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Catalyst Grants

Empowering Caregivers for High-Quality Care

The Catalyst Grants is a program designed to help our caregivers’ become champions for ideas that will deliver high quality, compassionate care for our patients and communities. 100% of gifts made to the program through Cleveland Clinic Annual Fund campaigns — from the Philanthropy Institute’s mailings, calling programs, online donation forms, etc. — will catalyze projects that, in one year, expand patient support services, lay the groundwork for medical breakthroughs, and implement health and wellness programs.

Everything Starts With an Idea

It’s this spirit of innovation and invention that drives Cleveland Clinic employees, called caregivers, to imagine groundbreaking medical discoveries, superior patient services or influential population health programs. Executing an idea, however, takes planning, determination — and funding. Launched in 2018, the Catalyst Grants program was created to help our caregivers implement their best and brightest ideas and positively impact our patients and communities.

The Philanthropy Institute, Cleveland Clinic Innovations, and Lerner Research Institute offer a single application process for their granting programs. Upon submission, proposals are eligible for all three funding opportunities. A screening committee will determine which program your project is best suited for based on your area of focus, requested funding amount, and other factors.

All caregivers are invited to submit an application.

For the Catalyst SPARK Award, you MUST submit an Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) to Innovations.

When Can I Apply?

Application Available Summer Cycle
February 1
Winter Cycle
August 1
Application Due Summer Cycle
March 31
Winter Cycle
September 30
Grantees Notified Summer Cycle
June 1
Winter Cycle
December 1
Funding Awarded Summer Cycle
July 1
Winter Cycle
January 1
Funding Cycle Summer Cycle
July 1 - June 31         
Winter Cycle
January 1 - December 31


What makes a strong application?

The Screening Committees and reviewers for all of these programs are looking for the following components to strengthen an application:

  • Did you include planned outcomes communicated through SMART goals? (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound)
  • Is the reach and intensity of the impact of this project stated in the application?
  • Does the story resonate with the donors who fund these programs?
  • Is your budget appropriate and comprehensive?
  • Will you be able to hit measurable milestones within the allotted funding cycle?
  • Does the application address a relevant clinical need?

What happens after I apply?

Each program’s committee will evaluate your application against the requirements and guidelines of the funding programs. If selected for funding, you will be notified of next steps from the individual program(s).

Why was the application process combined for multiple programs?

There are many donor-sponsored internal funding opportunities across the enterprise. We found an easier way for you to find the right funding for your project. The combined process maximizes every caregiver’s potential for project funding.

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