Cleveland Clinic is committed to contributing to a safe, inclusive and discrimination-free learning environment for all participants in its educational programs.
Consistent with its Non-Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Policy and related laws, Cleveland Clinic prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, age, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, disability, military (including veteran) status, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law.
We strongly encourage reporting of all perceived incidents of prohibited conduct regardless of the alleged offender’s identity or position. Prompt reporting allows you to access helpful resources and helps us to respond faster. Reports may be made at any time, but delayed reports may limit the availability of evidence and witnesses, and make it difficult for us to respond in an effective and fair matter.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
Consistent with Cleveland Clinic’s Sexual Misconduct in Education Policy and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Cleveland Clinic prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity in a Cleveland Clinic educational program or activity. If you believe you have been subjected to sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence or retaliation, you are strongly encouraged to make a report.
Microaggressions are defined as comments or actions that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally express a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group. Often, such comments or actions do not violate our policies against discrimination and harassment but nevertheless can have a significant negative effect on an individual’s education or workplace.
Individuals who have been subjected to microaggressions in their educational programs are encouraged to report their experience to their program or to the Office of Educational Equity. Upon receiving a report, the Office of Educational Equity will reach out to the individual to discuss available resources and how the individual would like their report handled. If the microaggressions may constitute a policy violation, they will be handled in the same way as other discrimination / harassment reports. If the microaggressions do not constitute a policy violation, the individual will be encouraged to allow the Office of Educational Equity to report the microaggressions to their educational program; however, no report will be made without the individual’s agreement.
How to Report
Any person may report discrimination, harassment, including microaggression, or retaliation in Cleveland Clinic’s educational programs or activities. You have three reporting options:
- Program Leadership: You may report an incident of prohibited conduct or microaggression to the program leadership of any educational program or activity in which either you or the alleged offender participates.
- Office of Educational Equity: You may report an incident of prohibited conduct or microaggression to the Office of Educational Equity at EduEquity@ccf.org. Office personnel will ensure an adequate, reliable and impartial investigative process when required.
- Anonymous Reporting: Report prohibited conduct through the anonymous online reporting tool. This report will go directly to the Office of Educational Equity. The office will address the report to the extent possible with the information provided.
You may request that your report be considered anonymous even if you have identified yourself to the OEE or program leadership. Such a request will be honored unless there is a legal or policy requirement to identify you, or it is necessary to protect the health and safety of any person or Cleveland Clinic.
What Happens When I Report?
Upon receipt of your report, the Office of Educational Equity will contact you to offer supportive measures and discuss how the report may be resolved. The OEE shall determine whether the report, if true, could constitute a violation of the policy. If it could, you may request that the report either be investigated or not be pursued. A request not to pursue a report shall be honored unless there is a health and safety risk to you or to Cleveland Clinic. If the conduct reported, even if true, could not violate the policy but does appear to consist of microaggressions, the OEE will offer information and resources to you. Information about microaggressions will be shared in a de-identified form with the relevant program.
Prior to and during any investigation, both parties have equal rights to supportive measures. The parties will be given notice of the investigation, which includes a description of the allegations. The investigation may include individual interviews with the parties and with people who may have observed the alleged conduct or may have other relevant knowledge. All parties may have a support person or advisor with them during any meeting in the investigation. All parties shall have the opportunity to present statements, provide witness names and submit physical, documentary or other evidence to the investigator. Each party may submit questions to the investigator to be asked of the other party. The investigator shall also gather and consider any additional evidence they deem relevant.
If the investigator determines that the policy has been violated, the investigative report will be forwarded to the appropriate disciplinary official based on the status of the offender. The disciplinary official shall implement appropriate sanctions in consultation with the OEE and in accordance with any applicable procedure.
ADA/Section 504
Cleveland Clinic welcomes individuals of all identities and abilities to participate in its educational programs. In accordance with law and its policies, Cleveland Clinic provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities to enable them to apply to or participate in an educational program.
Requests for reasonable accommodations should be made to the program director or administrator of the relevant program as early as possible. Upon receipt of a request, Cleveland Clinic will engage in an interactive process to determine if there is an available reasonable accommodation that will allow the qualified individual with a disability to meet the academic and technical standards for admission or participation in the educational program or activity. Qualified individuals with a disability who are enrolled as students in affiliate schools may make this request through their affiliate school. In such cases, Cleveland Clinic will work with the affiliate school to engage in the interactive process.
Questions regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations in educational programs may be made to the Section 504 Coordinator:
Rachel King
Cleveland Clinic main campus, JJ40