

During Dermalinfusion® (also called a DiamondGlow® facial), healthcare providers use a diamond-tipped wand to exfoliate dead skin cells, deep clean pores and hydrate your skin with custom serums. Dermalinfusion adds volume to your skin, providing a more youthful appearance. It also treats acne, wrinkles and dry skin.


What is Dermalinfusion?

Dermalinfusion® is a nonsurgical skin care treatment. It exfoliates dead skin, deep cleans pores and infuses your skin with a hydrating serum. It’s a type of skin resurfacing procedure that can make your skin look and feel younger, smoother and softer.


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What are other names for Dermalinfusion?

Dermalinfusion is a patented and trademarked microdermabrasion treatment. You may also hear it called:

  • DiamondGlow® facial.
  • SilkPeel™ Dermalinfusion.

How does Dermalinfusion work?

A healthcare provider uses a pen-sized wand encrusted with diamonds on the tip to remove dead skin cells, deep clean your pores and apply a treatment serum. This is a DiamondGlow facial. Some providers may use a disposal vortex-tipped wand instead of a diamond-tipped wand.


What does Dermalinfusion do?

Healthcare providers use a Dermalinfusion wand to provide three skin care treatments during one procedure. You undergo:

  1. Exfoliation: This first treatment removes dry, damaged cells from your top layer of skin (epidermis). Exfoliation also stimulates the production of collagen. This protein strengthens and thickens skin cells, providing a more youthful appearance.
  2. Extraction: The second treatment deep cleans your skin and pores.
  3. Infusion: This third treatment occurs simultaneously with extraction. The wand delivers a serum deep into your cleansed pores. Your provider chooses a serum for your specific skin care need. Depending on your desired results, your provider may use two different serums together.

Who gets Dermalinfusion?

Dermalinfusion works on all sexes and skin tones. Your provider can use Dermalinfusion to treat any area of your body, including your face, chest and hands.

You may want Dermalinfusion to:

  • Have a more youthful appearance.
  • Improve skin tone, texture and volume.
  • Minimize the appearance of acne scars, sun damage and age spots.
  • Even out skin tone changes caused by irregular pigmentation or rosacea.
  • Reduce the effects of aging skin like wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin.
  • Rehydrate dry skin, adding volume and fullness.
  • Treat oily skin, acne or clogged pores.


How common is Dermalinfusion?

More than half a million Americans get some type of microdermabrasion treatment every year.

Procedure Details

Who performs Dermalinfusion?

Some dermatologists, plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons offer Dermalinfusion at their offices. You can also get the procedure at a medical spa (also called a medspa or medispa). Here, licensed aestheticians perform cosmetic procedures in a spa-like environment.

What happens before Dermalinfusion?

A healthcare provider will examine your skin and discuss your treatment goals. This information helps them choose the best serum or serum combination. They may take pictures to capture before-and-after results. You should tell your provider if you have an active skin disease or are getting certain skin treatments.

Before getting Dermalinfusion, you may need to:

  • Avoid botulinum toxin injections (Botox®) at least two weeks before the Dermalinfusion procedure.
  • Stop using skin care products that contain retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) for three to five days before the procedure.
  • Wear sunscreen, avoid sun exposure and not use tanning beds.

What happens during Dermalinfusion?

Dermalinfusion is an outpatient procedure that takes about 30 minutes. You go home soon after treatment.

During the procedure, your provider:

  1. Cleanses your skin.
  2. Glides the wand over your skin to perform the three-step treatment. You might experience a mild scratching sensation during exfoliation and feel vibrations. But you shouldn’t be in pain.
  3. Applies sunscreen at the end of the procedure.

How long do Dermalinfusion results last?

Your body is always aging. The effects of Dermalinfusion will last longer if you follow your provider’s recommendations for anti-aging skin care and sunscreen. Some people need three to six treatments, spaced two to four weeks apart, to get the desired Dermalinfusion results. Your provider may recommend monthly treatments.

Risks / Benefits

What are the benefits of Dermalinfusion?

Dermalinfusion offers many benefits compared to more invasive cosmetic procedures and other facial resurfacing techniques. These benefits include:

  • Customizable serums for your specific skin issues.
  • Fast procedure and recovery with no missed work or activities.
  • Immediate results.
  • Less expensive than a facelift or other cosmetic surgeries.
  • No peeling skin like with chemical peels or laser skin resurfacing.

What are the risks of Dermalinfusion?

Dermalinfusion is a relatively safe procedure. You may have some minor redness and swelling (edema) after the procedure. These side effects should go away within 48 hours.

Rarely, Dermalinfusion may cause:

Recovery and Outlook

What is recovery like after Dermalinfusion?

You should be able to see an immediate and noticeable difference in your skin tone and volume.

After the procedure, you may want to:

  • Avoid skin care products that contain retinoids or AHA for three to five days.
  • Resume your work and usual activities.
  • Start wearing makeup (there’s no need to wait).
  • Wear sunscreen when outdoors and minimize sun exposure for at least two weeks.

When To Call the Doctor

When should I call the doctor?

You should call your healthcare provider if you experience:

  • Allergic reaction like an itchy rash.
  • Bruising, redness or swelling that lasts for more than a week.
  • Signs of infection, such as fever.

Additional Details

Is Dermalinfusion better than microdermabrasion?

Dermalinfusion is a patented, three-step form of microdermabrasion. Like Dermalinfusion, microdermabrasion removes dead skin cells. It also stimulates collagen production to give a more youthful complexion.

Some providers use a diamond-tipped wand to perform microdermabrasion. Others use a device that gently sprays tiny crystals onto the surface of your skin. Using this device, there’s also an attached vacuum-like device. It suctions up the exfoliating crystals along with the detached skin cells. But this suction device doesn’t deep clean your pores like Dermalinfusion’s extraction step. And you don’t receive a serum treatment.

Dermalinfusion is also gentler than microdermabrasion. It’s safe to use on sensitive skin, as well as around sensitive areas like your lips and eyes.

What’s the difference between Dermalinfusion and HydraFacial?

The type of treatment wand is the main difference between Dermalinfusion and HydraFacial®.

The HydraFacial treatment wand has a spiral tip design. The disposable tip spins. This creates a vortex effect like a mini whirlwind that sloughs away damaged skin cells.

Both skin treatments exfoliate, deep-clean pores (extraction) and infuse a specialized serum into your skin.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Dermalinfusion®, also called a DiamondGlow® facial (formerly SilkPeel Dermalinfusion), can give you a more youthful appearance. A healthcare provider uses a diamond-tipped wand to exfoliate dead skin cells and clean out your pores. During the infusion step, you receive a topical serum for your unique skin care needs. You may get this procedure to reverse signs of aging like wrinkles or treat acne or dry skin. Dermalinfusion results are temporary because the aging process never stops.

Medically Reviewed

Last reviewed on 07/29/2022.

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