Frequently Asked Questions
How much orientation is provided?
You will be welcomed into Cleveland Clinic family through a system orientation on your first day of employment. Soon thereafter, you will be afforded time to complete a variety of online educational modules vital for successful completion of the residency. You will be trained by a pharmacist for a five week period at the start of the residency to learn and understand the wide variety of daily duties of a practicing pharmacist at Fairview Hospital.
How many hours will I be “on duty”?
Duty hours are limited to 80 hours per week, averaged over a four-week period, inclusive of all hospital-based activities and any additional work time (”moonlighting”). Duty hours do not include reading, studying, academic preparation time for presentations and journal clubs, travel time to and from conferences or meetings or hours that are not scheduled by the residency program director or preceptor The resident will be provided at least one day in seven free of duty averaged over a 4 week period. In general, the resident will have 10 hours free of duty time between scheduled duty (from time leave one day till time needed to return to work).
How much excused time is available?
Residents are provided 10 days of paid excused time during the resident year. In addition to two interview and two professional days.
What projects or presentations are required in addition to daily clinical activities?
Residents will be responsible for a medication use evaluation (MUE), research project, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Monograph as well as completion of drug information questions, journal club presentations, formal presentations to various levels of Hospital staff, and case presentations.
Do I attend professional conferences throughout the residency?
Yes, pharmacy residents will attend the ASHP Midyear meeting and a Residency Conference. Residents are also highly encouraged to attend the Ohio College of Clinical Pharmacists meetings and Cleveland Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Does Fairview Hospital support travel to conferences?
Fairview Hospital will reimburse pharmacy residents for travel to and from the ASHP Midyear Meeting, Resident trip and a Residency Conference. Residents are also reimbursed for miles driven for travel to and from local events.
What other educational opportunities are available?
Pharmacy residents will have the opportunity to precept students from various pharmacy schools throughout the Cleveland area. Residents will have the opportunity to attend a wide variety of leadership and employee engagement activities during the residency year. Fairview Hospital has an active medical residency program that affords the pharmacy resident an opportunity to not only learn and teach medical residents but also presents an opportunity to meet and network with these medical professionals on a daily basis.
What teaching opportunities are available at Fairview Hospital?
Opportunities to make presentations to the medical staff members of the hospital will be available throughout the year. The resident will also take advantage of the opportunities afforded by the active community outreach programs at Fairview Hospital. The resident will participate in the teaching certificate program available through Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED).
Will I need an Ohio pharmacy license?
Yes, you are required to be licensed by the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy to practice as a pharmacist in the State of Ohio or to have completed the Board licensure examination at the time of application. Failure to achieve Ohio licensure will result in dismissal from the residency program (within 90 days of your start). It is strongly encouraged for you to be licensed prior to the start of your residency. If this is an issue, residents should expect to sit for their license within the first week of their employment.
Is the residency accredited?
The residency program is fully accredited by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists.
How many residents are selected?
Currently, Fairview Hospital selects four residents each year.
Does this program participate in the match?
Yes, Fairview Hospital participates in the match.
When is the application deadline?
All application materials are due the first week of January. Please refer to the ASHP Residency Program Directory for specific date. All materials are submitted through PHORCAS. This includes letters of recommendation. All applicants are urged to allow enough time for persons writing letters of recommendation and to inquire about the timeliness in which letters are sent. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Is an interview required?
Yes, an on-site interview is required.
When will interviews take place?
Interviews take place as scheduled. Candidates that are being offered an interview will be contacted in January.
When does the residency begin and end?
The residency begins in late June of each year. Residents must go through Cleveland Clinic orientation. Our residency is 12 months long and will end in June of the following year.
How are residents evaluated?
Residents are evaluated utilizing the PharmAcademic system. Snapshot evaluations are completed during each rotation. Learning Experience and Preceptor and Summative evaluations should be completed and discussed by the final day of the rotation. Residents will also be evaluated quarterly by the program director, and by preceptors who are working with residents in longitudinal experiences such as NEOMED teaching certificate and Family Medicine Clinic.
Will the residency program be showcased at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting?
Yes, the residency is showcased at the ASHP Midyear Meeting. The Fairview Hospital Residency Program will be showcased with all other Cleveland Clinic Residency Programs.
How will this residency prepare me for board certification?
In addition to the critical thinking skills you develop during patient care, the required rotations of Fairview Hospital's PGY1 residency offer an excellent preparation for the pharmacotherapy specialist certification (BCPS) exam. Fairview Hospital also offers a number of continuing education opportunities throughout the year on a wide variety of topics which help reinforce the resident’s general range of knowledge and experience acquired in your PGY1 year.
What is EPIC?
EPIC is a computer-based provider order entry system that Fairview Hospital and all Cleveland Clinic facilities utilize. The program integrates data from pharmacy, admissions, laboratory, radiology, nursing, medicine and microbiology and other disciplines. EPIC supports daily pharmaceutical care duties by providing:
- patient demographic data
- laboratory test results
- microbiology results
- medication order information
Additionally, patient daily progress notes, nursing care notes and all data pertinent to patient care is available on this computer system. Epic is used to document the pharmacist’s clinical activities, interventions and monitoring notes.