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Musician Rick Beato Emphasizes Prioritizing Health After Mitral Valve Repair

Following a quick recovery, Rick Beato says it’s hard to believe he underwent open-heart surgery in July 2024. The only reminder he has is a fading scar on his chest. The well-known multi-instrumentalist, whose musical expertise spans all genres, is now back to doing one of the things he loves most: creating and sharing videos about “everything music.”

“Sitting here right now, I would have no idea I had open-heart surgery a week ago,” says Rick in a health update video to his online followers after the procedure.

Rick’s health journey began in 2016 when he went to his doctor for an annual physical. Feeling well, he expected this to be a routine exam, but his doctor heard something abnormal.

“My doctor’s listening to my heart, and he says, ‘That sounds strange. It sounds like you have a heart murmur,’” says Rick.

On his doctor’s advice, Rick followed up with a local cardiologist where he lives in Atlanta, Georgia. That’s when Rick found out he had mitral valve regurgitation, which means your heart’s mitral valve doesn’t close completely, causing blood to leak back into the heart. A minor leak may not cause any symptoms at all, but a more severe leak can lead to serious complications like heart failure if not addressed.

“‘Am I going to need surgery,’ I asked the doctor. He told me maybe in three to five years, maybe never, but I had to stay on top of it,” says Rick.

Over the next few years, Rick had regular follow-ups with his cardiologist to monitor his heart. In April 2024, his condition got to the point where he needed surgery. Around this time, Rick recalls not feeling as energetic, but he didn’t think much of it.

“I was tired in the afternoons, but I was 61 at the time and thought, well, maybe I’m just tired in the afternoons,” laughs Rick.

After learning he needed surgery, a family member of Rick’s who had the same type of procedure recommended he seek care in Cleveland, Ohio. “‘You have to go to Cleveland Clinic. That’s the only place to go,’ they told me.”

Dr. Marc Gillinov talking to Rick at an appointment
Dr. Marc Gillinov discusses Rick’s condition with him during an appointment at Cleveland Clinic main campus in Cleveland, Ohio. (Courtesy: Cleveland Clinic)

At Cleveland Clinic, Rick met Marc Gillinov, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon and Chairman of the Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Department. Because Rick kept up with his follow-up appointments all those years, Dr. Gillinov says he sought surgical intervention at just the right time.

“Oftentimes we see people with mitral valve regurgitation who've waited too long for whatever reason, they start having symptoms and their heart may become larger and weaker because it’s working overtime,” says Dr. Gillinov. “This wasn’t the case for Rick because he stayed on top of it with his cardiologist.”

Dr. Gillinov determined a mitral valve repair via open-heart surgery would be Rick’s best treatment option. “The mitral valve is like a car with a dent,” Dr. Gillinov says. “You want to fix the dent over getting a new car. The same goes for the mitral valve – you want to repair your own valve over replacing it when you can.”

Over the years, advancements in techniques and technologies for mitral valve repairs have included the development of minimally invasive surgical procedures, the use of robotics, and the creation of new devices for valve repair and replacement. These advancements have improved patient outcomes, reduced recovery times and expanded treatments.

Dr. Marc Gillinov walking and talking with Rick
Rick says Dr. Gillinov made him feel at ease leading up to his mitral valve repair. (Courtesy: Cleveland Clinic)

Rick says he wasn’t nervous leading up to his procedure because he felt he was in good hands. In addition to Dr. Gillinov, he was surprised how many specialists were in the operating room to care for him. Surgical team members included a cardiac anesthesiologist, cardiac nurse anesthetist, perfusionists, surgical assistants and nurses who specialize solely in cardiac surgery.

In July 2024, Rick had a successful mitral valve repair. Although he experienced soreness and brief bouts of pain typical after surgery, Rick recalls a speedy recovery. Just one week after the procedure, he felt well enough to get back to his home recording studio, planning the next productions and interviews for his online global music community. The father of three kids, named Dylan, Lennon and Layla, in tribute to legendary musicians, also noticed a boost in his energy.

“Before my surgery, I’d get really out of breath when I played basketball with my kids in the backyard. It got to the point where I stopped doing it because I just thought I couldn’t run around like that anymore,” says Rick. “After my surgery, I can get out there and play basketball with them again. It’s really remarkable. I’m very grateful and appreciative for everything Dr. Gillinov and his team did for me.”

Since he underwent the mitral valve repair in time, Dr. Gillinov says Rick didn’t experience any damage to his heart and it’s now functioning normally. “For a valve condition like Rick's, we're confident in a consistently successful repair.” Dr. Gillinov stresses early detection is key when it comes to any cardiac issue.

Rick at Cleveland Clinic
After the successful mitral valve repair, Rick’s now sharing his journey to highlight the importance of prioritizing your health. (Courtesy: Cleveland Clinic)

“What I would tell everyone is if you haven't had someone listen to your heart in the last year, put that on your list for tomorrow,” says Dr. Gillinov.

Rick echoes the same message. He also shares gratitude for the support he received from friends, family and social media followers and hopes his story will help others.

“After my surgery, it’s amazing how many people I’ve talked with, including musicians, who have had valve surgery. To keep doing what you’re passionate about and being around the people you love, don’t put off anything regarding your health,” says Rick.

Related Institutes: Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute (Miller Family)
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