explain Care of the Frail Older Adult.” Podcast for the Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses, October 2024.

“Frailty Prevalence and Associated Factors in Community Dwelling Older Adults: An examination of the Frailty Care Model.” Live Virtual Presentation. National Hartford Center for Geriatric Nursing Excellence, October 2024.

“From Bedside Nursing to Nursing Research.” Live Virtual Presentation. Leaders Share Their Stories, September 2024.

2023 – Publications

Johnson J, Hamilton AC, Hu B, Pack QR, Lindenauer PK, Fox RJ, Hashmi A, Siegmund LA, Burchill CN, Taksler GB, Goto T, Stilphen T, Rothberg MB. Assisted ambulation to improve health outcomes for older medical inpatients (AMBULATE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2023;24(1):471. doi:10.1186/s13063-023-07501-y

Di Stefano A, Harrison T, Bena J, Morrison S, Siegmund LA. The first three years of a dedicated rapid response team. MedSurg Nurs. 2023; 32(6):353-359.

Dyce S, Cerilo P, Turner E, Bena JF, Morrison SL, Siegmund LA. Nurse Managers’ Positive Attitudes, Patient Care Transitions, and Clinical Nurses. OJIN. 2023; 28(3).

Siegmund LA, Bena JF, Morrison SL. Cardiac Rehabilitation Facebook Intervention: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Card. 2023; 7: e46828.

Tripepi-Bova K, Klein D, Siegmund LA. Challenges impacting research study feasibility: Lessons learned. MedSurg Nurs. 2023; 32(3): 197-203.

Siegmund LA, Bena JF, Morrison SL, Albert NM. The relationship between exercise volume and disease severity among patients who tested positive for COVID-19. MedSurg Nurs. 2023; 32(2):94-100.

Siegmund LA, Novosel L. Application of a new frailty care model. J Amer Assoc Nurs Pract. 2023; 35:306-314.

Novosel L, Siegmund LA. Letter to the Editor: “Keep Aiming for the Top of the Ladder”. J Nurs Pract. 2023;319(4)1

2023 – Presentations

“A Frailty Care Model to Inform Care of the Older Adult” at the Geriatric Advanced Practice Nurses Association Conference, September 2023.

“Perceptions of an aseptic touch-free disposable stethoscope barrier” at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Des Moines, IA, March 2023. [poster presentation]

2022 – Publications

Siegmund LA. Performance and appearance enhancing substances: The role of the school nurse. NASN School Nurs. 2022; 37(5):263-269. doi:10.1177/1942602X221093938

Kato I & Siegmund LA. Empowering new ostomy patients through a novel and supportive inpatient group education class. J Wound Ost Cont Nurs. 2022; 49(4):347-351. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000887

Cerilo PC, Siegmund LA. Pilot testing of Nurse Led Multimodal Intervention for Falls Prevention. Geriatric Nurs. 2022; 43:242-248.

Siegmund LA, Burchill CN, Siedlecki SL. Women’s reasons for completing cardiac rehabilitation: A qualitative examination. OJIN. 2022; 27(1): doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol27No01PPT59

Patrick M, Miller B, Will B, Siegmund LA. Anxiety and depression moderate the relationship between quality of life and self-care in patients with heart failure. Geriatric Nurs. 2022; 44: 54-59.

Siegmund LA, Gornik HL, Fendrikova-Malay N, Hornacek D, Bena JF, Morrison SL. The relationship among pain location, complications, and quality of life in individuals with fibromuscular dysplasia. Pain Manag Nurs. 2022; 23: 273-280.

2022 – Presentations

“Relationships between physical activity, social isolation, and depression among older adults during COVID-19: A path analysis” at the Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses Annual Conference, October 2022.

“Relationships between physical activity, social isolation, and depression among older adults during COVID-19: A path analysis” at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, April 2022.

2021 – Publications

Colwill J, Sherman M, Siedlecki SL, Burchill CN, Siegmund LA. A grounded theory approach to the care experience of patients with intravenous drug use/abuse-related endocarditis. Appl Nurs Res. 2021; 57: 151390, ISSN 0897-1897,

Siegmund LA, Distelhorst KS, Bena JF, Morrison SL. Relationships between physical activity, social isolation, and depression among older adults during COVID-19: A path analysis. Geriatr Nurs. 2021; 42(5):1240-1244.

Siegmund LA, Siedlecki SL. Ensuring data fidelity in quantitative research. Clin Nurs Spec. 2021; 35(6):284-287. doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000627.

Rives SA, Shamailov M, Rozman P, Garazatua R, Vinski J, Siegmund LA. Decreasing central line infections on a medical-surgical unit. Medsurg Nursing. 2021;30(5):303-307,313.

Washer A, DiFiore T, Siegmund LA. A Project to implement use of 40% dextrose gel for transient neonatal hypoglycemia. Nurs Womens Health. 2021; 25(2):122-128. doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2021.02.001

2021 – Presentations

“The Relationship between Exercise Volume and COVID-19 Disease Severity” at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, March 2021; Virtual. [narrated poster presentation]

“The Relationship between Exercise Volume and COVID-19 Disease Severity” at the 16th Annual Clinical Nursing Research Conference, April 2021; Virtual. [narrated poster presentation]

“The Relationship between Pain, Complications, and Quality of Life among Individuals with Fibromuscular Dysplasia” at the 16th Annual Clinical Nursing Research Conference, April 2021; Virtual. [narrated poster presentation]

“What Keeps Women in Cardiac Rehabilitation? A Grounded Theory Study Approach” at the 16th Annual Clinical Nursing Research Conference, April 2021; Virtual. [narrated poster presentation]

“What Keeps Women in Cardiac Rehabilitation? A Grounded Theory Study Approach” at the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association 27TH Annual Symposium, May 2021; Virtual. [narrated poster presentation - third place poster for original research]

“The Relationship between Exercise Volume and COVID-19 Disease Severity” at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, June 2021; Virtual. [poster presentation]

“The Relationship between Exercise Volume and COVID-19 Disease Severity” at the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Annual Meeting, October 2021; Virtual. [narrated poster presentation]

“The Crossroad of Research and Innovation,” opening speaker at the Penn Medicine Nursing Research Conference, December 2021; Virtual.

2020 – Publications

Siegmund LA. Social media in Occupational Health: Helpful or Harmful? Workplace Health Saf. 2020; 68(9): 408-414.

Anderson CQ, Wechter E, Siegmund LA. Caring for patients with glycogen storage disease type I: Do you know the signs? J Nurs Pract. 2020; 16(6): 442-446.doi:

Elnaggar A, Park VT, Lee SJ, Bender M, Siegmund LA, Park LG. Patients' Use of Social Media for Diabetes Self-Care: Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res. 2020; 22(4):e14209. doi: 10.2196/14209

Siegmund LA, Hamilton, A, & Nespeca T. Incidental findings coordinator: A new role for the nurse practitioner?  Online J Issues Nurs. 2020; 25(2). doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol25No02PPT5422

2020 – Presentations

“Symptoms Predict Lower Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia” at the Preventive Cardiology Nurses Association Conference, April 2020; Virtual. [poster presentation - first place poster for original research]

“Understanding Facilitators of Cardiac Rehabilitation Completion in Women: A Grounded Theory Approach” at the American Heart Association: Epidemiology and Lifestyle Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 2020. [poster presentation]

“History of Stroke and Symptoms Predict Lower Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia” at the International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA, February 2020. [poster presentation]

Professional Involvement

Professional Involvement

  • Member, American Nurses Association
  • Member, Ohio Nurses Association
  • Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
  • Member, The American Heart Association
  • Member, The American College of Sports Medicine
  • Member, Midwest Nursing Research Society
  • Member, Sigma Theta Tau
Honors & Awards

Honors & Awards

  • Inducted Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, 2023
  • Second Place Poster Award, Geriatric Advanced Practice Nurses Association Conference, 2023
  • Featured Poster, American Medical Surgical Nursing 31st Annual Convention, 2022
  • Third Place Poster Research Award, Preventive Cardiology Nurses Association Annual Meeting, 2021
  • First Place Poster Research Award, Preventive Cardiology Nurses Association Annual Meeting, 2020
  • Nurse of the Year Nominee, March of Dimes, 2018
  • Faces of Care Award, Cleveland Magazine, 2018
  • Star of Excellence Award, Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital, 1994
  • Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society