An ostomy is a surgery that creates an opening in your abdomen, changing the way that waste (pee and poop) exits your body. Healthcare providers use ostomy surgery to treat certain diseases of the urinary or digestive systems.
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An ostomy is a surgery that helps your body remove waste when you have damage to your digestive or urinary system. During the procedure, a surgeon creates a small opening in your belly (stoma). This opening goes from an area inside your body to the outside of your abdomen.
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The purpose of an ostomy is to change the way pee or poop exits your body. After ostomy surgery, waste drains from inside your body to the outside — and collects in a pouch, or an ostomy bag.
While the term “ostomy” refers to the procedure, “stoma” refers to the actual opening in your belly. Your stoma might be on your upper or lower abdomen, or on the left or right side, depending on your needs.
The type of ostomy you need depends on which part of your digestive or urinary system needs to be bypassed:
Ostomies may be temporary or permanent depending on your specific needs. Temporary ostomies can give your body time to heal after surgeries or other procedures. You might need a permanent ostomy if you have a more serious condition, or if you had your rectum or anus removed.
You might need ostomy surgery if you have certain digestive or urinary issues like:
Ostomy surgery is more common than most people may realize. About 1 in every 500 Americans lives with an ostomy.
Prior to your ostomy surgery, you’ll meet with your medical team to discuss the details of your procedure. During this appointment, your healthcare provider will determine the location of your stoma. They’ll consider factors like your activity level, typical clothing choices and personal preferences. You’ll also learn how to properly care for the stoma (the opening in your abdomen).
You’ll be under general anesthesia for your ostomy surgery. Your surgeon may create a long incision in your abdomen, or they may do the procedure laparoscopically. Laparoscopy requires smaller incisions, uses a camera to look inside your body and typically allows for faster recovery. Your healthcare provider can let you know which type of incision you’ll have.
Ostomy surgery usually occurs as part of a larger surgery. So, the steps can vary depending on your specific needs. But whether you’re having a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy, the goal is the same — to redirect waste around damaged or healing portions of your digestive or urinary system and allow it to leave your body through a stoma.
Most people require a hospital stay. During this time, your medical team will monitor your progress and make sure you’re healing properly. You may need a catheter to drain urine or IV fluids to keep you hydrated.
In many cases, ostomy surgery is lifesaving. In other situations, it treats a wide range of digestive and urinary diseases and helps people significantly improve their quality of life.
As with any surgery, there can be complications after ostomy surgery.
General risks after surgery include:
Risks specific to ostomy surgery can range from mild to severe and may include:
All in all, ostomy surgery recovery takes about eight weeks, though you don’t have many limitations while recovering. You should still get up and walk around as you’re able. Staying mobile will aid in healing, prevent infections and help your bowel work more quickly.
After ostomy surgery, you’ll wear an ostomy bag or pouch. Your healthcare provider will show you how to attach, empty and change the pouch. Most ostomy bags or pouching systems come with one or two pieces. The bag also comes with a barrier (which protects your stoma) and a disposable plastic pouch.
It depends on the type of pouch system you have. Most people will need to change their ostomy bag every three to seven days. Some will need to change it daily. When changing your ostomy bag, be sure to:
In addition to keeping your stoma clean, be sure to examine it daily to ensure it looks normal. If you notice any changes in its size, color or shape, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
If you’ve recently had ostomy surgery, it can be challenging to know which symptoms warrant a call to your healthcare provider. You should always trust your intuition if something doesn’t seem quite right. Call your healthcare provider right away if you notice:
Sometimes, ostomies are reversible. Once your bowel is functioning properly again, your provider may be able to do ostomy reversal surgery.
You’ll still use a toilet after your ostomy. You’ll just use it a bit differently. When your ostomy bag is almost full, you’ll either empty it into a toilet or switch it out for a new one. How you do this depends on which system you have.
Your experience also depends on which type of ostomy you have:
Yes, you can swim with your ostomy bag. Pouching systems are waterproof. You can wear your ostomy pouch any time you’re in water, as long as it’s sealed properly.
You can live a long, full life after ostomy surgery. This procedure has no effect on your lifespan.
Hearing that you need an ostomy can feel scary and uncertain. Whether it’s temporary or permanent, having an ostomy is a significant change in your day-to-day life. Talk to a therapist about how you’re feeling. Ask your healthcare provider for additional resources. Consider joining an ostomy support group. Talking with others who are going through the same thing can help you on your journey.
For some people, ostomy is a temporary treatment. For others, it’s a cure.
Some conditions like rectal and colon cancer, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis may require colorectal surgery. Cleveland Clinic has the expert care you need.
Last reviewed on 08/19/2024.
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