About Us

About Us

About the Center for Computational Life Sciences

Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Computational Life Sciences brings together researchers worldwide to advance life sciences through the development and application of innovative computational tools and techniques.

This center builds on Lerner Research Institute’s long-standing reputation for innovation and its seamless integration and collaboration with multidisciplinary research teams across Cleveland Clinic.

The Center for Computational Life Sciences includes:

  • The Discovery Accelerator, developed with IBM, enables high-performance computing using hybrid cloud, artificial intelligence and quantum computing technologies to empower and accelerate data research.
  • The Cleveland Clinic BioRepository provides a path to a targeted collection of high-quality biospecimens at a scale that matches Cleveland Clinic’s patient volumes.
Governance & Oversight

Governance & Oversight

Data Governance at Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic is a data-driven organization — we value information as an enterprise asset. Healthcare reform, value-based reimbursement and changing expectations create a need to provide both data quality and transparency. With the healthcare environment constantly changing, we have created specific principles to provide mature and nimble Data Governance.

Our Team

Our Team

Lara Jehi, MD

Lara Jehi, MD
Chief Research Information Officer, Director of the Center for Computational Life Sciences

Daniel Blankenberg, PhD

Daniel Blankenberg, PhD
Lead - Quantum Computing Research Workstream

Ahmet Erdemir, PhD

Ahmet Erdemir, PhD
Chief Scientist of the Discovery Accelerator, Lead - Artificial Intelligence Workstream

Kenneth Merz, PhD

Kenneth Merz, PhD
Staff, Center for Computational Life Sciences

Kathleen Babb, BS

Kathleen Babb, BS
Research Administrator

Brandon Musarra, MBA

Brandon Musarra, MBA
Program Manager