A face transplant is a rare type of surgery that replaces your damaged facial tissue with donated tissue from someone who’s died. It’s a complex procedure that requires a large team of specialized healthcare providers to connect a donor’s face to your blood vessels, nerves and muscles. Risks include rejection and infection.
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A face transplant is a type of surgery that replaces all or part of your face with donated facial tissue from a deceased person. This type of surgery is a vascularized composite allograft (VCA), an experimental surgery involving skin, bone, nerves and blood vessels. To receive a face transplant, you must have a serious facial disfigurement. There’s a limited amount of facial tissue donors, so you must meet strict requirements to qualify for this type of transplant.
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Face transplants are difficult and complex procedures. They may involve many different characteristics, including your nose, lower eyelids, skin, muscles, bony structures, arteries, veins and nerves. After receiving a face transplant, you’ll need extensive medical care, including physical therapy and medications.
In general, you’re a good candidate for a face transplant if:
Getting a face transplant is a personal decision. There are many serious risks involved in getting a face transplant. You must dedicate yourself to intense rehabilitation for up to a year after the procedure and regular checkups for the rest of your life.
People who get a face transplant wish to improve a serious facial disfigurement. The disfigurement may also affect the ability to breathe, speak, chew or swallow.
Face transplants are rare procedures. The first face transplant took place in 2005. As of 2022, healthcare providers have performed fewer than 50 face transplants throughout the world.
Cleveland Clinic performed the first partial face transplant in the United States in 2008. In 2017, Cleveland Clinic performed its first total face transplant.
There isn’t enough data to accurately calculate life expectancy after a face transplant because the procedure is rare. The survival rate for a face transplant is about 89%.
Before your face transplant procedure, you must go through very thorough evaluations, including:
Once your healthcare providers have finished their evaluations and determined you’re a good candidate for a face transplant, they’ll put you on a face donation list. A face donation isn’t part of the organ donor registry you may sign up for when you get a driver’s license or state identification card. A face donor’s surviving family members must grant special permission to allow a face donation. In some cases, a donor may share their decision to allow a face donation in the event of their death.
More than any other organ, the face has emotional value — it helps identify others and convey feelings. Many people waiting for a face transplant have mixed feelings because they know that someone must die before a face becomes available. When processing these feelings, it’s helpful to remember that many donor families feel a sense of peace knowing that their loved one’s death may help others.
You must match the following requirements with your donor:
In addition, you must also have enough healthy skin elsewhere on your body to serve as a skin graft if your body rejects the face transplant.
As a result of these strict requirements, you may be on a face donation list for months or even years.
Once you have matched with a donor, you must quickly head to the surgical facility.
The healthcare providers on your face transplant team generally include:
If you need eye or dental care, your team may also include ophthalmologists and dentists.
Your donor may have recently died or be brain-dead. If someone is brain-dead, machines keep their body alive but the brain has no signs of life. During a face transplant, your team of healthcare providers first completely removes the donor’s face, including:
Healthcare providers then cool the face and store it in a special solution to preserve it.
During a face transplant procedure, you’re sedated (put under) so you aren’t awake and won’t feel any pain.
Once you’re asleep, healthcare providers may need to prepare the area by shaving your face or scalp. They’ll use an alcohol-based pen to mark your face. The marks will help guide their incisions and identify veins and arteries that they’ll connect to the donated face.
Healthcare providers will remove your damaged skin and tissues. The most important part of the surgery is connecting all of your many blood vessels to the donor’s face with very small surgical needles and thread. Blood vessels allow your transplanted face to receive blood (vascularization), which keeps the tissue alive.
Once your healthcare providers have confirmed that blood is flowing to your transplanted face, they’ll connect (graft) your nerves and muscles. The nerves allow your face to have feeling and sensitivity, including touch, heat, cold and pain. Facial muscles allow your face to move, including chewing, smiling, frowning, blinking and moving your eyebrows. Healthcare providers may also connect cartilage and bones with screws and plates.
Finally, your healthcare providers will stitch (suture) your soft tissues and skin together.
A face transplant is a delicate procedure that requires a lot of time. Its length depends on the extent of damage to your face. It may take anywhere from 10 to 36 hours.
After the face transplant procedure is complete, your anesthesiologist will stop putting anesthesia into your body to keep you asleep. You’ll move to an intensive care room, where healthcare providers wait for you to wake up and monitor your overall health. Once your healthcare providers believe it’s safe, they’ll move you to a transplant unit.
In the transplant unit, you’ll start to work with physical therapists to develop facial movements. You may also talk to psychiatrists about any psychological issues you may have during the recovery process, including anxiety and depression.
Once your healthcare providers believe it’s safe, they’ll discharge you (let you go home). On average, you’ll be in the hospital between one and four weeks after surgery.
A face transplant positively affects your overall quality of life. In addition to treating facial disfigurements, a face transplant can help improve other functions, including:
A face transplant has many risks, including:
For at least three months after you leave the hospital, you must return for regular treatment, therapy and monitoring. Your appointments will include physical therapy, blood tests, imaging tests and mental evaluations.
Each situation is unique for every person, but facial swelling should go down after two to three months. Within about six months, feeling should return to your face. And within about 12 months, most facial functions should return to most of your face.
After a face transplant, schedule regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare providers. You may require multiple appointments every week for testing and therapy. Once you’ve healed and regained facial functions, follow-up appointments are usually only needed once a year.
You won’t look exactly like your donor because your bone structures are different. However, you’ll retain certain skin features, including freckles, moles or scars.
A face transplant is major surgery with the potential to improve your quality of life after facial disfigurement. You must go through exhaustive evaluations before you’re on a face donor list. And once you’re on the list, you may have to be very patient — it can take months or even years to find the perfect donor. The recovery process is also long, and you may experience some difficult setbacks. It’s important to have a support system that can help you talk through the pros and cons of such a major surgery and recovery process, as well as advocate on your behalf. Your healthcare provider is also available to answer your questions and make sure you’re comfortable with your choices.
Whether you need cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery, you’ll need skilled, detailed and compassionate providers. At Cleveland Clinic, we’re here to help.
Last reviewed on 06/15/2022.
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