Babies born with arthrogryposis have stiff or frozen joints. The cause of arthrogryposis is unknown, but experts suspect environmental and genetic issues. Treatments like physical therapy can improve your quality of life.
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Arthrogryposis (arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, AMC) is a characteristic of over 300 disorders, including muscular dystrophy and trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome). It refers to the occurrence of more than one contracture at birth. A contracture is a congenital anomaly that causes permanent tightening of your baby’s muscles, skin and tendons that make their joints short and stiff. Arthrogryposis means crooking (bending) of the joint. “Artho” means joint, and “gryposis” means crooking.
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People with arthrogryposis are born with joints that are difficult to move — the joints might be fixed, curved or straight joints frozen in place. Your joints are where two or more bones connect. Examples of joints in your body include your:
Babies with arthrogryposis are born with several distinctive features, including:
There are a couple of types of arthrogryposis, including:
Arthrogryposis is uncommon. It occurs in 1 in 3,000 live births.
Arthrogryposis is congenital, meaning the symptoms begin before birth. The cause of arthrogryposis is often unknown. But genetic diseases might cause it. Experts have identified more than 400 altered (mutated) genes that affect arthrogryposis, and arthrogryposis is linked to over 35 genetic disorders.
Isolated congenital contractures happen only in one area of your body instead of two or more areas. One example of an isolated congenital contracture is clubfoot.
In most cases, the exact underlying cause of arthrogryposis is unclear. However, the most common possible causes of arthrogryposis include:
In some cases, the cause of arthrogryposis is likely a combination of genetic and environmental issues.
The signs and symptoms of arthrogryposis can vary from person to person. One person’s symptoms might be different or more severe than another’s, even within the same family.
Universal symptoms that everyone with arthrogryposis experiences include:
Additional symptoms a majority of people with arthrogryposis experience include:
Symptoms that a smaller percentage of people with arthrogryposis have include:
People with amyoplasia usually don’t have issues with their internal organs or cognitive function. But 10% have issues with their abdomen. Abdominal problems include:
Leg joints are affected more than any other joint, with arms next in line. Other commonly affected joints include your:
Arthrogryposis doesn’t go away, but there are some treatments that can improve your quality of life. Physical therapy helps with everyday tasks like getting dressed and drinking water.
Sometimes, a fetus is diagnosed with arthrogryposis before birth. Routine ultrasounds can reveal atypical limbs that might mean the fetus has arthrogryposis. Usually, your healthcare provider discovers the contractures during the second trimester of pregnancy. Your healthcare provider might recommend genetic counseling.
Your genetic counselor should give you information about the genetic conditions that might affect the fetus. They’ll interview you about your family health history and recommend genetic tests, including:
Healthcare providers can also diagnose arthrogryposis after your baby’s born by observing their symptoms and performing tests like:
Healthcare providers sometimes also rely on imaging tests, including:
Your healthcare provider will create a treatment plan once they identify a possible underlying cause of the arthrogryposis. You can help develop that plan.
Although there isn’t a cure for arthrogryposis, treatments can improve your child’s quality of life.
The treatments are different for each person because the probable causes of arthrogryposis are different for everyone.
The most common types of treatment for arthrogryposis include:
Experts recommend a multidisciplinary approach. Your child might need more than one type of treatment.
You’ll need to see specialists who help with your child’s arthrogryposis. A pediatrician, orthopaedist, neurologist, medical geneticist, rehabilitation physician and physical therapist might all be involved in the care of your child.
Most people with arthrogryposis need to do physical therapy well into their teenage years. There are some exercises that physical therapists can teach you to do at home.
Preventing arthrogryposis is out of your hands. There’s nothing you could’ve done to reduce your child’s risk of arthrogryposis.
The long-term outlook for people with AMC depends on a few circumstances, including:
The majority of people with arthrogryposis grow up to be independent adults. Treatment helps them improve their mobility to the point that they can lead lives similar to people who don’t have arthrogryposis.
Arthrogryposis isn’t progressive. Although arthrogryposis doesn’t get worse, the underlying condition that causes it might. You might want to educate yourself about the possible cause of your child’s arthrogryposis when your healthcare providers confirm it.
Asking questions can help you gain a better understanding of arthrogryposis. Consider asking your healthcare providers the following questions about your baby's diagnosis:
People with arthrogryposis are born with stiff or frozen joints. Everyday activities like walking and holding a cup may be difficult. Most people require physical therapy and sometimes surgery to improve their quality of life.
The very last thing a parent wants to hear is that there’s something wrong with the fetus or their infant. Try not to blame yourself. There’s nothing you could’ve done differently. Talk to your healthcare provider about counseling and support groups if you need help coping with this difficult situation. You’re not alone. There are other families in similar situations.
Last reviewed on 05/18/2022.
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