
Rathke Cleft Cyst

A Rathke cleft cyst is a rare benign tumor on your pituitary gland near the base of your skull. Although it’s not cancerous, this cyst can create significant medical problems. For example, it can affect your vision by pressing on nerves between your brain and your eyes.


What is a Rathke cleft cyst?

A Rathke cleft cyst is a rare benign tumor on your pituitary gland near the base of your skull. Although not cancerous (benign), this cyst can create significant medical problems if it grows large enough to affect your pituitary gland or other surrounding structures.

Pea-sized but powerful, your pituitary gland coordinates the complicated process of producing and moving hormones to and from the hypothalamus section of your brain to your endocrine system and to your bloodstream. This process can be disrupted when a Rathke cleft cyst presses on your pituitary gland.


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Are Rathke cleft cysts common?

Healthcare providers believe 13% to 33% of the general population have Rathke cleft cysts.

What’s the difference between a Rathke cleft cyst and a pituitary adenoma?

Pituitary adenomas and Rathke cleft cysts are linked to similar medical conditions. The difference is you’re born with a Rathke cleft cyst but you develop a pituitary adenoma.


Who is affected by Rathke cleft cysts?

Rathke cleft cysts have been diagnosed in children and older adults, and are more often seen in women than in men.

Symptoms and Causes

What causes Rathke cleft cysts?

Rathke cleft cysts are a congenital condition that happens during very early in development as your pituitary gland is formed. This process involves creating a Rathke pouch. Normally, Rathke pouches close once your pituitary gland is in place. Rathke pouches that don’t close create a cleft that fills with fluid and becomes a cyst.


What are some symptoms linked to Rathke cleft cysts?

Rathke cleft cysts are linked to several common medical conditions and symptoms.

The cyst can cause vision and other problems when it presses on nerves connecting your brain and your eyes. Those symptoms include:

  • Vision changes.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Nausea.
  • Drowsiness or fatigue.
  • Personality or behavior changes such as confusion.

Rathke cleft cysts that press on your pituitary gland can affect hormone levels. Conditions linked to abnormal hormone levels are:

Diagnosis and Tests

How are Rathke cleft cysts diagnosed?

Many times people learned they have Rathke cleft cysts during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) done for another reason.

Management and Treatment

What are Rathke cleft cyst treatments?

Not all Rathke cleft cysts require treatment. Larger cysts that cause medical problems are usually treated with endoscopic surgery.

To do endoscopic surgery, healthcare providers use very small tools and a camera inserted through a small opening in your nose and sinuses. When they reach your pituitary gland, they pierce the cyst and remove its contents, relieving pressure on your pituitary gland.


Is there a way to prevent Rathke cleft cysts?

Rathke cleft cysts are a congenital condition that cannot be prevented.

Outlook / Prognosis

What can I expect if I have a Rathke cleft cyst?

If your cyst is small and isn’t causing problems, providers often recommend follow up MRIs to monitor the cyst. Larger cysts might be removed with endoscopic surgery.

Living With

How do I take care of myself if I have a Rathke cleft cyst?

Even if your cyst doesn’t require surgery, ask your healthcare provider about symptoms you need to monitor. If you had surgery to remove your cyst, your healthcare provider might recommend regular MRIs to confirm the cyst hasn’t recurred.

When should I seek care for my Rathke cleft cyst?

Rathke cleft cysts can cause a variety of symptoms. If you know you have a cyst, ask your healthcare provider what symptoms might be linked to your cyst.

When should I go to the emergency room?

Rathke cleft cysts can affect your vision and cause severe headaches. You should go to the emergency room if you have sudden unusual problems seeing or persistent severe headaches.

What questions should I ask my doctor about Rathke cleft cysts?

If you have a Rathke cleft cyst, you might wonder how you developed your cyst and what problems you might have. Here are some questions you might want to ask:

  • Is my cyst benign?
  • Can my cyst become a cancerous tumor?
  • How large is my cyst?
  • Will my cyst keep growing?
  • Will I need surgery to remove my cyst?
  • What kind of medical problems could my cyst cause?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

It might be unnerving to learn there’s a tumor — even if it’s benign — on your pituitary gland. You might worry that your tumor could eventually become cancer or affect your health in other ways. If tests show you have a Rathke cleft cyst, talk to your healthcare provider about problems the cyst might cause and your treatment options.

Medically Reviewed

Last reviewed on 09/10/2021.

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